08:20 – We spent yesterday up in the mountains looking at homes in the Jefferson and Boone areas. We’ve ruled out the Boone area, where equivalent homes sell for about 50% more than in Jefferson. And we both much prefer the Jefferson area anyway.
Our real-estate agent is getting some final details resolved before we put in an offer on a house we looked at yesterday. It’s in town, which means the property taxes are twice what they’d be if it were outside town limits, but it also means we’ll have municipal water, sewer, garbage collection, and so on. The house is in great condition. We could move in without having to fix or replace anything. There’s central heat and air, as well as a big wood stove in the basement. There’s plenty of floor space, both finished and an unfinished full basement for the business. There’s plenty of room for Colin to run, an outbuilding for Barbara’s tractor, combine, harvester, and other Green Acres farming equipment, and even a stream on the property.
August is starting typically. When we left about 0815 yesterday morning, we had no kit orders for the month. When we returned around 1630, we had five kit orders outstanding. At the moment, we have enough finished kits in stock to carry us through the first 10 days or two weeks of this month. We’ll be working today on boosting that supply by building more subassemblies.