09:34 – I’m still working on taxes. I’m doing the hard part right now, collating and organizing data. Actually filling in the forms will be easy.
We’ll finish series eight of Murdoch Mysteries tonight. It’s a period piece, set in the late 19th century in earlier seasons and in 1902 as of series eight. It’s supposedly based on early forensics, but the supposed forensic science is pretty bogus. This season, the emphasis seems to be on using UV light to make bloodstains fluoresce. Ironically, blood is actually one of the very few body fluids that doesn’t fluoresce under UV light.
I rated the series one-star until I realized that it’s supposed to be a farce. Or at least I hope it’s supposed to be a farce. If they’re serious, it’s just bad. Nonsensical plots, hokey writing, over-the-top acting, and so on. At least I get to shout “AHA!” frequently. And at least there are some cuties to watch, which is ultimately my yardstick for any TV series. Well, that and good dresses.
“And at least there are some cuties to watch, which is ultimately my yardstick for any TV series. Well, that and good dresses.”
I’m buggered here; my yardstick is historical accuracy.
Happy Easter, y’all!
We had a dusting of snow overnight and the bunny delivering candy was pissed off.
I was hauling in some firewood and looked up, always a good move around here, and lo and behold, a magnificent bald eagle flew right over the neighbor’s house and me and headed north. About 30 feet over my head. Against a brilliant blue sky. Quite a sight and as my old Anglican Digest used to say, makes the heart glad.
I gave up on historical accuracy long ago, even in supposedly non-fiction/documentary programs. The inaccuracies are often gratuitous. They don’t add to the story or make things flow better, they’re just changes for the sake of change.
So now I just look for nekkid cuties running around. Or even clothed cuties. If I refused to settle for that, I wouldn’t watch anything.
ding ding ding ding ding!
I try watching movies or TV shows from time to time. Sometimes I’ll find one I like and watch all the way through, but usually I’ll stop the movie within ten minutes or the series after an episode or two.
-gasp-! It sounds like I’m turning into a grouchy old man! I must immediately go an have an ill-advised affair with a girl one third my age! Either that or buy a Corvette, but I’m too broke for that. Hmm. Poverty will probably impede the ill-advised affair, too. I guess there’s nothing for it but to continue along the path to curmudgeonliness.
OFD is well along that path even as we speak, Grasshopper. Before you know it, you too will likely be a mean, cantankerous snarky old fascist bastard like me, scrambled brains seething with rayciss hate, xenophobia, homophobia, nativism, and general disintegration, followed by an early grave and descent into Hell, where the torturing demons are former commie English professors and low-level gummint bureaucrats.
It sounds like I’m turning into a grouchy old man! I must immediately go an have an ill-advised affair with a girl one third my age! Either that or buy a Corvette
Shortly after I bought my sailboat, I jokingly told my son that a boat was cheaper than a mistress. He reported to my wife that I had chosen a boat over a mistress. Damn kid (who will be 31 next month) takes things too literally.
We are finishing our move into our houseboat on the Columbia today. I have stayed here all week. It is a beautiful sunny morning. Currently 46 with a predicted high of 56. I can look out the window and see the river the and saw a sea lion yesterday.
Rick in Portland
Before you know it you’ll be bragging about how cheap your shoes are, and asking for a free hat with any purchase
I told my wife yesterday that I was just about old enough to start wearing socks with my sandals. I got a withering look for that suggestion!
I’m pretty sure I can sign up for AARP next year. Not that I think they are particularly good. They seem to be first in line with their hands out when uncle is handing out candy.
” I got a withering look for that suggestion!”
You are also apparently now at that age where mention of your own advancing age strongly brings to her mind that she is aging right along with you, and thus the withering look. Bad call, Grasshopper.
I share your impression of AARP but their monthly mag often has useful tips and interesting articles and profiles of others with similar issues at our advancing age of decrepitude and despair. And it’s always nice to see pictures of peeps older than me who are in fah bettuh shape and have more money than God.
To be fair, they will go to bat for peeps who’ve been screwed over for various things, like house foreclosures, medical insurance snafus, bad products that cause problems, etc.
I’m pretty sure I can sign up for AARP next year.
And they won’t let you forget it. Expect lots of mail. AARP was one of the big lobbying groups in favor of Obamacare.
Kids are napping.
Baskets are ravaged.
Eggs are eaten.
Got 2 chickens in the smoker.
Got the jello in the fridge and the bread in the machine.
Got the collards cut.
Got friends headed over with ham and some fixins’.
Misty rain has stopped, but it’s still cool.
Fixin’ to be a good day.
Best regards to all on this feast day.
I told my wife yesterday that I was just about old enough to start wearing socks with my sandals.
Been doing that for years, the fems don’t even take the easy shot anymore.
Really enjoyed church this morning. The Church of Christ does not perform responsive readings but our church started doing them in the last decade or so. Nice thing about Churches of Christ being independent of any central organization. We do not have a central authority nor are we organized.
The preacher, “Christ is Risen!”
The congregation, “He is Risen Indeed!”
We feasted at a breakfast buffet after church. Ate my first real bacon in several months since transitioning to turkey bacon at the house. Topped it off with bread pudding.
“The congregation, “He is Risen Indeed!””
We have the exact same response in our centrally managed billion-plus Church. Although if memory serves, it used to be “Christ is risen indeed.”
” Topped it off with bread pudding.”
My plan tonight, after a solitary dinner of kielbasa, beans, and potato salad. Wife is winging to NYC/Long Island; Princess is driving MY car to MA from NH; Grandma is likewise solitary in beautiful Shelburne, VT; son and DIL and grandkids are in MA; rest of immediate family likewise.
We’ll do a late Easter feast next weekend as the Easter days continue, technically, through Pentacost; this week is the Octaves of Easter.
Rabbit stew coming up. Bagged the hoppity varmint about halfway down the hall. Deviled eggs too.
Dr. Bob grilled reindeer steaks for Xmas.
I roasted witches on All Hallows Eve and threw in some heretics.
OFD, wasn’t one of the theories about witchery that oral sex was one of the satanic rituals? If so, and if you got the witches toasted (or baked) and then ate them, doesn’t that put you on a par with Satan?
All kinds of sexual acts were thought to have been enacted in their foul rituals; similar accusations were raised against the Knights Templar of medieval France back in the day by, IIRC, King Philip IV.
As a mere human, I am not in the same category as angels, demons and Satan himself. Apples and oranges, young sir.
Didn’t say I ate them, did I? Merely roasted them. Along with those heretics, mostly lapsed Catholics, certain Protestants, and a shisk-ke-bab of hadjis.
Well, OFD, it’s like this. This morning, I roasted a fine young bird, and after going to all that effort it would be foolish not to eat the bird, right? The same applies to getting a bird toasted — if you don’t eat up afterword, it seems you’re guilty of wasted effort and expense.
I am guilty of so many things I’ve long since lost track and forgotten most of them. Naturally there will be somebody waiting when I check out with the complete list.
Sorta like being married. The wives are human tape recorders that have the tape going for the whole shooting match. You, poor imbecile, have probably forgotten this or that conversation or facial expression or sigh of exasperation, but not to worry, it’s all on that tape. Forever.
“Sarah Brady, Widow of Former White House Press Secretary James Brady, Dies at 73”
“F*** you, b****. I outlasted you. I still have my guns.”
I have given up watching anything on CBC this year. I got tired of banners taking up a third of the screen telling me what I’m watching or what I should be watching next. I’ll wait for the season to be out on dvd and then get it from the library.
Murdoch continues its descent into silliness (or is it stupidity?), I’m surprised they didn’t do an episode where Tesla and Edison fought a duel. Probably because there weren’t any writers who knew who both men were. It’s a shame because the first episodes (based on the novels) were excellent and the first few seasons were interesting.
But it’s still better than Bones.
Hell, I’ve been a grouchy old man for 20+ years and I’m only 54!
There’s a grain silo across from my apt building which attracts meeses and other rodents.
So of course the bald eagles hang out in the trees, but so do the crows! Fun to watch them fight for territory.
Phoned my Catholic friends in India and wished them the best.
I’m a dyed in the wool atheist, but gee, I like the church sometimes.
Oiling the teak as we speak. Timer just went off, time to rub one out.
A coffee table…
” Sarah Brady ran a successful but deceptive scam on America that gave her a huge financial reward and sainthood among her gun rights hating disciples.
I will not mourn the loss of Sarah Brady. I do however mourn the loss of those who were murdered because they were enjoined by unconstitutional laws to defensive weapons.”
SteveF wrote:
“Either that or buy a Corvette, but I’m too broke for that.”
Get a Harley Davidson. Should be cheaper than a Corvette.
Lynn wrote:
“The Church of Christ does not perform responsive readings…”
My old (Presbyterian) church in Canberra did a bit of that. A nice compromose between the churches with no formality and the ones that completely overdo it. Went to a nearby Anglican church on Thursday night for “Maundy Thursday”. Far far more formal than last Easter when they had a different priest. I couldn’t get out the door fast enough at the end – I was bored rigid.
Brady couldn’t be *that* bad. After all, she is said to have bought her son a hunting rifle.
Speaking not of historical, but of scientific accuracy: We watched Interstellar over the weekend. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is reputed to be a film where they actually paid more than lip service to scientific accuracy.
There are still some pretty wild ideas in the plot, mainly having to do with things in and around a black hole. With that out of the way, the minutae are indeed well done. The actors actually move around in weightlessness, until they put a spin on the ship. The structure of the ship is believable. It takes two years to get from Earth to Saturn. The space suits are pretty good guesses for what spacesuits in the near future might look like. In the end, I found myself very caught up in the film. Recommended.