08:56 – Why More Men Are Sitting Down to Pee In my case, it was training by women, starting while I was in college. One girlfriend dumped me after about the third time she got up to pee in the middle of the night and sat on bare porcelain. Well, actually, it was worse than that. She got wet. It took years for me to retrain myself to sit as the default option.
I fell back into “power reading” mode last night and blasted through two of the novels I’d gotten from Kindle Unlimited–510 pages worth–as well as about half of a non-fiction title. Call it 700 pages total. For decades, that was pretty routine for me, maybe 400 to 500 pages of fiction a day. Some weekends I’d go through a dozen novels or more. But for the last 10 or 15 years, I’ve been spending a significant fraction of my reading time on the web and averaging only maybe a couple hundred pages of fiction per evening, or even less. And a lot of that is repetitive because there just isn’t that much new fiction that I want to read. Much better to re-read something I liked.
Kit stuff today. I need to get a dozen or two biology kits built and get started on more chemistry kits, which are starting to run low. One weekend soon we also need to get a bunch of components shifted from their shipping boxes to the inventory shelves and get solid inventory numbers on them.
I also have some longer-term stuff to work on. I’d like to ship at least one new type of kit this autumn, and ideally two. That requires groundwork and time. And of course I’m still putting in serious time on the prepping book.
12:23 – I continue to be impressed with these Ultrafire Cree flashlights. They’re focusable by sliding the front barrel in or out. At tightest focus, the beam becomes square rather than round, as the lens is actually focusing the LED. Walking Colin last night, I pointed the light on tight-beam at the house across the street, which is 50 yards away. The beam at that distance was smaller than the pattern of a 12-gauge shotgun with an 18-inch open cylinder barrel, and it was bright enough to read by. Too bright, in fact, to be comfortable for reading. So I turned it toward a house down the street that’s about 150 meters distant. At that range, the tight-focus beam was still far more than bright enough to aim by, and I suspect it would have been sufficient out to 200 meters or more. I think I’ll clamp one to Barbara’s Ruger Mini-14. The only modification I’d make is to tape the focusing collar in place to keep it from sliding under recoil.
In my case, it was training by women, starting while I was in college.
Mostly at night because I am not awake. Otherwise it is almost impossible to right your name in the snow from any position other than standing.
Never sit just for a #1. It’s unnatural. When wife moans that she didn’t look and sat on the rim, I remind her that if roles were reversed she would call me stupid for not looking first. When we had a house in 80 acres of forest I preferred the back porch when the weather wasn’t too bad.
Over the decades, I’ve pointed out to many women that toilet seats can be lifted for a reason and that’s so that guys can pee while standing. Without exception, they denied that was the reason and claimed it was to make the toilet easier to clean thoroughly. Usually, they then handed me a toilet brush and a bottle of toilet cleaner and told me to get to work.
Well thanks to California’s water woes I’m better about the lid. Don’t flush when it’s yellow. Not sure the dogs are too happy about that. Then again the back yard is just fine. With three dogs my contribution is small.
Sitzpinkeln? How to do it right…
I think I want one of these.
Sinbad says that a man lifting the seat is proof that he loves her. He leaves the seat up as proof and it is her choice to lower the seat if she wants.
I’d take a whole case of the Ultrafire Crees instead.
Did you ever order one of the Ultrafires to try?
One girl I dated actually tried peeing into the toilet while standing up. It did not work out well.
“One girl I dated actually tried peeing into the toilet while standing up. It did not work out well.”
Technology to the rescue: http://www.dx.com/p/outdoor-women-emergency-standing-pee-urinal-tool-red-176606
Also available in purple, but why is the purple one more expensive?
I already have these mentioned in the book.
It comes with a *manual*? Geez.
Now I have to pee.
None a U menz be sittin’ down…U got to stand up…stand up…
…stand up fo yo rights!
I ordered two “Hausbell ® Brand New Mini 7W CREE LED Flashlight 300LM Torch Adjustable Focus Zoom Light Lamp Black” from Amazon Prime and two direct from China “UltraFire? 7W 200LM Mini XPE Q5 Zoomable LED Flashlight Adjustable Focus Portable LED Light Lamp Flashlight Torch”. The two Prime arrived two weeks ago (2-day service). They were $4+. The two from China are in San Francisco right now. They were $3+ I’ll compare them and post back.
I ordered one those flashlights from the seller you recommended, but with a 6 week delivery time by slow boat from China, it hasn’t arrived yet. You can be sure I’ll comment when it does
Spent the morning messing with the RTL-SDR. It’s not as easy to use as a scanner, but the waterfall display shows you right where the transmissions are and makes it easy to tune. I’ve been reading about a way to decode the digital voice (NOT encrypted) which is a major advantage for SDR, but haven’t got it running yet. There is also a ‘magic/ universal’ data decoder that I’d like to get running on SDR too. There is a TON of digital on the airwaves, and it would be interesting to see it (specifically some of the satellite images and weather.) All that means that I’ve got one more antenna to hang. The little 6 inch wire that comes with it works surprisingly well, but I’m sure it will benefit from a discone above the roof line. If I’m not careful, it’s gonna look like an antenna farm here. (I recently drove by a ham’s house and counted 18 visible antennas. I won’t be anywhere NEAR that number.)
More police extra judicial murder and over-reach in the news. Swat team stopping a guy for flipping the bird, totally in green tactical wear, no badge or nametape visible and using an APC (or whatever you want to call that particular vehicle) and now the dept is “investigating” and urging calm on social media. And the AZ vehicular murder, also caught on tape. What the hell.
I been so inundated wid flashlight cyclones here that I decided we’d get by from now on wid just candles and actual torches. Strike a match an’ Bob’s yer uncle. I be too old to keep track of every dam model number, lumen data, and the costs thereof, awful confusin’ and confoundin’ for a old buzzard like me.
“Swat team stopping a guy for flipping the bird, totally in green tactical wear, no badge or nametape visible and using an APC (or whatever you want to call that particular vehicle) and now the dept is “investigating” and urging calm on social media.”
Back in the late 80s, after I’d left that line of work and gotten into IT, I was cruising on down Murka’s OTHER “Technology Highway,” Route 495 in Maffachufetts to my night shift gig at Ye Old Digital Equipment Corporation in Marlborough. Not much traffic, clear weather, dry road surface. I was behind a tractor-trailer and made to pass him; just then headlights where none had been before, came zooming up behind me and right on my tail. I was not speeding and just going fast enough to pass the truck but it was gonna take a few seconds, and the bozo in back of me kept flashing his high-beams at me. As I moved over to the right lane in front of the truck, this asswipe was flying by me and I flipped him the bird and then saw it was a MA State Police cruiser, who then immediately threw on his blues (not sure how many lumens or how much they cost and whether they were made in Red Chiner or here) and pulled me over.
Checked my license and reg and then advised me that “Roadside courtesy like that in Texas would get you shot.” This was during the series of road rage shooting incidents in Ye Old Lone Star State then. Mr. Lynn was probably still in junior high.
Good thing I don’t do that bird flipping thang no more; could get shot by some maniac gun nut or fallen upon by Vermont’s finest SWAT team in tanks with A-10 close-air-ground support and Apaches firing miniguns. No one wearing name tags or department ID’s, natch.
Well, I almost got shot for flippin’ the bird in LA, but that is a longer story, and a couple of decades ago. The wannabe shooter was most definitely NOT on the side of law and order. It did put an end to me acting on that particular impulse, even when richly deserved. (and it was during one of those phases in LA where it wasn’t unheard of) LA traffic DOES THINGS to people.
I have to say the most creative thing in that video is when the officer says (paraphrasing) “I don’t know nuttin’ about the supreme court saying you can flip off cops, but I DO know that what you did was use an improper hand signal.” It seems our fuzzy headed driver made his gesture while turning which opened him up the that creative application of the law.
I’ll also note the recent article about the guy who, after blowing himself up in his car with a cigarette, got charged with “having stuff that could be made into a bomb” in his house. I immediately thought of our host for some reason, and then wondered when they’d get around to arresting all those Home Depot store managers, and grocery store owners for having ‘stuff that could be made into a bomb.’ For that matter, I am wondering when they’ll just start at one end of the street going door to door making arrests. Since having the ‘stuff’ in our homes is illegal, it’s only their self restraint that stops them, right? They’d NEVER use a law like that to go after someone in particular, right?
Someone argued that we aren’t really in a police state yet, but if not, it’s only because they can’t be bothered to get up off their asses.
Bahh, I gotta stop reading the news….
I’d take a whole case of the Ultrafire Crees instead.
Beyond one really high quality flashlight purchasing any other high quality lights is like buying another gun because the gun looks good and you don’t really need it.
Did you ever order one of the Ultrafires to try?
Not yet. I have some other cheap lights stashed in areas where I may need them. I really don’t need anymore cheap lights but I may buy one of the Ultrafires on my next Amazon order. Expensive lights I buy because I like them, not because I need them. I still am of the opinion that everyone should have one high quality, durable and reliable light even if you have a case of cheap lights.
“Bahh, I gotta stop reading the news…”
I hear ya. Loud and clear. Most of the nooz drivel is full of chit like this; Drudge being a prime example. On the other end of the political scale, such as it is, the online Salon puts out stuff that sounds like an Enquirer or Star tabloid if it was published by Chairman Mao or Lenin. Sorta like the parody site, The Peoples’ Cube, which is side-splittingly funny most days. So I get more positive stories about peeps doing good chit from the weekly Christian Science Monitor and the weekly WSJ, while otherwise trying to “stop reading the news,” easier said than done.
Out running errands this afternoon I noticed flags at the Town Hall and Post Office at half-staff and I asked the PTSD-suffering woman VANG SFC at the latter “who croaked?” and she told me it’s a Presidential Proclamation honoring the Great Eliminator, who was blown up on this day in history by the Southern actor/assassin Mr. Booth. She, of course, is clueless on the guy’s actual record so I gave her a mini-lecture on what a p.o.s he was.
Flag at half-staff at those two sites plus the big Shell station on 7 North, but interestingly…not at the local VFW, Country Sheriff’s HQ or Fire Department just a mile up the road….
Gee, maybe it’s optional???
And the flags were at half-staff at one of the local large employers, a high-tech factory, basically, and the huge one on the city common.
For nice correctives to all the drivel we get swamped with in the publik skool classes we all took, originating with the ongoing cadre of Lincoln acolytes, check out:
Gore Vidal’s “Lincoln.”
And Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s “The Real Lincoln.”
We have road rage incidents in Houston just about everyday. Way too many of them involve gunfire, not just gun brandishing. And the “you are number one finger”, thousands, daily. Mostly angry young men of which we have plenty.
And Mr. Lynn graduated from Texas A&M University in 1982 at the tender age of 21 with a new wife. And broke, very broke. Was accepted to engineering grad school but had a job waiting for me that actually paid money so I could support said wife at $9.50/hour which I thought was very nice wages. My new employer had failed to mention the mandatory 8 to 40 unpaid overtime hours per week since I was an “exempt” employee (a white hardhat wearer) so that $9.50/hour was more like $7/hour.
“… I think I’ll clamp one to Barbara’s Ruger Mini-14.”
Clamping method? A light mount, rail, Duct Tape? Will she be able to operate it from the usual firing position of her hands?
I still like the “Coast HP1 Focusing LED Flashlight” which is a bit more at $9.99. Not as heavy as the CREE and longer and slimmer. I am stashing them everywhere. The wife found the one in her purse the other day and promptly threw it out. Me: “what are you going to do when you need a light”, her: “I will have you around”, at which point I gave up.
Just drove back from San Antone to the Land of Sugar. I swear, the pothole fixing on I-10, the busiest interstate in the USA that travels from the Pacific to the Atlantic, gets worse each time. Now they are just throwing asphalt into the potholes with a shovel and walking away. No rolling, no nothing, just let the trucks pack it down.
” And the “you are number one finger”, thousands, daily. Mostly angry young men of which we have plenty.”
I haven’t seen that up here in Vermont in the 18 years I’ve been here, but brothers report daily occurrences down in Ye Old Commonwealth, and yes, it’s always an Angry Young Man, wearing the uniform, you know, ball cap tilted backwards high in the air, unkempt stubble on the face, sometimes blue or purple mirror shades, 5X tee-shirt and of course the sagging baggy shorts to mid-calf, so as to expose the really kewl tatts.
Didja know there was once an actual literary group/”movement” by that name in Ye Old Perfidious Albion? Yes…
Of the writers listed I can recommend the angry poet Philip Larkin, and most especially Kingsley Amis, who was/is side-splitting funny about all kinds of stuff. I do not recommend the communist playwright Harold Pinter.
And thus concludes OFD’s obscure hyper-literate tidbit for today.
“Now they are just throwing asphalt into the potholes with a shovel and walking away. No rolling, no nothing, just let the trucks pack it down.”
Known up here as “cold patching.” It lasts about five minutes.
But boy, it keeps the local yokel road guys employed.
And certain larger projects up here that would take the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers an afternoon always take many, many months, esp. during the warm weather. Several bridge projects on the major interstate come to mind. Usually a couple of navvies slaving away and others just sorta hangin’ out. They probably go down to MA and NYC for the union-sponsored training in how to milk jobs forever.
“Don’t kill the job.”
“Sinbad Where U Been Toilet Seat ”
“if the seat is up then that means that he loves you”
Speaking of road rage in Houston. Only it’s the cops blasting an unarmed man after a car chase. Check out the side window holes. I guess the cops emptied their mags “just to be sure.” Next time they’ll probably light the perp up with shotguns afterwards.
lol Apparently Lincoln and Washington were Gay. The LBGT community will leave no stone unturned in proving humanity is 90% Gay and 10% Straight.
“Check out the side window holes. I guess the cops emptied their mags “just to be sure.” Next time they’ll probably light the perp up with shotguns afterwards.”
Apparently there were also passengers in the car; very puzzling scenario all around. I can attest that a cop’s adrenalin shoots right up the second he or she starts a high-speed pursuit and keeps going, and they’re usually pretty pissed off when it finally comes to a stop. At that point, Grasshopper, don’t jump out and then reach into the back seat for sumthin; yo ass mos def gon be grass then.
Yeah, all the bullet holes illustrate yet another example of the spray-and-pray philosophy of tactical police gun play. I wonder how many rounds got blasted there and how many ended up all over the landscape.
We were taught not to fire unless and until there was a definite, identifiable lethal threat directed at us, imminently so. This, and most other such incidents nowadays, do not seem to meet those criteria, so I guess the training is different.
“The LBGT community will leave no stone unturned in proving humanity is 90% Gay and 10% Straight.”
That’s coming from a book by ancient queen Larry Kramer, who has always been a total p.o.s. and general ass-hat for decades, well-known as such, infamous, even. Anything from him is comic-book material, believe me. Right off the bat: everyone here knows I loathe and despise the Great Eliminator but he warn’t the least bit gay; it was common back then for men to share beds and cut expenses during travel, for one thing, and not at all unusual in other circumstances. As for the guys at Jamestown; yeah, it was an all-male colony at first; but they were divided by class distinctions and as soon as relations got a bit less rocky with the local inhabitants of the region then, they got busy with the squaws. And it was probably at least one such relationship in that century and the one following that gives me my Algonqian DNA, Wampanoag bands in southeastern Maffachufetts and the Islands.
So when Larry starts yapping about the Plymouth men being gay, I may have to bitch-slap him and tell him to STFU. Geez, I figured he’d been dead for years, of the usual diseases.
I believe he was famous for the “Pinter Pause.” I know I’ve worked on versions of his plays, but looking at his wiki, I couldn’t tell you which ones. Undoubtedly they were “two hours of my life I’ll never get back.”
“so I guess the training is different. “– yup focused on “officer safety.” It seems that the highest goal your modern LEO can aspire to is to simply survive the day. Says a lot about the unconscious assumptions and mindset. Especially in light of the real statistics that don’t even place it in the top 10 dangerous jobs. We somehow went from ‘better that one hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man be condemned’ to ‘better flashbang the crib, in case the baby has a piece.’
As the detective who taught our ‘how to interact with police as a CHL holder’ class says, “They teach us to go from 0 to 100 in a heartbeat. They DON’T teach us how to go from 100 to 0. DON’T trigger that reaction.”
I’m not going to say it’s all of them but it does seem to be widely distributed and commonplace.
You do know that God is on the side of the heavy artillery, do you not? If you doubt this, just ask Doctor Jerry.
Similarly, God’s troops are those who are alert to their surroundings. Just ask Gideon.
By that criterion, it is also obvious that The Good Lord favours those who stand up to urinate. People who piddle upright have God’s favour, whereas those who huddle and squat lack God’s Blessing.
Conversely, of course, God does not smile on those who indulge in spreading chemical and biological warfare. Since we know that women hover to use public toilets, spattering and splattering in their efforts to avoid contaminating their own precious booty with the results of the previous miscreant’s helicopter micturation, then they join the ranks of those who, like the REMFs in Vietnam, God wots not. In Vietnam, it was Agent Orange. From those who semi-squat to trot, they spread Agent Yellow.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus!
Unfortunately, I have, so to speak, slid downhill. I am capable of learning, and I have learnt that in my case it is advisable to sit rather than to stand. This is indeed the work of the Devil, but it is also bowing to expediency (and having to clean up before and after myself). Unfortunately, I have large-scale leg-ulcers. I also have a hernia. In fact, while I am not diabetic, I exhibit most of the symptoms thereof except the blood-sugar. Now, aforementioned hernia makes it advisable to sit rather than stand, as the result otherwise is less than edifying. The ulceration precludes fixing the hernia – they won’t operate if I have an open wound, unless it were an unquestionable case of saving my life, and the possibility of making my crotch rot were worth the risk. We haven’t reached that stage yet.
Sad what life may reduce one to, is it not?
Found what looks like the same flashlight in Germany for EUR 2.53, which is somewhere around the same amount in dollars. I ordered five – the shipping costs more than the flashlights.
There were lots of other offers for lights that look absolutely identical, except for the printing on the side. Presumably a mass-produced product that companies can have their own brand printed onto. All of them say 7W in the description, which is (as one of y’all pointed out) absolute nonsense. But who cares? For that price, if they work, you really can’t lose.
Good question. I planned to use an Uncle Mike’s tactical light clamp, but that puts the light all the way toward the muzzle, where it’d be a reach to operate the switch. I suppose I could duct-tape it just forward of the magazine, but there are some downsides to that as well.
I’d actually prefer to have it right out near the muzzle to minimize backscatter and preserve night vision, so what I may do is mount it there and run a wire back to a momentary-on or click-on/click-off switch near the support hand.
Yep, and under the “often also bought with” I see a tactical clamp for it for a couple euros.
My Chinese 7W flashlights arrive today via USPS. Only 15 days from China to here. Not bad for a total cost of $7.88 for two. The two via Prime were $9.99.
“Sad what life may reduce one to, is it not?”
Indeed. I’ve had several very temporary versions of your situation and to be stuck with it day after day truly sucks. I hope something can be done for you ASAP. My deal was with severe back pain and I couldn’t do jack; you find out just how critical your spine is to every other part of your body real fast.
” ‘better flashbang the crib, in case the baby has a piece.’”
Not only does lethal force seem to be the default now, but they and the brass and the politicians who unquestioningly back them up don’t seem to have any problems with that. To me this indicates FEAR.
In addition to these 200 lumen flashlights that can be powered by a single AA cell, you sometimes might need the extra power of a 4-cell 26650 Tactical flash to deliver instant temporary blindness or a disorienting strobe.
for example.
They cost almost 20 times as much, but they are practically useful as non-lethal ranged defense.
There are times you need a simple flash, and other times you want a massive torrent of light.
Note – many of these Chinese shops will claim massively overstated specs for their products, so if they offer something too good to be true, don’t you believe it.
Again, I don’t really care how exaggerated their claims are in terms of lumens or whatever. What matters to me is that these things are extremely bright, run for a reasonable amount of time on one AA cell, and from experience are very durable.
In regards to the cops shooting the unarmed man after the car chase.
He fled for over 20 minutes, hit another car which hit two others. He got out, cops were already pointing guns at him, he opened the passenger door and reached in. The cops shot him. Nobody else was in the car. Looks like a good shooting. (I watched the video of it.)
Sure, I don’t doubt it was probably a mostly good shoot; overkill, perhaps, but legally tenable. As I said, you can’t do that chit, come to a stop, jump out and then dive for something in the back seat and not expect a frigging hail of bullets instantly.
Does anybody know what this guy’s problem was yet? Seems very weird.
The cops need an autonomous Segway with HD video to roll up in these cases. Wouldn’t that be cheaper than lawsuits from killing people? The guy may be a piece of poop, but did he injure or kill anybody? Like Mr. OFD says, don’t do that shit with the cops. They have made it clear they will shoot first and the authorities will have their backs.
Oh, yeah, and it looks like the DHS is buying 60+ million more 5.56 rounds. Soon they’ll have 2-3 hundred rounds per civivie. They’ll probably need 5-600 hundred for the way they fire.
RBT wrote:
“One girl I dated actually tried peeing into the toilet while standing up. It did not work out well.”
I’m told it’s possible. Some male relatives were at a demolition derby type meet and had gone to the gents room to have a slash. A tough looking sheila came in, turned her back to the urinal, droped her jeans and let go. Like most blokes I would have been interested to see that…
“One girlfriend dumped me after about the third time she got up to pee in the middle of the night and sat on bare porcelain. Well, actually, it was worse than that. She got wet. It took years for me to retrain myself to sit as the default option.”
What was wrong with her eyesight?
I think you’re an optimist. I remember reading one time that in WWI there were about 250,000 rounds fired for every one casualty, and that that number had gone up exponentially in WWII, even more so in Korea, and even more so in Viet Nam.
From the peeing article:
“He points to research out of the UK in the 1980s showing that 96 percent of women hover over public toilet seats when letting loose, creating some mess as well.”
Well, there you have it. Both genders should learn to pee into urinals, which should be installed in more places, including private homes. That way the women would have nothing to whine about and we can always leave the seat down.
In the US, I’m told that most public women’s rooms in better places have flushable tissue liners to cover the toilet seat. I even see them pretty frequently in men’s rooms.
Her vision was fine. It was dark.
I been married for a while; I pee standing up with the seat up.
I put the seat back down when I’m done.
It’s just friggin’ easier that way and avoids all potential hassles.
If our one bathroom is occupied and I really gotta go (I’m 61-62 and drink gallons of wottuh) I can use the whole dang northern Vermont landscape. Mrs. OFD is jealous.
When I get up in the middle of the night I pee sitting because if that is all I am doing I don’t have to turn on the light. I find it much easier to get back to sleep if I don’t have to deal with the light.
There was no light switch?
OFD wrote:
” just then headlights where none had been before, came zooming up behind me and right on my tail. I was not speeding and just going fast enough to pass the truck but it was gonna take a few seconds, and the bozo in back of me kept flashing his high-beams at me. As I moved over to the right lane in front of the truck, this asswipe was flying by me and I flipped him the bird and then saw it was a MA State Police cruiser, who then immediately threw on his blues (not sure how many lumens or how much they cost and whether they were made in Red Chiner or here) and pulled me over.
Checked my license and reg and then advised me that “Roadside courtesy like that in Texas would get you shot.” This was during the series of road rage shooting incidents in Ye Old Lone Star State then. ”
A thing in the early 80s in Canberra that greatly annoyed me was being booked for speeding, but the cops could do it with impunity.
Once I was doing the limit on a highway (80 km/h) and was passed by a cop car, lights not flashing, doing 20 over. I wondered if they were on their way to an emergency. But no, I caught up with them a few minutes later at McDonalds. (Back when I used to eat that stuff.) Very annoying.
“In the US, I’m told that most public women’s rooms in better places have flushable tissue liners to cover the toilet seat. I even see them pretty frequently in men’s rooms.”
In the early 80s my sister crafted seat liners from the plastic bags you get in supermarkets for when she took her 2yo daughter to the ladies room. I thought she was paranoid at the time. Not now.
OFD wrote:
“If our one bathroom is occupied and I really gotta go (I’m 61-62 and drink gallons of wottuh) I can use the whole dang northern Vermont landscape. Mrs. OFD is jealous.”
That’s the basis for all the seat problems: they’re just mad that they got to sit down to have a slash. One of the great things about being a guy is that “the world is your urinal.”
Exactly. The other great thing about being a guy is that we don’t have the monthly thing and in return we get to die sooner, usually. Cuts out, on average, several years of nagging and Honey-Do lists. (just funnin’, grrls!)
Hm, my mum outlived my father by 16 years – you tend not to hear that many cases in old age of men outliving women.
Yeah, and periods and PMT would be a PITA, as would having to look over your shoulder all the time and having sleezebags trying to get into your pants. “It’s great to be a guy.” ™
My mother-in-law passed away 20 years ago at the tender age of 58. She had her first heart attack at age 36 with an undiagnosed heart valve condition until her 6th or 7th heart attack. My father-in-law is still cranking on at age 82 in the nursing home XXXXXXX XXXX skilled nursing facility.
“Now they are just throwing asphalt into the potholes with a shovel and walking away. No rolling, no nothing, just let the trucks pack it down.”
Known up here as “cold patching.” It lasts about five minutes.
Nah, they piled so much asphalt in the pothole that it became an inverse pothole. A pot mound. About four inches in height that you do not see at 80 mph until you hit it and swear. My Expy is a certified land yacht but even it jumps on these things.