Wednesday, 17 December 2014

By on December 17th, 2014 in science kits

09:39 – Kit sales have definitely tapered off. We shipped only three kits yesterday and had only two orders come in overnight. If orders for the rest of today are typical, that means we’ll probably ship only four or five kits today. And even that’s a strain. We’re down to two dozen total kits of all types left in stock: an even dozen of the forensic kits, half a dozen biology kits, and another half dozen chemistry kits. As soon as I post this, I’ll be building more.

32 Comments and discussion on "Wednesday, 17 December 2014"

  1. Dave B. says:

    Since I suspect most of us found this site through Jerry Pournelle’s site it seems appropriate to pass this on:

    “Jerry had a small stroke. He is recovering well at a local hospital. Prognosis is good, though they’re running more tests and he’s expected to stay at least another day or two.

    “He felt well enough to call Mom [Mrs. Pournelle] from the hospital.

  2. DadCooks says:

    Yes, I saw this this morning, on my rounds of worthwhile reading.

    I sure hope this is not an indication that his cancer is flaring again.

  3. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I just sent email rather than phoning because I didn’t want to bother Roberta or the kids. I figure they have enough to keep them busy. I’ll let everyone know if Jerry calls me.

  4. brad says:

    Please do. The last thing he probably needs is his whole mailing list and fan base pestering for information, but we are all interested in how he’s doing and hoping for a fast recovery.

  5. Robert,

    Just FYI – Don’t know if you are aware or not:


    Alberto S. Lopez
    310.686.1259 – CELL
    Twitter: @albertoslopez

  6. bgrigg says:

    If you visit Jerry’s site, you can add your well-wishes to the post announcing the stroke. They’ve enabled comments for that post, only. It’s moderated, so don’t expect to see it posted right away. Mine has been waiting for six hours now…

  7. Lynn McGuire says:

    Oh man, happened to run across these Winchester 22 LR commemorative bricks with wooden enclosures for $30 each at Academy last week. They would only let me buy two of them. I would have bought ten XXXXX twenty boxes if I could have.

  8. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I can’t figure out where it’s all going. I’ve bought only 200 or 300 rounds of .22LR this year, because the price is outrageous and because of the limits that sellers have in place.

    At some point, the market has to become saturated. Doesn’t it?

  9. OFD says:

    I am curious as why that particular ammo is so hard to find and so expensive, as opposed to 9mm, .40, .38/.357, .45ACP, and 5.56/.223. And I’ve seen plenty of shotgun ammo around here this past year, too.


    Any of y’all out there bought/used any Bushmaster AR rifles? Gun Tests gives at least one of them an “A” rating; I’ve also been looking at Stag, Colt and Rock River Arms.

  10. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Have you looked at the new Ruger?

  11. Ray Thompson says:

    I am curious as why that particular ammo is so hard to find and so expensive

    The feds are probably getting the lions share of the production. You know, to arm the school board, meter maids, hotel maids, etc.

  12. DadCooks says:

    My comment posted right away. It could be because my screen name is registered with WordPress, Gravatar, and Disqus. Allows me to maintain my anonymity but at the same time shows I am a real person with a track record.

  13. Lynn McGuire says:

    At some point, the market has to become saturated. Doesn’t it?

    My locals here are saturated with everything but .22 LR. Something is definitely weird.

    And, my local Wal*Mart does not have much ammo at all. I suspect that their low cost suppliers are not supplying them.

  14. Lynn McGuire says:

    My son just sold two Bushmaster AR-15s. Scary looking guns.

  15. OFD says:

    “Have you looked at the new Ruger?”

    You mean their 5.56 AR? Yeah; it also gets an “A” rating from Gun Tests but they went with the Bushmaster solely on the basis of cost, i.e., much cheaper, all other things being pretty equal during their testing.

    “Something is definitely weird.”

    Agreed. You, me and Dr. Bob can’t fathom it; again, WTF, if three great genius minds are unable to apprehend the cause and are thus confounded??

    We have some kinda disturbance going on across the street with symptoms of domestic “crisis” and substance abuse; Mrs. OFD wanted to find out, call the cops, etc., etc. I told her if they’re not in our driveway, fuck ’em.

  16. Lynn McGuire says:

    The USA has lost the world’s first cyber battle:

    This is not good. If North Korea can attack someone over the net, I wonder who will attack what next?

  17. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    The Bushmaster costs more than the new Ruger. Ruger has the SR-556, which retails for $2,000, and the AR-556, which retails for $750.

  18. OFD says:

    “I wonder who will attack what next?”

    Rioters in (pick one) any major Murkan city will riot and destroy their own neighborhood and stores.

    David Axelrod will say scurrilous things about HILLARY! running for Prez–oh wait–he’s already done that.

    Granny Warren, a.k.a. Fauxcahontas, will say bad things about Murkan business and the capitalist system.

    Jeb Bush will mount an aggressive campaign against nativists, xenophobes and racists who make fun of his “they do it out of love” bromide.

    Die-hard anti-Castro Cubanos in Miami will bitch about the regime opening up relations with Cuba.

    Homosexual activists will attack die-hard Irish-American homophobic fascists for not letting them prance buck-nekked or in weird-ass BDSM costumes in front of families during Saint Paddy’s Day in March.

    Femrad harpies will bitch about the atmosphere of institutionalized patriarchal fascist rape culture on their college campuses and declare that simply fabricating a phony Narrative constitutes Revealed Truth and should entail subsequent necessary prosecution in the court system.

    North Korea? Ship that fugly little piglet dumpling some Sony-manufactured soft porn and he’ll wilt like the summuh corn in southern Kalifornia during a late August drought.

  19. OFD says:

    “…and the AR-556, which retails for $750.”

    Aha! Hadn’t seen that until just now; the boys at Gun Tests should give it a good wringing-out. I love Rugers and may just not wait for it.

  20. Lynn McGuire says:

    My son has been getting the Bushmaster AR-15s for less than $650. Of course, that is the FFL price.

    He would really like to get the model with the three shot burst selector switch. He carried a M4 in the USMC for two plus years and loved it. Almost as much as his M-249.

  21. Miles_Teg says:

    Lynn, if your son runs a gun shop can’t he get you all the ammo you need? And can’t you ask the fembots to buy some too?

  22. Lynn McGuire says:

    My son has a FFL and a website:

    He does not stock very much at his “shop”, which is a small office building, suite 400, on my commercial property. In fact, I am not sure that he stocks anything at all other than all his required paperwork. And his listing at the ATF:

    I got to meet the ATF agent that was inspecting him earlier this year. We used to have an old saying, “dumber than a bag full of hammers”.

  23. Lynn McGuire says:

    BTW, you can order just about any ammo from any dealer, licensed or not, in the USA. Or at least in The Great State of Texas. No FFL required.

  24. OFD says:

    For our mates down in Oz, take a gander at this:

    “Man Haron Monis, an Iranian-born resident of Australia who was allegedly responsible for the terrorist attack on a cafe in Sidney this week, apparently was able to obtain a firearm license, permanent residency in Australia, as well as social welfare benefits despite being a terrorist thug who was, at one point, on Australia’s security watch list. “[S]ecurity officials had told the Prime Minister that a national database showed Monis had been ‘a recorded firearms licence holder within the jurisdiction’ of New South Wales. Federal police are now ‘investigating the origins’ of the entry in the national database, the statement said. At the news conference, Abbott said he also wanted to know why Monis seemed to have fallen off Australian security agencies’ watch lists in 2009.” . . .”

    You guys gotta jump through friggin’ hoops and still get nowhere and this p.o.s. gets a license and carries there??? WTF???

  25. jim` says:

    “Femrad harpies” will have me laughing for days. Nice turn of phrase, OFD.

  26. OFD says:

    They ain’t that funny when you’re stuck with listening to their drivel in a college or corporate environment day after day, believe you me. And yet they’ve pretty much taken over both cultures somehow; upper-level admin and PHB manglers must find them useful in some way for them to allow them such free reign over the past several decades.

    Note to Mr. Chuck: you may wanna investigate Ubuntu Studio for your radio and related media work; I’ve got it running here and it’s wicked pissah.

  27. Lynn McGuire says:

    “Miami, heart of Cuban exile community, stunned by U.S. policy shift”

    What did the Cuban exiles expect? They voted for hope and change.

  28. Miles_Teg says:

    He didn’t have a firearms licence. The cops wrongly informed the PM:

    “The Australian Federal Police have taken responsibility for inaccurate information about whether Sydney siege gunman Man Haron Monis had a firearms licence.

    Yesterday during a media conference Prime Minister Tony Abbott repeatedly said Monis had a gun licence.

    The Australian Federal Police has now admitted to being the source of the information, which it provided to Mr Abbott in a briefing yesterday morning.

    But police said further inquiries had revealed that Monis was not a registered firearms licence holder after all, and has never held a New South Wales gun licence.”

  29. Miles_Teg says:

    Apparently the Iranians wanted to extradite this guy to face fraud charges back in The Land of Religious Tolleration and Safe Embassies but we and they didn’t have an extradition treaty with them at the time.

    I really hate the bleeding hearts who want to Australia to take all these incompatible people and put them on the public tit.

  30. OFD says:

    But Greg, they do it for LOVE! C’mon, man, get with the program! Doncha wanna be on board with our latest Prez contenduh??

    Incidentally, for election fanboyz, this turd is being positioned as the RINO goat who will be sacrificed to clear the field real good for the eventual “victory” of either HILLARY! or Granny Warren, aka Fauxcahontas, who, if you can credit this, is significantly to the left of the former fugly bloodthirsty harridan crone.

  31. Miles_Teg says:

    They can love them all they want, with their own dough.

  32. Lynn McGuire says:

    Rush says that Jeb and Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend’s wife should run on the same ticket as they are so alike.

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