09:19 – I’m still covered up. I have 14 kits to ship today, only 12 of which are in stock. What’s worse is that the two that aren’t in stock are of different types. I’m completely out of CK01B chemistry kits and BK01 biology kits, so making more of both is my top priority for today and tomorrow.
11:07 – I have the dozen kits that are in stock boxed up and ready to ship. I’m hoping to have the other two, plus whatever orders come in today and tomorrow, ready to ship tomorrow, since Monday is a USPS holiday for MLK day.
Barbara hits the gym twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On gym night, she doesn’t get home until 6:30 or so, which gives me time to watch a couple episodes of Heartland. But yesterday I decided instead to start re-watching Jericho on Netflix streaming, which she’s not interested in re-watching.
Jericho is one of the better post-apocalyptic dramas. It’s a shame it lasted only 29 episodes. There are some technical clangers: rain apparently clears heavy fallout, and the writers have people running around unprotected after the rain stops because the background radiation level is now very low. Say what? That, and having the guy who’s been out in the rain drink a bottle of iodine solution, which in real life would have put him into intensive care. They talked about mixing it with canned peaches to make it more palatable, which in reality would also have rendered the iodine safe because the vitamin C in the peaches would have oxidized the corrosive elemental iodine to harmless iodide ions. Not that iodine/iodide is going to do a thing to help someone who’s been exposed to a large dose of radiation. And so on. But overall the writers seem to be doing a pretty reasonable job so far, although I can’t remember enough about later episodes to know if they kept doing a reasonable job. It’s certainly worth watching.
I am going to boycott Papa John’s pizza:
NASA is also dead to me:
I do not know how they rigged the measured temperatures but they did it. Steve Goddard knows how they did it though:
“Gavin just announced that 2014 was the hottest year ever, ignoring the fact that his error bar is 500% larger than his claimed record, ignoring that satellite data disagrees, ignoring the record Antarctic sea ice, ignoring the above average global sea ice, ignoring the record snow cover, and ignoring common sense.”
“The United States has gone full Goebbels.”
What I find kinda interesting is that our cultural zeitgeist has been so saturated with the ‘conventional wisdom’ and the “correct” historical views, that whatever the discussion, the always-ready comparison/analogy is to the Nazis. Does anyone even know or remember who the chief propaganda nabobs were in the Soviet Union or Red China or Cuba? Of course not. So naturally that propaganda dispensed by our own regime “has gone full Goebbels.” Everybody knows who he was, amirite?
And of course it’s always Hitler this, and Hitler that; granted, an evil beast from the Pit, but jeezum, Lenin-Stalin and Mao murdered many more millions by orders of magnitude! This was never covered in my own history classes from middle skool on through college and if that was the case then, I seriously doubt it gets covered nowadays, but hey, I’m open to correction on this.
Quick example: When did YOU first learn of “Operation Keelhaul”?
NASA is also dead to me
How can they measure down to 1/100 of a degree and declare “hottest year evah”? Ridiculous. I also read libturds are upset anti-science, climate change denier, Ted Cruz is now “running NASA” from the Senate. If Cruz can squash wasted funds on this type of shit, Mooslim pacification studies, etc., please, let him run NASA. Explore Space fucktards! NASA is probably the one who deemed the Nevada Desert Tortoise is endangered so the Feds could get Mr. Bundy.
And…Sec Lurch take James Taylor to France to sing “You’ve Got A Friend”. Geez. Diplomacy by the Obola admin is a joke. We’re sorry. Please forgive us. Our bad. No wonder the World now laughs at the US.
How can they measure down to 1/100 of a degree and declare “hottest year evah”?
When you know the answer, it is easy to make up the data.
1973, when the book was published.
I am a big fan of Ted Cruz. Of course, so is The Great State of Texas as we overwhelmingly elected him. Our other Senator, Cornyn, is a slovenly RINO. But, he is our RINO.
I liked Jericho. You may want to try Jeremiah. Jericho was better IMO.
Said it before, sayin’ it again:
1.) Remove ourselves from the Middle East, Sandbox, The Suck, etc., once and for all; let the buggers slaughter the fuck out of each other, which is what they love to do and what they do best.
2.) Close nearly all DOD installations overseas and a bunch of them here in CONUS and have the troops secure our borders and coasts and air space, period.
3.) Stop empire-building and mind our own business and seek to trade on an equal footing with those similarly minded.
4.) If bad state entities do bad things to us here, we obliterate them. If bad actors in small groups or individually do bad things to us here, we send our hired and trained and merciless killer teams to obliterate them.
And while I’m on a roll…
5.) Empty the prison industry system of all non-violent prisoners, slaves and dissidents here in North Murka. End the War on Some Drugs. End capital punishment except in 100% clear-cut capital cases where we cannot guarantee permanent life sentence security. Repeal Roe v. Wade.
6.) Along with securing our borders and coasts, halt all but desirable strategic immigration once and for all and deport criminal illegals ASAP.
7.) Shut down the public education system in its entirety and close 90% of the colleges and universities.
8.) Make the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Tenth Amendments Holy Writ and restore the original Articles of Confederation.
Now that ain’t too much to ask, amirite??
Pahtly sunny here today and 14 with subzero wind chill, ditto tomorrow, but Sunday and Monday will be tee-shirt and speedo weather.
“I am a big fan of Ted Cruz.”
Sorta like saying here that “I’m a big fan of Bernie Sanders.” They’re politicians, they do what they’re told so they can get elected and re-elected and acquire power and wealth at our expense. Period.
Would Teddy Cruz pee on you if you were on fire?
So many people on fire, so little pee.
NASA is on the climate change bandwagon for the $$$. Their budget would take a huge hit it they weren’t busy
fabricatingresearching global warming for the current administration. How many millions (billions?) do you think NASA is burning through every year studying climate data? That’s a cash cow they’re not likely to kill off.Hey OFD, if you’re still in the market here’s that good amp:
Re iodine and radiation, they were probably working from the theory described here: https://ljkboerner.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/why-give-iodide-for-radiation-poisoning/
I don’t know if that’s good science or not, but it’s conventional wisdom. IIRC we were taught the same in the Army 25 or 30 years ago.
Thanks, Mr. jim`!
I’m checking the market here and there but right now we’re mainly paying bills and taxes; no luxury items here this month, no sir!
Heading to minus 7 tonight, and chill factuh well below that. Mrs. OFD is on her last day in lovely Tampa, which she does not find very lovely; her lawyer cousin used to call it “Vietnam,” but I would beg to differ with her somewhat.
A week home and then her next three gigs are in the northern Snow Belt; Concord, New Hampshuh, Minnesoder, and Syracuse in the Vampire State to our west.
I may pop down at some point next month and visit all the family peeps in Ye Old Commonwealth of Maffachufetts, before some of them head out to Babylon-On-The-Bay in a few months. If I do, I’ll pay a visit to the Mormon storefront in Woostuh, near where the latter family members live, along with a brother, my sister and nephew. Load up the Toyoda with a pile of basic stuff per Dr. Bob and our own inclinations.
Oh, and I learned a new word today: the creepazoids who flog “The Vagina Monologue” crap all over the continent have cancelled a scheduled performance, apparently, because the production is not inclusive enough, i.e., it is not “trans-inclusive.” Got that, homies? Also as a noun: “trans-inclusivity.”
These are the new Annointed Grievance Whores; I may go have the surgery so I can dip into that giant gravy boat coming their way, too.
I may go have the surgery so I can dip into that giant gravy boat coming their way, too
Just another couple of years for you and Medicare will pay for that surgery:
“shudder” – why any guy would voluntarily have his sausage inverted into a bun is totally beyond me.
Hmmmm….you must be some kinda transo-phobe. We’ll get you into a re-education center ASAP.
Actually I’d have a little trouble ever coming across as a female of the species, not least due to size and hairiness. Not to mention sheer ugliness.
Finally got rid of the Bing annoyance, and it was super-annoying; if I left it alone, thinking just having one tab open would stop it from continuing, I was wrong. This morning there were around 50 or so open Bing tabs in FF. I eventually had to go into the Registry and change a setting and this is evidently an issue with Winblows 8, though I’ve had 8 since it came out and never ran into this before. Hmmm…could it be due to the recent Microslop “update”?
Next annoying issue is figuring out how to get the PC-BSD laptop to see the mouse, although the touchpad works OK; I just prefer a mouse.
Yes, ingested I-131 accumulates in the thyroid and can cause cancer. The idea of administering 131 mg potassium iodide pills (= 100 mg of iodine per pill, a fairly arbitrary amount) is that you swamp the radioactive iodine with safe iodine. Any iodine nuclide is quickly excreted by the body, so you excrete the I-131 you ingested (along with a vast majority of the regular iodine in the pill), preventing the I-131 from accumulating in and damaging your thyroid.
The thing is, supplemental iodine isn’t really needed other than for kids and young adults. Thyroid tumors take so long to develop that anyone over 50 (and probably 40) doesn’t really need to take the supplemental iodine because they’ll be dead of other causes before thyroid cancer could develop.
The real point I was making was that someone who absorbed a huge dose of radiation shouldn’t bother worring about thyroid cancer. Something else is going to kill him long before the thyroid cancer develops 50 years later.
Oh, sure, I understand your dubiousness over iodine in the TV scenario.
On rereading, I see that I mangled my statement in the earlier comment, leaving it yielding at least two meanings. What I meant was that semi-conventional wisdom is that iodine stops radiation damage hooray. The science behind that belief is somewhat questionable.
“2015 Predictions: It’s about the money, stupid!”
“Prediction #1 — Everyone gets the crap scared out of them by data security problems.”
“Prediction #2 — Google starts stealing lunch money.”
The other eight are on the website.
Actually I’d have a little trouble ever coming across as a female of the species, not least due to size and hairiness. Not to mention sheer ugliness.
You would be surprised. I know a trans-guy who is 6’6″ and one-eyed. She now wears heels and has a fake eye, he used an eye patch before the switch. She made dinner for my parents last year and they said it was a little weird but not totally.
[snip] Does anyone even know or remember who the chief propaganda nabobs were in the Soviet Union or Red China or Cuba? [snip]
The New York Times? Or Woody Guthrie?
Those people will never be “she” or “he” to me; there is no arguing with biology and anthropology, except in very few/rare cases that have nothing to do with surgery.
But hey, YMMV, as they say!
Cringely #1: Yeah, IT security. What a joke. I think he’s an optimist about peeps finally being scared enough to wake up; billions have already been lost. The corporate PHB manglers HATE thinking or talking about security, it twists their panties into sweat- and blood-soaked wads as they grind their teeth and moan. It’s an overhead expense, always negative stuff, and to spend one red cent on it drives them totally batshit. I’m guessing it will take the Fed leviathan to kick-start it, once they’ve been hit good and hard, and once the thievery causes REAL pain. I have personal job experience with this attitude down in MA and here, and I WARNED the manglers that they were wide open and they blew me off and I was on their shit lists afterward. In one case the site did get hit and the mangler himself was FIRED. In the other two cases, the shit hit the fan and major reorgs took place but ol’ OFD was pushed the hell out as fast as they could get me out, and in a miserable way, too.
Cringely #5: Yup, there is a grievous shortage of qualified IT workers in CONUS, of course, so we have to import them from the Indian Subcontinent and the Balkans or even better, offshore the work to them where they live. Plus, we get to train them before we’re dumped. I note that the vast majority of the Red Hat guys are from India and Bangladesh and Pakistan and their English ain’t too great and they always want freebies; I’ve lost count of the times guys asked me to send them RHEL cert books or .pdf files or for help with a host of issues. Their brothers all work in HR and recruiting, apparently. So sure, bring in more tidal waves of them and push Murkan worker slobs out on the streets, where they can grow bitter and angry and depressed and buy AR’s and handguns and shotguns. And cling to their religions, LOL. All the more reason, again, for ol’ OFD to kiss all those mofos buh-bye and never work for The Man again in this life. Just sorry I didn’t jump a lot sooner.
Said it before, sayin’ it again: 1.) through 8.)
You forgot to start with…get rid of all the politicians whose livelihoods depend on the special interests that support most of 1 through 8.
And Mr. pcb_duffer nails it!
“The New York Times? Or Woody Guthrie?”
Exactly. The Soviets and Red Chinese and Cubans didn’t need to HAVE their own agitprop czars; we had them right here!
Plus pretty much the entire educational system, academia and the media!
To this day hardcore lefties will tell you the public health is better than ours in Cuba and those other systems just weren’t organized right, but hell, a couple of hundred million corpses was worth it for making the attempt, eh?
“…You forgot to start with…get rid of all the politicians…”
A gimme. It is assumed.
Those people will never be “she” or “he” to me; there is no arguing with biology and anthropology, except in very few/rare cases that have nothing to do with surgery.
Sounds like you need to memorize the transgender etiquette 101:
“1. Respect the terminology a transgender person uses to describe their identity. ”
I have no idea where we are going with this. Makes me want to sit on the front porch and yell at the kids to get off my lawn.
Yelling at the kidz is disrespectful. Must use proper etiquette.
I said a while back that we’re on that supposedly mythical slippery slope and peeps blew me off, here at home, and online. We went from the heroic Stonewall episode (a riot of drunks and maniac cops and more maniac drunks, the Accepted Narrative of which now is like unto the Second Coming) to “civil unions” to “gay marriage” and now we hear all about the trans-peeps how we must all grovel and genuflect (what’s their percentage of the pop, I wonder, about .00001 %?) and rumors abound of the growing acceptance of pedophilia and pederasty (just so long as it ain’t Catholic clergy doing it) and gee whiz, what’s so wrong about bestiality, marrying buildings, and necrophilia???
We live in a sick culture of perversion and death now and it’s due for burning.
Am writing F77 code at the moment to convert meters to btus using our feet to btu conversion. Sounds crazy but you can do it!
C NOTE: the feet to btu conversion is as follows (using gravity for Earth)
C feet * 32.2 ft/s^2 / (32.2 lbm*ft/lbf/s^2) / (778.169264359 ft-lb/btu)
C = 1.28506e-3 btu/feet
Note that this means that our software may not work properly on the Moon. Or Mars. Venus, that place is so hot that you are totally on your own anyway. All that stuff that Heinlein wrote about Venusian Dragons has been sadly disproven.
I’ve been thinking about the Curse of Cassandra. Several things have failed recently with people I know in or out of work, all because of human failings, all as I predicted weeks or years before the failure.
Classically, Cassandra made her predictions, usually of problems to come, and her audience simply didn’t believe her.
Realistically, I’d say the audience didn’t want to believe her. And probably got angry at her for saying it, and after the fact quite likely held her responsible for the outcome. Pointing out to a person what he’s doing wrong generally isn’t accepted by that person, nor is pointing out the likely consequences of his shortcomings.
I don’t know if the refusal to accept predictions of failure due to personal fault is a modern American problem, fueled by modern American emphasis on “personal validation” and other claptrap, or a product of Western European civilization, or a broad human condition. I suspect the latter but don’t have a broad enough anthropological background to confirm it. (And mentioning it here is unlikely to do much good because all or almost all of the commenters here are white, male products of the Anglosphere. Heteronormative, racist denialists, too, no doubt.)
“… white, male products of the Anglosphere. Heteronormative, racist denialists, too, no doubt.)”
I plead guilty as charged. And man oh man, am I ever out of the Anglosphere. Family has been in Nova Anglia for nearly 400 years but we are as friggin’ English as all git out, and way more English than the string of usurpers holding the throne over there for the past 1,000 years.
But you forgot: “hyper-literate.” Dat be another strike agin us.
The thing about transgender is: I don’t care. If someone feels the need for such surgery, that’s their decision, and none of my business. This is just as unpleasant as when anyone overshares. I don’t want to hear about your gender reassignment surgery any more than I want to hear about your genital warts. It’s TMI.
The problem seems to be that certain members of the group enjoy making others uncomfortable, by pushing this in everyone’s faces. Geez, do what you want, it’s your life and your body. Be sensitive enough to others to go to the toilet that matches your physical equipment, because really, it’s not only about you.
Otherwise, I just don’t care – and that is apparently not what the activists want to hear.
Brad, what if I told you one of my genital warts looked like Elvis? Wouldn’t you agree that’s something you should know and not TMI?
To me as a scientist, “gender” is a linguistics term. It has nothing to do with sex. There are two sexes, XX and XY, along with < 1% of genetic oddities like XYY and XXY and an almost zero population of true hermaphrodites. Like Brad, I don't care to know the details of how someone identifies himself, herself, or itself sexually. But I do think it makes no sense to segregate toilet facilities in any way. All humans defecate and micturate, and it's ridiculous to have separate facilities for different types of people. Have all public restrooms be universal, with lots of stalls and some urinals for those who prefer to urinate while standing. Put the condom machines, tampon machines, baby changing tables, etc. where anyone who wants to use them can.
How many millions (billions?) do you think NASA is burning through every year studying climate data?
Not that many. NASA’s budget for all earth science is about $1.7 billion, which includes all earth observation sats, weather sats (IIRC, NASA builds and launches them, NOAA uses the data), and climate work.
“shudder” – why any guy would voluntarily have his sausage inverted into a bun is totally beyond me.
Be sensitive enough to others to go to the toilet that matches your physical equipment, because really, it’s not only about you.
Because psychologically, they are women. I have a transgendered friend. Unfortunately for her, she can’t have the surgery done due to other health problems – it would kill her. All she wants is to be left alone, to not be afraid of being beaten up, and to be able to go to the bathroom in public facilities. All are difficult to impossible in much of Texas. Like any group that faces daily discrimination, there are some radicals. Not all the civil rights movement members were Black Panthers, and not all the trans people are interested in getting in your face about it.
The web comic “Questionable Content” is showing the life of a transgender girl right now. “She” is pretty and cute in the comic and looks like a girl (in the comic). I have no idea if she was a he at birth and what has been done up to that point, but this is weird.
Women are definitely psychologically different from men. Woman can handle their feelings and control them. Men cannot and end up killing everything in sight. Are transgender women able to control their feelings?
Not that many. NASA’s budget for all earth science is about $1.7 billion, which includes all earth observation sats, weather sats (IIRC, NASA builds and launches them, NOAA uses the data), and climate work.
Mostly wasted if you ask me since the so-called climate scientists are now saying that the satellite data is worthless.
@ech: Given your friend, perhaps you can explain this, then? Psychologically “she”, but physiologically “he”. When s/he wants to urinate, why not go into the room that has urinals? It’s more convenient, if nothing else.
Of course, depending on the part of the country, I do understand that there are bullies who are looking for victims. So going to the urinals wearing heels and make-up might be a problem.
I’m not as liberal as our host: I do understand that many women are uncomfortable having men in their toilet facilities. Even if the (physical) man identifies as a woman, it seems only simple consideration to understand this, if s/he is visibly (perhaps through whiskers) identifiable as physically male.
My perception is that the LGBT crowd gets too wrapped up in themselves and their issues, and think everyone else ought to care. TMI: people outside one’s immediate circle just aren’t interested. Not even in SteveF’s wart
But maybe I’m being unfair. What’s the other side of the story from your friend’s perspective?
re Claire in Questionable Content: Yes, Claire was born male and did the sex change about four years ago, story time. Clinton is her brother and tries to be protective of his new sister even though she’s four years older.
While I dispute your broad-brush claims about women being able to handle their feelings and men not, there’s been research on the brains of trans people and people who self-identify as the other gender. Broad-brush summary: individuals’ brains tend to work like the sex they identify as, not like the sex their XX or XY pattern say they are. I’m not sure about XXY or XYY or whatever, but as RBT says, they’re a very small part of the population anyway.
“…they’re a very small part of the population anyway.”
Nevertheless, regardless, and without question, and everybody agrees, etc., etc. we must bow down, genuflect and grovel at their slightest hissy fit and whine. I don’t go outta my way to disrespect people and certainly am not gonna beat on them and call them names, etc., but to me it’s a little like asking for trouble if you are struggling with this and dress as such and then expect no one to get upset, annoyed, whatever, when you attempt to use public restroom and school/college facilities. How about the showers at the gym? Where does the line get drawn, and IS there even a line? Ever?
Hell, why is this even a damn issue now, all over the net, in the media, etc.? It’s a microscopic population among us, like the folks who dress up in Star Trek uniforms and show up that way for jury duty, or the diminishing handful of those who believe themselves to be Napoleon or Cleopatra. Why? Because the usual suspects among the radical activist LGBT crowd are screeching about it. And there is money to be made (chiefly by lawyers) and power to grab (mainly through the state leviathans).
You know how wacky things are when the traveling troupe of freaks who perform their “Vagina Monologues” around the country are taken to task and their show cancelled for being “reductionist,” and their failure to be “trans-inclusive,” and not only that, the freaks admit it and apologize and promise to do better!
Of course this makes me a fascist hater and a bigot, etc, etc. Whatever. I think the whole thing is screwy as hell and to expect 330 million other Murkans to jump through hoops is ridiculous. I sympathize with somebody who is dealing with this to a point and wish them no harm but maybe they need to look into other places to live and other people to be with, Texas evidently not among the likely candidates, I guess.
Nevertheless, regardless, and without question, and everybody agrees, etc., etc. we must bow down, genuflect and grovel at their slightest hissy fit and whine.
Nope. Not at all.
Given your friend, perhaps you can explain this, then? Psychologically “she”, but physiologically “he”. When s/he wants to urinate, why not go into the room that has urinals? It’s more convenient, if nothing else.
Because she is a woman. She’s been in hormone therapy for a while and from a distance looks female. Tall, but female. She still has the prominent Adam’s apple and thick wrists of a male, but otherwise she presents as a somewhat homely female. And in the stalls, nobody can see her wedding tackle anyway.
Of course, depending on the part of the country, I do understand that there are bullies who are looking for victims. So going to the urinals wearing heels and make-up might be a problem
It’s a problem in most of the US. And in some states it’s illegal for even a post-surgical trans female to use the female bathrooms. In Texas, it’s illegal in most areas pre-surgical.
I’m not as liberal as our host: I do understand that many women are uncomfortable having men in their toilet facilities. Even if the (physical) man identifies as a woman, it seems only simple consideration to understand this, if s/he is visibly (perhaps through whiskers) identifiable as physically male.
Transgendering is a process that takes a while. You get intensive counseling, individual and group. You start to dress as the opposite sex. After a while, hormone therapy starts. Then after a longer time, surgery is a possibility. During the time when it’s hard to pass as your identified sex, you dress androgynously and use “family” restrooms or places with a shared bathroom. There are websites that help with this.