Tuesday, 10 February 2015

By on February 10th, 2015 in Barbara, science kits

08:06 – Barbara is doing well. Assuming the doctor approves, she’ll probably return to work next week.

I built a new batch of chemistry kits yesterday, lacking only the wire gauzes. I have a few of those on hand, which should be enough to carry us until the new shipment arrives. If not, I’ll just ship the kits without and send the wire gauzes separately when they arrive. Today I’m going to get started on a new batch of biology kits, which we’re running low on.

3 Comments and discussion on "Tuesday, 10 February 2015"

  1. jim` says:

    Ayiooo! Wire gauze — what is the name of the safety lamp used by coal miners? That’s been driving me nuts for months now.

  2. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    You probably mean the Davy lamp.

  3. jim` says:

    Ahh, thank you…. sighing with relief

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