07:49 – Big article in the paper this morning about SCOTUS and the King v. Burwell decision. Those who support Obamacare argue that SCOTUS should rule based on the “intent of Congress” to establish subsidies in all 50 states, whether or not a state runs its own exchange. That’s ridiculous on the face of it, since no one in Congress HAD any intent. How could they, since the ACA is so large that no member of congress even had time to READ it before voting on it. The solution is easy. SCOTUS should rule that Congress needs to fix the law by changing the clear language in it that authorized subsidies for ACA buyers only in states that run their own exchanges. Congress, should it want to, can fix the wording in a few minutes. The issue, of course, is that a Republican congress won’t make that change, allowing Obamacare to go down in flames, as it should. The democrats are trembling. If SCOTUS doesn’t vote to override the clear wording of the law and extend subsidies to all 50 states, they’re screwed. And they fear that 2016 will bring a Republican president and republicans controlling both houses of congress, in which case a repeal of the ACA could slide through like a greased weasel.
Barbara and I were just discussing that all of the series we’ve been watching lately are the same. The final season of Sons of Anarchy was all about blood and guts and massacres. Vikings was all about blood and guts and massacres. Game of Thrones is all about blood and guts and massacres. And Boardwalk Empire is all about blood and guts and massacres. That gets old real fast. I propose a new series all about blood and guts and massacres, but this time with the victims all politicians and bureaucrats and spammers and phone marketers. That one I wouldn’t mind watching, particularly if the victims were real rather than actors and the blood and guts were also real. In the meantime, I’ll just watch Heartland reruns.
That would be very entertaining, but only as a reality show.
Yeah, I’d love to see a Vikings-like mass battle scene with all of the federal politicians and bureaucrats hacking away at each other with swords and axes.
The only injuries you would see if we equipped our politicians and bureaucrats with edged weapons would when they dropped them on their feet. We already have proof the current group can’t even ride a bicycle.
I’m picturing more of a BarterTown scenario, a whole series of them “two men enter; one man leaves” deals. Choice of weapons up to pay-per-view audience worldwide, and including world leaders, political hacks, lawyers, diplomats, financial hucksters and carny barkers, media clowns, various celebrities, etc.
Have you seen “God Bless America” starring the baby Murray Brother, Joel?
The movie’s plot is along the lines of the series you propose. The climax takes place in a studio for a program similar to “American Idol”. Use your imagination to fill in the rest.
Ignore the name in the director’s credit until after you see the flick. He hasn’t made a “Police Academy” movie in decades.
Now that you mention it, I did see that. I’m talking on a far larger scale. Like Colosseum events every weekend, televised and with slow-motion replays. Throw a thousand politicians with swords and axes into the ring and let them know that (a) the last one standing lives, and (b) if there’s more than one still standing when the clock runs out, they all die. It’d make the Super Bowl look minor league.
Politicians and bureaucrats would also make good sporting clays, as shown in History of the World, Part 2. Of course, all the sporting clays ranges would need to buy new throwers, since politicians weigh more than clays, but imagine the money they’d save not having to buy those clays.
The issue, of course, is that a Republican congress won’t make that change, allowing Obamacare to go down in flames, as it should.
I think that you are being a little hasty here in stating the intentions of, to quote OFD, the other half of the war party. I suspect that the deal is already done.
Barbara and I were just discussing that all of the series we’ve been watching lately are the same. The final season of Sons of Anarchy was all about blood and guts and massacres.
You might want to skip the new Mad Maxine movie then. I liked it but, I like the same old car XXX war wagon chase scenes over and over again with lots of blood and guts and massacres. But in a softer, gentler feministic way.
I have to agree with Lynn: There will be no repeal of Obamacare. The R’s could do that right now, if they wanted, but they seem to have a secret deal with the other side of the coin. Notice how “peace prize Obama” did nothing to to reduce military commitment in the Middle East? Neither side ever dismantles a bureaucracy built by the other; instead, they just go on to build their own new big-government programs.
Heck, they didn’t even manage to dismantle the Patriot Act; all they did was let it expire for a couple of days. The new rules still mandate that all phone data be collected. Apparently, there is now a fig leaf that the data resides at the data carriers, but the NSA can still access it basically whenever it wants. Other parts, like the “lone wolf” provisions that let the feds investigate anyone they want, without messy things like warrants, remain essentially unchanged.
“This Could Get Ugly: Not a Single Woman Passed the Ranger Course”
“It was the Rangers, by the way, that rappelled up Pointe du Hoc on D-Day at Omaha Beach, just down from Omaha Beach.”
“But it was the Rangers that climbed practically straight up 200 feet while the Germans were shooting straight down on ’em, and it was a stronghold that had to be taken if the D-Day invasion was going to have any chance at success. It could not be reached by paratroopers, and they couldn’t take the Germans out from the sea — the English Channel — or even on the beach. It had to be hand-to-hand combat.”
“The R’s could do that right now, if they wanted…”
This has been true for decades here, probably since before Mr. Greg’s time, too. That’s because Murkan Elections 101 teaches us that there is really only ONE party. Once that concept has been grasped, much else generally follows, if one continues to study the situation, that is, and not rely on high skool freshman gummint courses from the 1960s on.
The second half of the Murkan Elections 101 course covers the role of money in Murkan politics. Suffice to understand that it trumps ALL else.
The bonus summer course will show that voting in these elections is a silly exercise in futility and also that the rulers find it amusing to stage these shows every two and four years and probably laugh themselves to death watching us.
As for Rangers, Force Recon Marines, Seals, Delta, Air Commandos, etc., there is really no reason that womyn can’t hack those missions; we’ll simply ratchet down the reqs, like we do almost everywhere else now. A guy has to complete 500 perfect situps and swim a mile blindfolded with a brick hanging from his junk? Hell, just have the grrlz do a couple of phony situps and stick a toe in the water if it isn’t too much trouble.
Hell, just have the grrlz do a couple of phony situps and stick a toe in the water if it isn’t too much trouble.
Neanderthal White RAAACCCIIIST!!!!!
I’m calling for an all FEMALE MILITARY!
Above Troglodyte, Misogynist, ball dragging Ape need not apply!
Tom Kratman wrote a whole book about how to do females in the military The Amazon Legion. It was one in his Carrera series, the first of which is free from Baen:
The whole series is worth a read. Some of the books are a little dry, and his alien planet is a VERY thinly disguised earth, but I kept coming back for more.
His Caliphate is a pretty convincing near future story, and earned him a heap of scorn from the good folks. I recommend it, and it’s free too.
His State of Disobedience gives a well thought out scenario with Texas seceding from the union. Not free, but worth $7.
how to do females in the military
Sexist pig! You are obviously a WHITE! RACIIIIIIST! I pray for the Field Marshall to win and eliminate testosterone fueled Apes like you!
I’m kidding of course. My wife is a retired O5 and keeps one of my testicles in a Mason Jar by the bed. I’ll do anything to keep the remaining (left) one. Hillary! for the Win!
“I’m calling for an all FEMALE MILITARY!”
Fine by me. Have at it, grrlz! Let me know how you make out against Putin’s spetznatz and the Queen’s Own SAS.
“Tom Kratman wrote a whole book about how to do females in the military…”
Really. I hardly think we need a whole book to know how to do them. (yes, I realize this is in atrocious bad taste, considering the alleged preponderance of assaults and rapes in the military, but then again, while not as bad as Mr. SteveF, I consider him my mentor in this regard and strive ever onward to hopefully someday reach his level, my apologies…)
while not as bad as Mr. SteveF
Another sexist Ape. When Hildebeest is elected, he shall be emasculated, name changed to Caitlyn “The New Normal”, issued a sweater vest and slip-on Hush Puppies. Finally, he will be forced to wear pants. No more sitting around in his undies like some proto-Ape.
“A Desert Called Peace” by Tom Kratman, 4 star book.
“Caliphate” by Tom Kratman, 5 star book, set in 2100, 50 years the Muslims take over Europe except for Switzerland.
“State of Disobedience” by Tom Kratman, 4 star book about Texas seceding from the Republic when a Hilary type becomes Dictator XXXXXXX President of the USA. Gets very real when the author talks about dropping the bridges across the Red River, Mississippi, and Rio Grande.
“Greek leader meets eurozone creditors – but as expected, no deal yet ”
Please tell me that when Greece defaults on their bonds, that will not be a financial trigger like the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy?
Will Greece exit the EU as a part of default?
Will ISIL continue to invade Greece like they are invading Italy?
I really dunno why you read fiction, Mr. Lynn, when the chit going down daily now, if not hourly, around the world is much stranger and crazier.
Cover of Vanity Fair we have a grandfather dressed like a high-priced call girl. And he hasn’t even had the whole works done yet, so how this is different from the ka-toys in Bangkok I dunno.
Our Dear Leader bows to and genuflects before hadji scum at every opportunity, but then again, “arch-conservative” G. Bush held hands with one on his Texas ranch right after 9/11.
Every time I look out my window here or venture to the stores in the big city up the road (pop. 8k), 90% of the fembots I see are morbidly obese and probably a third of the male simians. Almost all of them smoke, too.
UVM here experimented with banning plastic wottuh bottles on campus over the past two years. So what did the little darlings do then? They switched to sugary soda and there was zero change in calories or dental caries or any of that stuff, much less in recycling projects. So the university nabobs have doubled down, naturally, on the usual libtard theory that if something doesn’t work, we need to do much more of it. They’re gonna strictly enforce the ban, and install water refill stations all over campus and remove the soft drinks from the vending machines, etc., etc. By Jeezum, those damn kidz are gonna toe the line! Watch the kidz sabotage this, too, just like they do with the booze and dope policies, haha.
Greece, Italy, Germany??? WTF are U talking about, Mr. Lynn?? Ask any random 50 people on the street about any of that stuff and you’ll get a glassy stare; Murkans don’t know and don’t effin’ care. Wait’ll they get a load of the Grid going down and no EBT cards or ATM or gas pumps working. And empty shelves at Wall-Mutt and Target. At that point, I humbly submit, those of us who saw it coming had better be exercising really good OPSEC ricky-tick.
I have to agree with Lynn: There will be no repeal of Obamacare. The R’s could do that right now, if they wanted, but they seem to have a secret deal with the other side of the coin.
Why bother repealing it now, handing the Democrats a cudgel to beat them with in the ’16 campaigns, when Obama will veto it? There aren’t enough Republicans in the Senate to override the veto.
When the subsidy ruling comes down, and restricts the subsidies, then the whole thing might get enough votes from fearful Democrats to override the veto. Polling shows that if the ruling goes against the administration, voters will blame the Democrats. That’s the plan – let it crash and burn, pick up the White House, retain the Senate and fix the mess then.
BTW, the series Silicon Valley on HBO is said to be very good. No blood and guts yet. Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead , Office Space, Idiocracy, & King of the Hill is the creator/showrunner.
You had me at “Beavis and Butthead”. But, I am not allowed to watch that anymore since she who must be obeyed finds them disgusting.
Cover of Vanity Fair we have a grandfather dressed like a high-priced call girl. And he hasn’t even had the whole works done yet, so how this is different from the ka-toys in Bangkok I dunno.
That has got to be the weirdest thing that I have seen in a while. If he / she / it is a reflection of today’s society then we are done for. I figure that it is a cry for attention until he gets his junk inverted. “shudder”
OK, how do I get rid of this stupid little Windows 10 upgrade logo on my Windows 7 Pro taskbar? I certainly did not give MS permission to put it there.
Found it!
“If he / she / it is a reflection of today’s society then we are done for.”
Note that most of the major media, academia and gossip-addicted public worship this picture, this creature, and what it represents to them, falsely, of course. The major celebs are quoted in gushing adulation and groveling admiration; O how brave, and O a tremendous blow for freedom and creativity, etc.
We pretty much have half the country that thinks this is just dandy or it titillates them in some way I’d rather not fathom, and the other half who find it very disturbing and disgusting. Never the twain shall meet, until it’s on the second civil war battlefields. We’re just too different, and such great poles apart now. It ain’t blue states, red states, black, white, yellow, or red; it’s Them and Us.
There was an older, politically oriented test that we could use to distinguish between the two factions: which side would you have supported during the Spanish Civil War?
Lynn wrote:
“You had me at “Beavis and Butthead”. But, I am not allowed to watch that anymore since she who must be obeyed finds them disgusting.”
Ahh, it wasn’t OFD the fembots neutered, it was our Sugarland correspondant…
“…which side would you have supported during the Spanish Civil War?”
The republicans, of course.
Naturally. Why am I not surprised?
What’s to choose? The Republicans were commies, supported by the USSR. The Loyalists were royalists, supported by the Nazis. One was as bad as the other. Meet the new boss…
Royalists are good, but Franco was a lunatic fringe Catholic who did terrible damage to Spain.
Some Republicans were commies, many just wanted the church out of their hair. What’s wrong with that?
“…many just wanted the church out of their hair. What’s wrong with that?”
Read the history.
You’ll see that among other atrocities, they tortured, raped and slaughtered defenseless priests and nuns.
“Royalists are good.”
Yeah. Ivan the Terrible. Henry VIII. Elizabeth Bathory. Ferdinand of Naples.
I wish I knew what they’re smoking down there in Oz…Hillary is hot, royalists are good, and Spanish repubs “just wanted the church out of their hair.”
Incidentally, the repubs were run totally out of Moscow and the NKVD, direct orders from Koba the Dread. The nationalists ran their own ops but got mil-spec assistance from Germany.
Neca eos omnes, of course.
That’s right; Deus vester suam novit.