09:00 – Winter is still with us in Winston-Salem. The morning paper predicts freezing drizzle today.
Barbara has been quite patient, but today we finally start cleaning up the finished area downstairs. It’s actually not as bad as she thinks it is. I’ve already gradually gotten most of the science kit stuff out of there. It still looks cluttered, but we’ll be able to get that cleared pretty quickly. Then she’ll go to work dusting and vacuuming.
11:11 – Boy, March is starting really slowly. Almost half the day gone and, so far, not a single science kit order.
Now you need to project your findings linearly far into the future: If current trends continue, revenue will be down 100% compared to last year! And if weather patterns continue as they have this month, there will be no harvest this year because all crops will have died under the layer of ice. We’re all doooooooomed!
78 F here in the Land of Sugar and the pool is up to 67 F. Should be swimable by May or June. Unless you are a polar bear.
Just turned on the lawn sprinkler system, thus transferring water from 2,000 ft below the ground to the surface. Should be back 2,000 ft down within a millennium or ten. And of course, my backflow preventer valve is leaking even though I shut it off and drained it for the winter.
A warming trend today; 27 right now, time for tee shirt and shorts.
Back to below zero starting tomorrow; a contact in Buffalo told me they’re having the same long stretch of freezing weather and we agreed that it’s sorta unusual for this late in the wintuh.
Mrs. OFD is back on-site and we’ll be working on house stuff for the next two weeks, while I also hang on which gig I’ll be working soon, hopefully. In either case it will be Linux, so that’s good. But one of them also wants me to know Windows AD and deal with customers, so that’s not so good.
“…and deal with customers, so that’s not so good.”
For you, or the customers?
-4.4C (24F) here and snowing our famous champagne powder. The skiers will be happy, the bastards.
“For you, or the customers? :D”
I can do it but I don’t enjoy it. Looks like I’ll have to play the game at either potential job, though; one is the Agile Framework/Sprint/Scrum place, with mostly younger peeps and very trendy employee-centric work site. The other is mostly a RHEL shop but they want AD and customer-facing stuff for some reason on top of that.
Whereas my ideal IT job is to sit inside a sealed room somewhere with no other human contact for eight hours a day and just monitor stuff, do an occasional task, and otherwise be left alone while being paid six figures and full bennies. I’m sixty so this is due me.
“…sit inside a sealed room somewhere with no other human contact for eight hours a day and just monitor stuff, do an occasional task, and otherwise be left alone while being paid six figures and full bennies. I’m sixty so this is due me.”
While I was working, “dues” meant something else… Never made it to sixty, so I’ll take your word. Good thing I didn’t know that before I retired :-!
“App-pocalypse Now”
Get yer stinkin apps off my device!