08:42 – After dinner last night, Barbara was back in her office checking email and reading web pages, including mine. I was surprised when she shouted that she wanted me to order her a printed copy of 100-day Pantry: 100 Quick and Easy Gourmet Meals. She assumed I’d gotten it for Kindle but wanted a hard copy to look over and try out some of the recipes. I shouted back that I’d get it for her. When she finished back in her office and arrived in the den, I handed her the printed copy and told her that I’d ordered it and Amazon had just delivered it via drone.
After she’d finished beating me about the head and shoulders with it, she said that she wanted to try some of the recipes in it to use our shelf-stable food storage stuff. Like Jen, I’m fortunate to be married to someone who’s on-board with my prepping activities. That’s still fairly unusual. Most preppers are married to someone who at best thinks they’re nuts and at worst is actively opposed to prepping in any form, some so much so that they actually discard stored food, water, and other preps when they come across them. Normalcy bias on steroids.
Barbara is off to run some errands and then do some yard work. The rest of the weekend, we’ll both be working on science kits.