Monday, 20 October 2014

By on October 20th, 2014 in prepping

09:20 – The panic about Ebola seems to be receding a bit in the absence of any new cases being diagnosed over the last couple of days. There’s still a very high level of concern at all levels, of course, which is a good thing. And people are shunning contact with facilities associated with Ebola, which is certainly understandable.

I’ve heard from several of my European readers who are concerned that the number of new Ebola patients in Africa is expected to climb to more than a million over the next few months with many millions more exposed, and that tens of thousands of them may flood into southern Europe via short boat rides from northern Africa. If things get that bad in Africa, I suspect that Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and even Greece collectively still have enough of an air force and navy to sink any plague boats attempting to make that trip and would not hesitate to do so.

41 Comments and discussion on "Monday, 20 October 2014"

  1. Chad says:

    The left is now absolving Obama of any negligence with the Ebola crisis by comparing Obama’s handling of Ebola to Reagan’s handling of HIV:

  2. Lynn McGuire says:

    Wow, 34 million green cards being prepared for illegals XXXXX undocumented aliens XXXXX undocumented citizens XXXXXX new citizens:

  3. Lynn McGuire says:

    I am fairly concerned here that we apparently do not know the method of transference for Ebola. Nor the incubation time. 21 days quarantine might be too short.

    I am very heartened by the fact that no new infected nurses or doctors have popped up yet in Dallas or elsewhere in the USA.

    Has anyone strafed refugees in the Med since WWII? I doubt that France would do it due to their large Muslim population.

  4. MrAtoz says:

    A great quote from that article:

    Obama, Cameron, Liberals, Socialist and the EU all work for the same bankers! They want to dilute the educated middle class voting power…. This is how you conquer a democratic Nation like the UK and USA.

    Why aren’t African Americans more vocal about ObuttWad’s immigration actions. Surely AA’s realize they will soon be such a small minority that libturds won’t need them anymore for elections.

  5. SteveB says:

    MrAtoz, thank you for not joining the hyphenation crowd.

    I get a headache every time I see those ethnic hyphens. My brain battles with my eyes.

    My brain tries to give it the PC definition while my eyes insist they are seeing [ethnic group of the day] minus American.

  6. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Eh? I am proud to be a Viking-American.

  7. SteveB says:

    Eh? sorry, Bob, I don’t speak Canadian…

    I don’t know, Bob. Maybe it’s a flaw in my upbringing.

    My formative years were spent surrounded by people of all races and ethnicities brought in by NASA and the space program, many of whom became citizens as soon as the opportunity became available to them. Being surrounded by all those mathematicians, engineers, rocket scientists and homegrown Alabama rednecks (in this town during that period, if your daddy wasn’t one, the guy next door or the guy just down the street was) must have taught me to see such written categorizations as mathematical equations.

    While my grandparents were legal immigrants ca. 1912 from Poland, I have always considered myself an American.

    I have no problem with considering one’s ancestry as a subscript to being an American. I have difficulties, however, with those who consider their ancestry to be more important than being an American.

    America is supposed to be a melting pot with unity of purpose.

    To my way of thinking, being an American with Polish ancestors is a much more unifying attitude than being a Pole who is just coincidentally an American.

    The latter is just divisive rather than unifying.

    I once got in trouble at work in a diversity seminar by pointing out that if we allowed celebrating our differences to cause one person to push down while another was pushing up, a third to push left while a fourth pushed right, we got a lot less done than we would if we all set aside our differences while everyone pushed in the same direction.

    The thought of setting aside our differences and making them secondary to achieving the goal was just too radical for the instructor’s mind to wrap itself around.

    Again, it may just be a flaw in my upbringing.

    Or it could be that my mind is warped beyond the ability of the politically correct elite to repair.

  8. SteveB says:

    BTW, I might be able to get you a good deal on a repro Viking battle axe, if you’re interested.

    Just have to be careful when negotiating. Bjorn has been known to try to pawn off his mother in law rather than a usable weapon.

  9. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I was kidding. I don’t think of myself as an anything-hyphenated-American, although I do write “Viking-American” on government forms.

    Actually, given my druthers, I’d just as soon be considered an honorary Canadian.

  10. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Thanks for the offer, but I’m not much good with edged weapons. I tend to cut myself.

    I do have an original Viking riotgun, though.

  11. SteveF says:

    A viking riot gun shoots lutefisk, right? More damaging than lead shot, more harmful to the environment than steel shot.

  12. Chad says:

    I might consider being Canadian if they removed the monarch from their Oath of Citizenship:

    “I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen”

  13. DadCooks says:

    Here is something to ponder regarding how little we really know about the transmission of Ebola.

    Two nurses who treated Mr. Duncan, who were wearing some level of protective equipment, developed Ebola.

    Mr. Duncan’s fiancée and 3 juveniles who had contact with him for many days in the fiancée’s apartment and then lived in that contaminated apartment for 4 additional days have today been released from their 21 day quarantine.

    We can debate the adequacy of the nurses’ protective gear, but the fact of the matter is that common sense says that the exposure of the fiancée and 3 juveniles was far greater than the nurses. Something doesn’t jibe here.

  14. SteveF says:

    I’ll bet there’s a genetic component here, that people with ancestral origins in West Africa are less susceptible to Ebola, Dengue, etc. Similar to the sickle hemoglobin mutation which helps protect against malaria, though it causes problems of its own.

    The question is whether any such investigation will be permitted, or whether any results may be published. It might give the appearance of the rich “white” West just looking for excuses not to provide aid to poor “black” Africa.

  15. Lynn McGuire says:

    So who will be the Dr. Jonas Salk of Ebola?

    Would Dr. Salk even be permitted to do his experiments today?

    One of my partner is a Leukemia survivor (three times) and 78 years old. The clinical test group before his group are all dead. The clinical test group after his group are all dead. Only about half of his group is dead.

  16. SteveB says:

    There it is! Found that missing link! Bad missing link!

    The fine folks at Spirit Science and Metaphysics have a report from a man in Ghana who says he and others living in western Africa know the transmission vector for ebola.

    It’s a kinda conspiracy theorist fruitcake story that’s crumbling around the edges, but the rough outline does fit the observable facts as all such stories do:

  17. SteveF says:

    I was going to dismiss “Ebo-lie” as nutjobbery, but I gotta admit, the well-researched facts and impeccable logic convinced me.

  18. SteveF says:

    Something that may surprise some people here, or not: Women don’t like having female bosses

  19. Paul says:

    I use American Mutt as my ethnic description

  20. SteveB says:

    I use American Mutt as my ethnic description

    Unfortunately, I’m only second or third generation (depending on where you start counting). Since the other side of the family were Czech immigrants from only about 5 years earlier, there has been barely enough time for my grand niece and grand nephew to be able to make that claim.

  21. pcb_duffer says:

    Some years ago, I got a form from the State of Florida, wanting a racial breakdown on my employees. I checked the box that said “Other”, wrote in 100% human race, signed it, and mailed it back in. This generated several angry replies, but I simply refused to categorize my crew in any other way. Eventually they stopped.

  22. SteveB says:

    SteveF, I’m surprised you would have expected anything less than hard, incontrovertible verifiable facts from a place with the name Spirit Science and Metaphysics.

    After all, they went to a lot of trouble to steal the name from the oxymoron dictionary.

    As I said, that particular fruitcake appears to crumbling around the edges.

  23. SteveB says:

    pcb_duffer, you were lucky to have a crew of that quality working for you. After some of my dealings in Tallahassee while along with my wife, I’m not sure even to this day how to classify some of those things that come out of the Florida swamps claiming to be sapient.

  24. OFD says:

    Buncha damn wingnut smartasses around here…

    “…Something doesn’t jibe here.”

    What I’ve been saying since this whole show started. Very fishy.

    On the wireless still, thanks to the town hall’s WAP across the street. Ten days and counting with no wired net, and several dozen phone calls to Fairpoint, getting many contradictory and confusing stories. Still not resolved. Amazing. They shut it off and now no one can turn it back on, is the upshot.

    And the wireless comes and goes, so this is my little internet window tonight.

    Mowed, mulched, raked, stacked firewood, etc., all weekend and today, plus cooked dinner each night. Working on raised-bed preliminary construction tomorrow. Plus more fun dealing with Fairpoint and the IRS again.

  25. MrAtoz says:

    Monica Lewinski gave a blubbering keynote saying BJ Klinton was her “everything” and the internet ruined her life. Apparently sucking BJ’s dick didn’t account for much. lol

  26. OFD says:

    Word has it that Larry’s member is very small and deformed. This might tend to explain his ruttish behavior over the decades, some form of attempted compensation or sumthin, but I ain’t a Freudian carny huckster so don’t know for sure.

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    Word has it that Larry’s member is very small and deformed.

    That would explain Chelsea. The mystery is solved and I will no longer wonder.

  28. SteveB says:

    I wouldn’t classify Chelsea as all that small…

  29. SteveF says:

    Ray was probably referring to Chelsea’s intellect and spirit, not her silhouette.

  30. SteveB says:

    Ray was probably referring to Chelsea’s intellect and spirit, not her silhouette.


    I just assumed the fact they were stunted and deformed to be a given. Same reason I said nothing about the shape of her silhouette. It was just the size of said silhouette that didn’t match.

  31. bgrigg says:

    Chad wrote: I might consider being Canadian if they removed the monarch from their Oath of Citizenship:

    “I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen”

    This was recently tested in court, and lost as it should. The simple fact is we’re part of a monarchy, and you must pledge allegiance to the head of state to become a citizen.

    I’d consider becoming an American if I didn’t have to say “One nation under God”. We all make sacrifices! 🙂

  32. brad says:

    The bit about female bosses: no surprise from a male perspective. There is, of course, a huge range of individual variation. My worst boss ever was a guy. However, on average, guys tend to say “there’s the job, go do it”, whereas women on average want to be involved not only in your job but also in your life. The people I work with are nice enough, but there are only a few of them I care to get to know on a personal level. But then, I’m a hermit by nature.

    On the other hand, the (typical) woman employee apparently wants personal involvement. Just as an example, my wife’s (all female) employees expect that my wife will remember their birthdays, and give them flowers or something. So I do find it odd that women don’t want woman bosses.

  33. SteveB says:

    I’d consider becoming an American if I didn’t have to say “One nation under God”.

    Hey, the way things are these days, I’ll bet that if you were insistent, they’d allow you to say “One nation under Ahura Mazda”. Probably even let you take the oath in ancient Persian, as well.

    Not too sure they’d let you take it in Canukistani, though. One of my grandmother’s cousins had trouble with that when he wanted to change his permanent residence from Winnipeg to Chicago.

  34. Miles_Teg says:

    All hail Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK, Australia, Kiwiland, Canukistan and may other lovely places.

    Admit it Chad, you’re just jealous that we have a first rate head of state and you have an execrable one.

  35. Miles_Teg says:

    I’ve had many male and female bosses, and I honestly can’t say that one gender is better or worse than the other.

  36. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I’ve never had a female boss other than my mother, grandmothers, babysitters, girlfriends, and wife, so I can’t say one way or the other.

  37. Terry Losansky says:

    I started saying this 30 or more years ago:
    “Women rule the universe and allow men the illusion of control”

    No one has yet really disagreed.
    I had a mug made.

  38. OFD says:

    Every one of my female bosses has been a major problem at work; only a couple of male bosses likewise, but this could as easily be blamed on my own misogynist tendencies.

  39. Miles_Teg says:


    Don’t you mean “is”? 🙂

  40. OFD says:

    “is” or “has been’ works, too.

    Bear in mind, though, most of the fields where I’ve worked since I was a kid are heavily male-oriented; military, cops, and IT. Only one that was the opposite was as a grad student and in college teaching, always a matriarchal nightmare. I have almost always got along with guys, and when I haven’t it’s because the guy was a prissy, annoying PITA with obvious fem tendencies. Or his opposite, the irritating and noisy braying macho jackass.

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