08:30 – More kit stuff today, although it’s not urgent. We’re actually in pretty good shape on finished goods kit inventory for now. What I’m working on now is for later, when I’ll barely have time to ship all the orders, let alone build more kits.
Most of my time this week was devoted to working on science kit stuff, but here’s what I did to prep this week:
- I got PTT/VOX headsets for our radios.
- I ordered a few more #10 cans of Augason Farms stuff from Walmart, all meal-extender stuff like bouillon, dried soups, etc.
So, what precisely did you do to prepare this week? Tell me about it in the comments.
Well, I mentioned it in another thread, but I scored a quad band mobile ham radio for my vehicle. It was about 10% of the going rate. Good deals are available in the ‘secondary market’ if you have the time to look.
I also picked up some repair parts for colman lanterns. I’ve got a whole lot of these. They are cheap, easy to work on, widely available, and produce a good light. They use fuel pretty efficiently too.
Added to the cans on the shelf, replaced some ammo I used up in a training class, shopped for pants. Why pants? I discovered that I don’t have any dressy pants that fit with an IWB holster. In these perilous times, it’s important to be able to carry all the time, even when dressed up. I’m going to work on reducing the waist measurement too, but in the mean time, a bigger pair of pants is in order.
Tested the solar charger panel I found at an estate sale. It’s meant to trickle charge a car thru the OBD port. It puts out a good voltage even in overcast. I need to cut off the end and put something more useful and generic on it. I had NO solar, now I have a small amount. I need more. Solar is very stealthy and quiet, and will last a long time.
I will probably bite the bullet and get a crimp set for anderson powerpoles. The ham community seems to have standardized on these. It will mean making a bunch of adapters, since I’ve previously used a bunch of motorola power connectors on my 12v stuff. I had them so I saved money, but now I’ll be spending the money and time to redo it. In some cases, common standards are a good thing. I’m now convinced that for 12v power, anderson is the way to go.
Garden continues to grow, although more slowly than the seed packets say. I’m pretty sure I’m getting less sun than I want on several of my beds. Not much choice for their locations, so I am going to look for some different varieties to plant next year. I’ll say it again, gardening has a steep learning curve if you are hoping to actually produce food in useable quantities. Get started!
finally, I’ll just toss this out for the heck of it…
What does it say about our current situation, that the Governor of Texas finds it useful/necessary/expedient to deploy troops to monitor the activities of .mil under the direction of the DC .gov? Even if you think he’s just pandering to extremist whack jobs, isn’t it interesting that there are enough of them that he’s willing to do so? (Not my position BTW, I don’t have enough info and experience to have an informed position on Jade Helm. I am concerned that we’ve been training our military to be police and our police to be military, at the same time we have radical elements calling openly for the feds to take over local law enforcement.)
Headed out to the estate sales, hope to get some good preps
we have radical elements calling openly for the feds to take over local law enforcement
They will be as incompetent as the IRS and will be tossing people in jail for no good reason, releasing them a couple of weeks later after destroying their lives and not producing any apology.
Dr. Bob would you post which PTT/VOX you got and how you like it?
This just in from the WSJ on my cell:
“Baltimore prosecutor says there is probable cause to file charges against police in Freddie Gray death.”
So the DA there, usually a fairly solid and reliable ally of police in most jurisdictions, has thrown whichever cops under the bus now. Which, if there is sufficient evidence for probable cause, a good thing anyway. Let’s get to the bottom of this. That said, we can hardly trust gummint at whatever level to do the right thing anymore. What if there really is NOT sufficient evidence to that point? What if this is simply throwing cops under the bus for political expediency? Not like it ain’t been done before. Nail a couple of cops and quiet the mobs; after all, Reverend Sharpless is on the march again.
Meanwhile, in sorta related nooz; Mrs. OFD has committed to attending and running a booth at the big annual sea-glass festival on the Maryland shore the last week of August, and one of the VPR on-air personalities wants to go down with her. She’ll rent a van to haul her stuff and bring Princess with her as her assistant; the latter will also bring her harp and maybe get some mentoring and a possible career boost from the on-air guy, who is well-known here in Vermont and north-country NY and does a weekly radio show called “All the Traditions.”
I’m not too thrilled with this in light of current events, as you might imagine. In ordinary times, a great idea, probably. Not so much now, although the venue is likely to be in a well-to-do resort area, I think. She also said it would be cool if I also went down with them, a long weekend deal. I’m thinking if they go, I should go, too, just as security, but Maryland’s fucking gun laws are as bad as anywhere else in the country. I have to do more research on all this, though.
I was thinking about what would be the effect of extreme temperatures on food and water supplies in a situation where the infrastructure has collapse, i.e. no power, no heat, due to something like a CME or an EMP weapon. Have you addresses that in your book? I can imagine a long freezing winter or blistering hot summer and having your foodstuffs and water exposed to this. I assume they would probably be ok, but I’m not really sure of the effects.
I see where the DA (who is black) has charged six officers in Baltimore. One of the charges is interesting. “second-degree depraved-heart murder”. What the hell is that? How can they know the mindset of the person charged. Idiots. It was a foregone conclusion there would be charges and the DA knew it before she got the results of the investigation.
It is time for all the white officers in Baltimore to just quit.
“Depraved heart murder” is a term of art.
Depraved heart murder means that the person charged acted with such utter disregard for the possible consequences of the act such that intent can be inferred.
For example, you decide to target shoot with your rifle and tack a target on your neighbor’s house and fire a few dozen rounds at it and don’t concern yourself whether there is anyone in the house or not. And the result is one or more residents of that house are killed by your rifle fire. Your intention is to do some target shooting, but the action so exceeds the bounds of reasonable behavior your intention not to injure anyone is disregarded and you can be charged as if you committed an intentional homicide.
Presumably the prosecutor knows how difficult it would be to prove that the van driver intentionally planned to murder the prisoner; but more or less the same end can be accomplished by establishing that the actions in not securing the prisoner in place and driving without regard for the injury that might be caused to unrestrained person in the back of a stainless steel cage is so beyond acceptable behavior that it reaches the level of depraved heart murder.
My (sorta) prepping today: as I have said before here, I have a home renovation/expansion project in planning that is probably two years out. I want to make some kind of solar electric addition part of it. I already have solar space heating, and will update and expand that. Anyway, I read these two articles:
I also remind that I suffer poor electric power quality, with about a dozen outages average per year. About 90% of those range from a second to a minute, and the rest might be longer. Any solar setup I put in should have a small amount of storage to ride through these, if it is economical. Such a system is very different from the more common net metering grid-connected systems that are so popular. As pointed out here, those systems are designed to go down when the grid goes down. And a big disclaimer: no current PV system of any kind passes an economic test without the massive government subsidies to those rich enough to afford such systems.
I have followed Elon Musk for a while, and he surely knows how to work the government spoils system while selling fancy cars at high prices. Whether you agree with him or not, he is a financial winner. So it is with some interest that I read about his recent announcement. Yeah, it is vaporware so far, but I can wait and see how it materializes. The technology, if not the economics, is sound.
With my time frame in mind, does anybody know of a competitive scheme? Just curious, because I have not done any thorough research.
Here is an interesting quote:
SolarCity is also running a pilot project with 500 homes in California, according to the company’s director of public affairs, Will Craven. The project uses Tesla’s 10-kilowatt-hour battery packs and can power homes for about two days in the event of an outage, Craven says.
Interesting. Now if such systems could be EMP resistant.
“It is time for all the white officers in Baltimore to just quit.”
I have it on pretty good authority that a LOT of the good and decent officers in various LE jobs are leaving in droves nowadays, nationwide. If they can retire with some kind of packages, they’re going. Guys who haven’t been on long enough are going anyway. And they’re lowering the standards bar in many departments as well, so that the dregs are being hired, given minimal shitty training, and then being sent out with a badge and gun.
I have said it before and am saying it again; we’re looking at a long hot summer ahead in the big cities, powder kegs waiting to blow. And though they may have a black President, black police commish, black DA, etc., on down the line, this isn’t ever enough, and they’re gonna be looking at the current slate of Party candidates for the WH and become enraged all over again.
Picture a long hot summer redolent of the Glorious Sixties urban warfare and now imagine that some glitch or other, intentional or not, shuts off enough of the Grid to stop EBT cards and ATM machines. The mass disturbances will go up by orders of magnitude, and the Feds would send in troops again. Hell, they may send them in this summer anyway, esp. if the cops are stretched to the breaking point.
Here comes the 6 o’clock Nooz again; footage switching between APCs in downtown Baltimore spraying buildings with machine gun fire and ground troops at it again in some Sandbox shit-hole. With body counts from both places.
Here comes the 6 o’clock Nooz again; footage switching between APCs in downtown Baltimore spraying buildings with machine gun fire and ground troops at it again in some Sandbox shit-hole. With body counts from both places.
lol Did you steal this from the Frontlines book series Mr. OFD. It sounds just like the future setting in those books. The Public Residential Center is perfect for Baltimore, Detroit, NYC, etc. Souped up police patrol the PRCs while regular troops are still dying off world.
I took steps to further separate my wife’s and my finances. Limiting her access to money is evidentially the only way there will be anything for me to spend.
Go as their handyman assistant. Wear a tool belt which has a roofing or claw hammer and tote whatever clublike object you can justify. Maybe a pry-bar. Keep a small, polished throwaway pistol or cut-down shotgun in a cargo pocket or something, and carry light work gloves so you can use it without getting fingerprints on it. If you don’t think all that will be enough, keep them from going.
I’ve done bodyguard work a few times where weapons were not permitted. This approach has worked well enough. Never needed the firearm, and only once needed to pull out my hammer and smack it a few times into my other hand.
Yep, sure does seem that way…
And from what I’ve heard, the cars’ batteries don’t have quite the life expected, and the cars have other quality issues. (I haven’t heard of build problems but there are reported design and component problems.) Oh, sure, most is covered under the warranty, but that’s not nearly as good as a car that can be counted on to Just Work.
That’s fine. Let’s see if it makes it out of the grand jury. If the prosecutor is saying this just to appease the mob but doesn’t actually want to charge the cops, the grand jury won’t find enough evidence. I looked into numbers late last year. In 2010 or thereabouts, there were maybe a quarter million federal charges against non-cops, something like 93% of which got through grand jury to trial. In the same year there were 83 federal cases against cops, only one of which got past grand jury.
“lol Did you steal this from the Frontlines book series Mr. OFD.”
I don’t read sci-fi anymore, sir; gave it up in high skool. But I do remember the nightly nooz on our b&w tee-vee during my high skool years. It was some amazing chit at that time; rooftop snipers vs. Ma Deuce-enabled APCs manned by Airborne troops in Detroit at 6:05 and then at 6:30 watch the neighbor kid get greased on a routine patrol versus Mr. Victor Charles in the Delta.
I have watched one or two of those futuristic “Judge Dredd” type flicks, though, plus, of course, the whole Max Max series.
You’ll excuse me now while I research ways to disable drones electronically….
“Go as their handyman assistant.”
Perfect. Thanks, Mr. SteveF. Plus I’m 6’5″ and 250 and am usually in a bad mood near crowds and noise for some odd reason.
“I took steps to further separate my wife’s and my finances. Limiting her access to money is evidentially the only way there will be anything for me to spend.”
Mission accomplished here on that score a while back. I also skim cash and stockpile it.
Yes, let’s see how far them charges go or don’t go down there; I’m guessing it’s a political stunt and she’s taking orders from the WH and Rev. Sharpless on how to proceed. And let’s also see how much longer our nay-shun’s warrior-cop heroes can contain the urban powder kegs before shit spills out into the vanilla burbs.
Tesla is very cleverly understating the pricing on their new battery packs. The bigger battery pack is 10 kwh, 2 kw continuous, 3.3 kw peak for $3,500. My home peak is probably 7 to 8 kw so I will need four of these things. Maybe five.
The big problem is that they are not including the DC to AC inverter. The Tesla battery pack is a 400 volt DC device. A 10 kw 400 volt DC to AC inverter is going to be a couple of grand more. Plus the installation will be a couple of grand.
What I really want to do is buy power at nighttime for 5 cents/kwh and use it through out the day. That would be cool. But not if I have to buy $25K of batteries and equipment.
I took steps to further separate my wife’s and my finances. Limiting her access to money is evidentially the only way there will be anything for me to spend.
Good luck on separating your credit and hers. She will just go get credit cards on your income. I’ve seen that done several times. The guy does a credit check one day and notes that they have three more credit cards maxed out than he knew of.
Yeah, one clue is packages arriving at the house daily and the relevant bills appearing in the mail, plus your combined credit scores falling into the basement.
[snip] That said, we can hardly trust gummint at whatever level to do the right thing anymore. [snip]
Any more?? Any more?? Does that imply that at some point we could trust the government at any level to do the right thing? Or am I the only one with memories of a Sheriff who was a corrupt violent bigot right of central casting? One who was so bad that the local mullet wrapper actually won a Pulitzer Prize for exposing? And who was re-elected by the good (white) folks after having been removed from office by the Governor!
[snip] the dregs are being hired, given minimal shitty training, and then being sent out with a badge and gun. [snip]
Again, as opposed to say sixty years ago? When the police in places like Atlanta & Birmingham, among others, had to swear allegiance to the Klan to get a job?
“You’ll excuse me now while I research ways to disable drones electronically….”
Or do it mechanically with a home built line launcher. Think spud gun projectile trailing spectra cord. I think a version of this would work on OPFOR helo’s too. Might need some 1/16″ stainless steel cable for that one.
“Does that imply that at some point we could trust the government at any level to do the right thing?”
Not really. We had the original Articles of Confederation and those got sabotaged and sandbagged almost immediately. Then the gummint shut down former Captain Daniel Shays and continued on to western Pennsylvania and stomped those people down, too.
“When the police in places like Atlanta & Birmingham, among others, had to swear allegiance to the Klan to get a job?”
Not every cop in the U.S. was a Klan member or American Nazi Party guy back then, either. We certainly had some bad cops in my time; I always figured it to be, in most other occupations: 80% are average schmucks just trying to get through their shift and do the right thing, mostly; 10% are bona-fide heroes and saints who will undoubtedly sing with the angels; the other 10% are the scum, some of them worse than the worst criminals, because they’re in a legal position of power and trust. I never stomped anyone into the ground or kicked the shit out of defenseless prisoners in the jail but I know it was done. Came extremely close, too close, to blowing people away several times, and that was when we weren’t supposed to shoot unless there was an imminent lethal threat to us or someone else, and the perp generally got the first shot, unlike now, when lethal action is the apparent default.
I like your ideas, Mr. nick; yes, we’ll have to consider helos, too.
Oops, missed the 2 kw peak. I would have to do some load splitting, but would do that anyway as part of my redesign. I would bet that designing a system around current equipment might be more cost effective. Lithium ion batteries are expensive, and Tesla is not likely to reduce the cost enough to be competitive with lead acid in the foreseeable future. That doesn’t take into account any subsidies. Time is on my side.
Also noticed the use of just the battery to charge off peak and aid during peak. That won’t help me yet because I pay the same all the time. I looked into variable rates a couple of years ago, but there was no advantage because I don’t use that much energy per day or month to get a good enough deal.
Preps this past week:
Bought canned tuna, veggies, 20-lb. bags of rice, spaghetti, tomato sauce and molasses.
Got my second Baofeng, this one a BF-FH8P. Programming for both will commence soon; I have Chirp downloaded and instructions somewhere here. And I just got an SDR radio receiver USB stick that I’ll hook up with a small touchscreen to my second RaspberryPI.
Ordered more ammo and another firearm came in for me for pickup this next Monday out on the islands. I’ll continue with basic mods to that and wrap up the ones I’m doing on others.
My ultra-secure email server is up and running successfully on my first RaspberryPI.
Raised beds are assembled, six of them so far, with various plantings to occur soon; we have a rather short growing season here and also limited sunlight so we have to tinker with things on the learning curve that Mr. nick has mentioned a couple of times, but hey, no time like the present, and nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I also started assembling the basement storage area, and will be approaching several neighbors shortly concerning a “watch” type operation, as we had the local cops outside at the newly vacant residence next door to us, formerly the abode of my other side neighbor’s elderly mom, who passed away a couple of weeks ago. Around midnight there was a cop out there with a flashlight and then a second one, but if there were prowlers, they were long gone by then. Our mutt did not alert, but I stayed up for a little while longer with the stuff I have for these sorts of things. The neighbor wife told me the folks across the street advised her they’d seen the interior light on in one of their vehicles, which is not normal. So evidently someone’s been right in my ‘hood here screwing around at night. I’ve got the doors locked and the dawg will bark if someone’s actually at the doors or windows or in the driveway. And anyone continuing on in will rue the day, or night.
Other than, I’ve been busy with VA appointments and continuing CPT stuff down there, and playing footsie with recruiters and now a guy at UVM who has a position open that entails high-performance Linux stuff, which is what I did at IBM for two years. Phone interview next Wednesday, so they can rule me out as an old fossil and say to HR they did due diligence or whatever, I don’t care. I’m also doing due diligence.
Mrs. OFD is probably gonna need eye surgery herself, more serious than mine, and will likely be outta work for weeks if not months at some point and we are gonna need that revenue so I may have to join the rat race again in some fashion. While still working on web dev and firearms projects.
But hey, what’s a little more pressure and stress now that the VA is showing me how to deal with it all, without blowing things up and spraying the landscape with gunfire. Or going back on the sauce again. I joke, but seriously, the treatment seems to be helping; I hope it’s helping other guys; we had a couple of very loose cannons visiting our group the other day. Yikes.
OK, I was a good software developer this week and installed Windows 10 Technical preview on my new 480 GB SSD. I ran with it for a day, installed our software and tested it, and fragged that Windows 10 piece of crap off my pc. I am back on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with all my stuff reinstalled and plenty of breathing room.
Windows 10 is just Windows 8 with pretty lipstick. Real pretty lipstick, on a pig. The start button brings up this huge window (half of my 27 inch monitor) of your preferred apps, all your apps and about a dozen postage stamp sized windows that are constantly changing (weather, stocks, etc). I also do not like the new razor thin window margins as I have to look twice (or thrice) to see where one window ends and another window starts. And who is the moron who decided to alphabetize all the apps with an ABC list? If you are going to alphabetize, just do it and do not put A, B, C, …
The install of Windows 10 was marginally better than Windows 7 since I did not have to load my motherboard CD to get internet, etc.
The EOL of Windows 7 is January 14 of 2020. I suspect that we will see this date together, me and my old fashioned buddy, Windows 7 x64. Ultimate.
I cannot remember if I posted this before but here it again:
“Windows 10 won’t save the PC”
“Let me be clear: Windows 10 is a decent OS. Its problem is that it only partially repairs the damage done by Windows 8 while offering no compelling capabilities for those who wisely skipped Windows 8. That means demand will be low, both as OS upgrades and — more critical — for new PCs running it. Basically, if you have a decent Windows 7 PC, you’re fine as is.”
Windows 10 is just Windows 8 with pretty lipstick.
W8.1 works OK on the surface which is a tablet that wants to grow up and be a desktop. I have no issues running what I need on W8.1. I am hoping that W10 will be better on the machine with the capability to switch from tablet to desktop mode based on the keyboard.
Remember that W10 is not finished and there may be substantial changes in the appearance and operation before the final release. The people at MS are not clueless and I am sure they read the reviews and take note. After the W8 fiasco on the desktop issues I would expect that MS learned a lesson. Of course I would have thought they learned a lesson after VISTA then W8 appears.
I am also running W8.1 on a desktop at work and on my wife’s computer at home. I have not found anything that is really a problem. I don’t like the difficulty in creating shortcuts and W10 solves that issue.
Bah, I’m running 8.1 on this machine, with classic start button installed.
I HATE the app paradigm. I can’t figure out how to get rid of all that crap either, so I hide it with classic start button. It still has seized mail and won’t let it go. Anytime I click on a mailto link, it opens the mail app and wants me to set up my M$ account. There is no obvious way to close the app as it fills the screen and doesn’t have a window. I usually 3 finger it, which brings back the desktop.
I can’t easily see where one window ends and the one beneath it starts as everything is the same shade of blue.
Bah, I used to be a sophisticated windows user, admin level until 7. This makes me feel like I’m drunk and wearing mittens whenever I try to work with it.
BTW, I see the Linux comments fall into the same old trap as always. It’s not ready. It does things inconsistently. It’s hard to install. It breaks things. Well…..windows does all those same things but we are used to it. Anyone else remember when win7 broke SD cards? Most cards and card readers were no longer functional, and win7 wanted to REFORMAT them on insertion. Anyone try to use older printers or scanners on win8? I’m not talking about a centronics interface, just a perfectly good HP all in one. I haven’t been able to scan with it for a year or 2. Or anyone else find the time it takes windows to display a directory excessive? and why does it show you out of date info while you are waiting? Remember installing Teracopy to get FILE COPYING to work well under win7? How could they get THAT wrong?
Oh and for the love of pete, after 25 years, shouldn’t the screen saver be able to recognize when a video is playing and NOT blank the screen in the middle of My Little Pony?
A pox on their house.
“Anyone try to use older printers or scanners on win8? I’m not talking about a centronics interface, just a perfectly good HP all in one. I haven’t been able to scan with it for a year or 2.”
We have an older refurbished HP Deskjet 6500 Wireless MFP that we got for fifty bucks years ago at a now-defunct Big Buy store and it’s been a workhorse all those years has run on 7 and now 8 and 8.1 with very few minor problems, easily fixed. You may want to slide on over to the HP printer site and it might just be you need updated drivers; we had to do that when we moved to 8.0. I’ve seen that mail.to issue also, and just close it out and copy/paste the embedded email link accordingly; and we use the Classic Start button, too. I’ve gotten used to the Start screen by now, though, and can manage it OK, just takes time and practice. We’re not upgrading to 10, however, and I share your dislikes of the usual Winblows crap.
Like I’ve said before, I’d dump it in a heartbeat if Mrs. OFD wasn’t married to Excel and PowerPoint, and of course we run stuff like TurboTax on it. To no avail, apparently. But I use open source browsers and LibreOffice and gnucash and GIMP stuff as much as I can on it.
All the rest of the machines here are Linux; Ubuntu Studio, Fedora Live Design, Kali Linux, Santoku Linux, OpenBSD, etc.
Here’s a link to a Federal Tax estimate spreadsheet that I’ve used for several years. It may be of use to some of you to help estimate your taxes rather than something like Turbotax. I add a tab so I can link income and taxes withheld so I can play around a little. You may already have this spreadsheet so apologies in advance.
HP printers, from my experience that’s all on HP’s head. Their drivers such big Green ones. In my wife’s business, she really needs all the features:different paper in different trays, odd formats, etc. Used to be, you had to fight with the HP drivers for a few hours, but it would eventually work.
No more. We finally had to give up. The driver would try to outsmart the software, and certain things were just impossible. We bought a Samsung.
There is no obvious way to close the app as it fills the screen and doesn’t have a window
Move your mouse to the very top of the screen and a bar will appear with an X in the upper right corner.
It still has seized mail and won’t let it go. Anytime I click on a mailto link, it opens the mail app and wants me to set up my M$ account.
1. Open Default Programs by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Default Programs.
2. Click Set your default programs.
3. Under Programs, click the e‑mail program you’d like to use, and then click Set this program as default.
4. Click OK.
“Under Programs, click the e‑mail program you’d like to use..”
Perhaps I am a dunce.
What if one uses gmail, or ymail, or hotmail, or some other mail, web-based or not? And it’s not listed under Programs. Only mail program listed there is Microsoft’s own.
What if one uses gmail, or ymail, or hotmail, or some other mail, web-based or not?
This is why I use Thunderbird to talk with my gmail accounts, both at home and the office.
So when you click on a “mail.to” link does it give you the T-bird option? And would it be listed under Programs when trying to set it as the default?
I think you have to install whatever email clients first, then pick your default and set up that client to interface with your gmail, pop, map accounts. I have my Apple Mail fetch two Gmails, one Hotmail and for a time our company email (now under google).
So when you click on a “mail.to” link does it give you the T-bird option? And would it be listed under Programs when trying to set it as the default?
Yes and Yes. I have Thunderbird set to POP all email down to my respective pc (I use the spectacular gmail interface when not in the office). But you can IMAP your email also in Thunderbird.
Yes, I moved our corporate email to google apps several years ago. We are actually still grandfathered in for free for some weird reason. But, I would gladly pay them just to get the the spectacular spam coverage.
Just for laffs, partly, I just downloaded T-bird again and I was able to set up my ymail account with it, but my two gmail accounts, no.
Whether I try POP or IMAP I get:
“Configuration could not be verified: is the username or password wrong?”
I made sure I had the exact username and password in both cases, and in both cases gmail notified me that an attempt was made to access the account, etc., etc.
I must be missing something…I seem to recall I had this working long ago, though…
Just for laffs, partly, I just downloaded T-bird again and I was able to set up my ymail account with it, but my two gmail accounts, no.
I think that you have to go into the gmail settings and tell it that you are going to use Thunderbird or another product like it to access gmail. Yup, you have to turn POP on or IMAP on in the gmail settings. Gmail does not use IMAP for their web front end as they use a highly customized program based on their awesome MAP/REDUCE protocol.