Day: November 26, 2014

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

09:20 – More rioting, looting, and burning last night in Ferguson, and some other other cities as well, with more expected tonight. It would seem that enforcing the laws against rioting, looting, and arson is now considered to be “racist”. We cannot allow these low-life scum to define the rules. The rule should be, as it’s always been, “You Loot, We Shoot.”

This kind of crap is happening more often nowadays, and it’s going to become routine if we continue to handcuff our police departments to make their responses to such outrages less and less effective. Treating rioting, looting, and burning as political speech protected by the First Amendment is ridiculous on the face of it, but that’s what we’re doing. These people are not exercising their First Amendment rights; they are violent criminals, and should be treated as such.

This phenomenon is the main reason I want to relocate to a small town, away from population concentrations. The underclass is a serious and increasing threat to decent citizens and their property, and the best solution I can see is to move far away from any underclass concentrations. Small towns in rural North Carolina are usually relatively poor, but most have little underclass presence and what few there are can be dealt with if necessary.

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