08:42 – I thought local newspapers were concentrating on local news as a matter of survival, but the whole first section of our paper today was pretty much devoted to the Charleston, SC church shooting and Brian Williams being demoted from the major leagues to Pop Warner. News from the past. Surely there can’t be anyone in Winston-Salem who hadn’t already seen the coverage all over the Internet and TV yesterday.
The shooter was apparently an avowed white separatist or supremacist. A friend of his commented, “He said blacks were taking over the world. Someone needed to do something about it for the white race,” Meek said, adding that the friends were getting drunk on vodka. “He said he wanted segregation between whites and blacks.”
So why shoot up a church full of ordinary black people who were, like anyone else, just trying to get by? Why not go after Sharpton, Jackson, or one of the other racist rabble-rousers who make a living by stirring up hatred between the races? For that matter, why not go after gang-bangers? This guy reminds me of a beginning chess player who delights in taking pawns because they’re so easy to get. It’s not brave to slaughter unarmed civilians. It’s pathetic. Had this guy decided to go after racist pot-stirrers or gang members, I might have had at least a bit of respect for him. But going after defenseless ordinary people is a cowardly act that deserves only contempt. I hope they burn him.
09:55 – Is it just me, or should the EU be working flat-out to build its military forces in the face of the Russian threat? Current European military forces are pathetic. If the US draws down US military forces in Europe, as it should until they reach zero, Europe will be defenseless against Russia invading former Eastern Bloc countries, including the former East Germany. If I were Merkel and the Germans, I’d be building and training Panzer divisions as fast as I could. It’s decades past time when Europe should be paying the full costs of its own defense.
He got a senator, who ironically voted against concealed carry.
The one thing that would have given them a chance, denied to them by the rev.
Okay, I can’t really hold it against anyone who kills a politician, but what about the other eight?
As you said, easy targets.
Victim disarmament zone, mostly female.
Given the history of stretching the truth ™ among some in the grievance industry, I’m looking for video or audio before I accept the statements about what was said at face value. It fits the narrative a little too well.
Be interesting from a forensic perspective to see where he lives vs the church and to understand his victim selection process. Interesting but not crucial. There is no way to stop them in advance, only once the shooting starts, so there really isn’t any benefit to poring over every detail.
If I went to church, which I don’t, I’d certainly be armed. I’m surprised at least one of the congregation wasn’t armed. And, if I understand correctly, seeing a white person at services was unusual. One would think that seeing a young male paleface would have bumped everyone up to Condition Orange, but apparently not. I’ve never understood people who live in Condition White, but I’ve seen it so frequently that I don’t doubt that most people live in that state 24×7.
It seems particularly common in girls and women, many of whom without a thought walk into situations that would have scared me back when I was still someone to contend with. I guess the “it can’t happen here syndrome” extends to “it can’t happen to me”.
> should the EU be working flat-out to build its military forces in the face of the Russian threat?
> Current European military forces are pathetic
If the US draws down US military forces in Europe
Please do…it would be good wake up call for Europe, and save y’all money. ‘course, it ain’t gonna happen, because military spending is a great source of graft for a whole raft of crooked political and executive types.
That said, Russia’s forces aren’t anything to write home about. Under equipped and what they do have is mostly pretty old. They could walk all over a lot of the Eastern block, which would be a disaster. But I expect they’ll stop short of provoking Western forces.
I go to church pretty regularly and EDC 7×24 every day anyway; it has always occurred to me while in church that we/they are all sitting ducks, pretty much, and I’d guess I’m probably the only one so armed most of the time.
Consider the reverse of that situation; our all-white parish here one Sunday has a young black male visitor, and not of the usual African or Haitian variety, but clearly a dude from the Murkan inner city. I can attest that I for one would be in Condition Orange and the race-baiters can shove that up their collective asses if they dare to say anything about it. Someone down there should have been eyeballing this little batshit fucker very closely, and ideally someone, if not armed, might have tried to jump his narrow lily-white ass. In any case he’s looking at his new career very soon as a bar of soap for whichever elements in the prison system, and it could be any of them; AN guys might like him; their opposite numbers not so much; either way he’s done for.
I’d say most folks swan around all day in Condition White, even while driving in heavy traffic. And agree with RBT that the female of the species is willfully clueless much of the time and in the North Murkan variety, will act surprised and annoyed if you bring this up with them. I guess they’d rather take their chances of becoming victims, and thus gain a whole new career possibility; victimhood has been a major growth industry here paralleling the one run by the grievance pimps and whores.
But they have no money to do so. They’ve spent it all, then borrowed, then spent that.
Further, they’ve been so effective “reforming” education and twisting history to their own ends, that there is no one left with the will to fight.
Unless some outrageous massive act of savagery happens to boil the blood of the young men of Europe, they won’t be able to raise a regiment. They have been very successful psychologically neutering their men. Between that and the massive culling of active, brave, aggressive young men that was WWI and WWII, they have nothing left.
And we can’t draw down to zero if we want to maintain the ability to ‘reach out and touch someone’ anywhere in the world. We need the bases.
“But I expect they’ll stop short of provoking Western forces.”
Yet our rulers do their damndest to keep provoking them and poking them in the eye with a stick. Why? Cui bono? Utterly stupid. We have been doing the same with Iran; and I’m told by some surprising sources that if I’m not on board with denying them nuclear power, I am persona non grata and cast into Outer Darkness.
OK, muthafuckas; if we’re gonna shut down their nuke program, why not extend it, then, to the Norks, the Pakis, the Indians, the Red Chinese, and the Israelis? Only us and the Russians should have them, amirite? Oh wait–shut down the Russians, too; they’re still our worst possible enemy and must be dogged and hammered every chance we get.
This will all be moot if and when some hadji sleeper cell detonates a dirty nuke in a North Murkan city. What then, genius global strategists?
“What then, genius global strategists?”
Well if that happens, I’m hoping for a Tom Kratman style purge. Give them the same options they give us–submit or die. Give up the stone age nonsense and assimilate, or GTFO. They got here, they can get somewhere else; especially as they’ve had the benefit of being here for x amount of time.
I suspect a lot of what we’re seeing is a result of bringing up a generation of kids that believe the world revolves around them. Parents are too indulging, the children are never allowed to fail, and when they do, it’s the fault of someone else not theirs. When these kids enter the real world they find they are no longer the center of the Universe, feel frustrated and blame the rest of society for their problems, because in their heads it could never be their fault. Add to that the instant celebrity status that can be achieved by doing something outrageous and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. As someone who I’m not a fan of recently said, “Americas chickens have come home to roost.”
Natural selection is inexorable. Ultimately, those free-riders who feel the world owes them anything they want are going to find out it doesn’t. In many cases, they won’t survive the learning experience. That may happen later this afternoon or years from now, but it’s going to happen.
In the long run, smart, hard-working people thrive. Stupid, lazy ones do not.
Idiocracy – where the stupid breed like rabbits, and the smart, hard working people are too busy to raise families.
That’s one of the big reasons my focus is on preparing for civil unrest. Sure, we could have a lethal pandemic, an EMP attack, a CME, etc. In fact, those are nearly inevitable on a longer scale. But I think severe civil unrest is almost certain to occur, and on a shorter time scale.
And like many prepping things, there is overlap.
Any big thing is likely to generate a crapload of civil unrest (or riots, looting, fires, rape, and murder- to speak plainly.)
Being prepared for those fun things will cover that component in other events.
Having been thru the LA riots, with smoke blowing in my front door and fires everywhere I looked, fire is the thing that scares me.
I can’t shoot it, feed it, or bandage it.
It is VERY easy to picture a scenario where I can’t keep the arsonists away with force or otherwise, because they haven’t done anything yet, until it is too late.
I can’t put out a fire, even in my neighbor’s yard, and secure my stuff at the same time.
I increased my fire extinguisher count significantly after some discussion of the issue earlier this year, but that is still woefully inadequate if the mob starts burning stuff.
Now in Texas at least, you can shoot them to prevent them from starting the fires, but you better have rock solid evidence or 100% deniability.
Anyone seriously prepped for fires? Non-combustible materials? Suppression systems? Intumescent paint?
Here is some prepping stuff from Cool Tools. They link to Havalon Knives which has a section of free articles on fishing, hunting and dressing critters. Add to your kit bag if you like.
Which is why I’m actually preparing for a Radioactive Infectious Zombie Apocalypse that occurs during a long-term grid-down event. I figure that way I’m prepared for anything else as well.
This is something beginning preppers miss- that prepping is a process and that it builds on itself. And that by prepping for a zombie apocalypse you are covered for all the lesser disasters, including the personal ones.
That’s why I think and organize in terms of duration. Each milestone supports the next.
Yeah, I’m going to do some tests on gelling fuel oil and spraying the gel under pressure. The stuff will be *much* harder to ignite than gasoline-based napalm, but just as hard to extinguish.
Incidentally, from tests I did back in the 70’s, I know that a plastic bottle filled with medium-gelled gasoline napalm and hit with a 7.62 tracer round works great. Flying globs of burning napalm out to a radius of 5 or 10 meters. I also did some tests with spontaneous-ignition in air using white phosphorus and phosphine, which both worked well. The blue-tips didn’t work, apparently because they need to hit something substantial to become incendiary.
Oh, wait, you meant *putting out* fires.
Lawn sprinkler with the 2 bent arms that spins around, spraying out for about 15 ft in each direction?
I’m thinking that some other non-dangerous things might be sprayed, like vinegar or ammonia. I think an
entry teampack of savages would freak their sh!t if they got sprayed with an unknown, but irritating substance.nick
especially if it clung, or foamed
Dreaming up ways to hurt peepul and kill them. Nasty.
Mr. Al is on-target; I mainly blame the parents and the society they have wrought here. And yea unto the present generations; I watched as all four of my siblings filled rooms full of toyz and suchlike for their kids on birthdays and at Xmas; and it continues with our grandkids down in MA and soon out in Kalifornia; more toyz and junk in a day than I ever had over years growing up, and not because we were poor, either. When I was a kid we created our own entertainment (blowing shit up) and played outdoors a LOT. Tee-vee was an hour or two at night, tops. All kinds of rotten behavior is excused and blown off now; it happened with our own daughter, ’cause I had nearly zero standing, partly my fault. We have sown the wind and now reap the whirlwind.
Very good point on the fire safety stuff, though; I have it on my to-do list; decent smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, etc. throughout the property. Next pay check. Along with a manual pump of some kind for the well and getting a plumber in here.
Normal diesel has a gel point around +15 degrees F as I understand it whilst “winter blend” diesel includes anti-gelling agents to reduce the gel point to -10 or -15F.
If one were to create jellied diesel will there be a problem with low temperature use?
I’m talking about polymer gelling.
If I were a European, I’d be almost as leery of the Germans building more Leopard 2s and Panzerhaubitze 2000s as I was of the Russians. Of course, that might be cause for the Poles, et al to build lots and lots of Hellfires and TOWs, but such things can’t be done in an instant. All of which is to concur that the Euros ought to provide for their own defense, rather than our doing so.
As far as that POS in South Carolina, it used to be said (alas quite truthfully) that Sunday at 10 AM was the most segregated time in America. Maybe the good folks in that church simply didn’t think ‘Hey, that white boy must be crazy.’
The traditional additive with gas is soap flakes, but IIRC dissolving styrofoam in it works well.
Diesel fuel would be problematic for the intended use as it doesn’t burn easily at 1 atm.
It would work as an irritant though.
“Bruce Jenner’s Cat”
Offensively funny.
I saw that Jenner’s Cat photo the other day and sent it on out; one recipient thought it was very funny; haven’t heard from any others.
See Gavin McInnes’s recent piece at takimag.com regarding PC in contemporary comedy. Peeps are getting really sick and tired of it and the blowback is in progress.
We had the genuine napalm in ‘Nam, of course; sometimes it got used against the VC tunnels, but more often the tactic was to dump a 55-gallon drum of gasoline in there and toss a couple of grenades in after it.
Speaking of which, wartime chit, that is, a new peer support specialist was hired and is working currently at the VA clinic I go to up here; it was never posted on the VA and Fed job sites, where I’d been told to check for the past six months. So much for that, but to be fair, the guy is way more qualified than me, with college and grad degrees in counseling, a ton of recent experience with all of this sort of thing, including ER’s, suicide phone banks, and probably many hundreds of people in mental crisis. To top it off he was a 101st Airborne machine gunner for a year in Kosovo, has PTSD himself, and had gotten into the booze and drug route upon return to the Land of the Big PX, just like me. Seems to be a real live wire and go-getter type. I’m more the very low-key, laid-back old buzzard who listens a lot more than talks. When I do open my yap, the other vets shut RTFU immediately.
Another gorgeous day on the bay here; in spite of the usual crews of loud-ass motorhead douchebags revving their car, truck and motorcycle engines and using the area roads as race tracks. I fantasize constantly about which ones I can hit with various firearms at various distances, land mines, etc., daily.
@OFD, so are you thinking about taking social security now?
I’d rather not; one sibling keeps telling me to go for it; I’d just as soon wait as long as possible, 66-70. Filing for VA disability, though; double-Purple Heart vet with tinnitus, shrapnel, PTSD, etc. They’re likely to make me keep applying and appealing until I’m dead, though, like they’ve done with others; they’d love for us ‘Nam-era vets to die off ASAP. Then they can focus their time and money on the kids coming back now. Which I’m not against, but hell, cut us a LITTLE slack, willya? Throw us a fuckin’ bone.
@OFD, coincidentally, I was talking with a guy today who was bitching he couldn’t bring his m16 into the country when he fled to here. He was vietnamese Air Force. They asked for some air support with a large concentration of VC, and US higher got back to them that they weren’t gonna get any at the moment. His higher took that as a very bad sign, they got in their aircraft and GTFO to Subic and onward. He ended up watching tv in Alabama to find out what happened. He’s become a pretty good American in the years since. Prosperous and successful. (story may vary in detail due to my poor memory and the chance nature of the encounter.)
My hairdresser when I was in Cali told me the story of how he and some friends walked out after we abandoned Saigon. About half their group eventually made it to a refugee boat in Hong Kong. The other half didn’t. He did some things he didn’t want to talk too much about on the boat (enforcer for the gangs, I’m pretty sure) before finally getting out and making it to the US. Successful and prosperous, with a daughter in college. Very much a prepper “I can eat everything in my back yard” back when it wasn’t cool.
Lots of stories, lots of lives….
For you folks interested in Ham Radio, the ARRL 2015 Field Day is June 27 and 28.
Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN! OBJECTIVE: To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions.
They welcome all who are interested in Ham Radio. Using Google you or this locator http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator you can see if there is an event close to you.
Yes, Mr. nick; some of our former South Vietnamese allies managed to GTFO in time and if they made it here, most of them appear to have worked hard and become fairly prosperous middle-class Murkans and their kids are solid Murkans. It always struck me, too, back in the day, the number of Hispanic, mostly Mexican immigrants, who’d come here as kids and became career military and super-patriotic. Dunno if I can say that now about the current generations coming in.
I’ve been at memorial gatherings and ceremonies over the years with Vietnamese and Hmong folks and of course I still stand out like a sore thumb with ’em, being the chief orc among a bunch of hobbits. Good people, who we badly let down, repeatedly; as I’ve said many times, it’s better to be our enemy than our friend. We treat the former much better.
Tx for that link, Mr. DadCooks! I see there are two FD activities about 30 miles to my south up here and will attempt to get down to one or both that weekend. Reminds me to also step up my study/exam for the Technician license, maybe even the General on the same day, but we’ll see.
On a lighter note…
On a darker note…
“Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.”