Thursday, 11 July 2013

By on July 11th, 2013 in science kits

08:25 – Urk. I got an order late yesterday for a full forensic science kit (FK01ABC) and emailed the buyer to say it would ship today. According to my records, we had one full FK01ABC kit in stock, along with five each of the FK01B and FK01C chemical bags. But when I went to pull the kit box and get it ready to ship, I found that the FK01A chemical bag was missing from it.

Fortunately, I have everything stacked up downstairs that I need to make up 30 FK01A chemical bags, so that’s what I’ll be doing this morning. I’ll still be able to ship that kit this afternoon.

21 Comments and discussion on "Thursday, 11 July 2013"

  1. Lynn McGuire says:

    I think that I am starting to figure out some of the problems in Obummer’s Muslim Summer. The Egyptian population has almost tripled in the last 40 years from 37 million to 83 million. Egypt is trying to stuff a huge amount of people into a very dry and arid country that can probably support 20 million comfortably. Their problem is that they do not allow birth control and are reaping the consequences of that action. They cannot feed and house all these people.

    I have no idea how to fix this. I am worried that Obummer will try to move many of them here to the USA though.

  2. dkreck says:

    Of course it’s the stupid ones that breed.

  3. Lynn McGuire says:

    Yes. I was reading this article by the idiot Friedman when I realized that Egypt is going to war with somebody in order to relieve their population pressure:

    I suspect that Israel is warming up the nukes right now.

  4. SteveF says:

    There’s also the problem of damming the Nile. No more annual floods means the soil isn’t fertilized, which means they have to pay for fertilizer if they want to grow food. Good job, retards. Egypt had a huge population (comparatively) from antiquity until recently and still managed to be breadbasket of the Roman and Ottoman empires. Now the couple billion dollars that the US sends them is a sizable fraction of their GDP. Yep, good job, retards.

  5. Lynn McGuire says:

    Wow, huge dam. 6,000 MW. That is five nuclear power plants.

    I would not be surprised to see a Egyptian F-16 squadron use that thing for target practice someday. I wonder if the Ethiopians have AA weapons?

  6. Miles_Teg says:

    Lynn wrote:

    “Their problem is that they do not allow birth control and are reaping the consequences of that action.”

    There’s a simple method of birth control that is 100% effective: Keep your wiener in your pants. No, seriously! If you can’t afford to have kids then don’t. And there’s only one surefire way to do that. I get pretty sick of people in the Third World who cry poor but have 10 kids. And First World people who have lots of kids on welfare.

  7. SteveF says:

    Similarly, many poor people in the US budget for beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. My sympathy for their plight is limited.

  8. OFD says:

    “I get pretty sick of people in the Third World who cry poor but have 10 kids. And First World people who have lots of kids on welfare.”

    And some of us have gotten way beyond sick of people in the First World who use abortion as their preferred method of birth control despite other methods having long since been available and who then tout it as a woman’s right to control her own body and style themselves as comparable to the civil rights martyrs of the Glorious Sixties. As the bumper sticker says; it’s a BABY not a CHOICE. Honest pro-abortion fanatics will admit openly they’re killing babies.

    As Miles_Teg says, keep it in your pants, or as I’ve otherwise heard, tie a knot in it. Can’t control yourself? Fine; just don’t ask me to pay for your gross and blatant irresponsibility.

    “…not be surprised to see a Egyptian F-16 squadron use that thing for target practice someday. ”

    Yeah, F-16s we either sold to those buggers or gave them outright, under the control until recently of our good pals, the Muslim Brotherhood and their military enablers.

  9. Miles_Teg says:

    I wonder what they want with all that power. And who’s paying.

  10. Miles_Teg says:

    I think abortion is/was the preferred method of contraception in much of the communist world, perhaps Japan too. I remember seeing a documentary on abortion in the old Soviet Union: it was a production line, and the instruments were rinsed with *tap water* between patients. (Not if you were a member of the elite, of course.)

  11. OFD says:

    “… it was a production line, and the instruments were rinsed with *tap water* between patients.”

    It’s been essentially a production line here, too; an industry, with approximately 100 actual doctors doing them all, with, of course, assisting nurses and other staff. And the MSM nooz blackout, pretty much, continues, on the case of that mad-dog butcher in Philadelphia who ran a disgusting abbatoir and kept babies’ feet in jars. Also apparently really got off on cutting up babies. The MSM wasn’t gonna touch that story at all, and to this day has to be dragged kicking and screaming to the courtroom where this pig is on trial. The MSM is mostly Dem to hardcore Left cadres and almost all pro-abortion.

    Saw that Salon piece on the SWAT teams busting up poker games and other major hazards to national security and the body politic. Radley Balko also has a new book out, which I just got today from Amazon, on the militarization of the nation’s police.

  12. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Honest pro-abortion fanatics will admit openly they’re killing babies.

    Only in the same sense that squirrels bury oak trees so they can dig them up and eat them later.

    A blastocyst is not a baby. An embryo is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby. Opponents of abortion on demand seem to have little or no understanding of basic biology.

  13. Miles_Teg says:

    Like most people on both sides I don’t like abortion, but I don’t buy the idea that a fetus is a person, at least early in pregnancy. I used to be strongly pro-life, and used to believe that human life begins at conception. Now I don’t. I’d prefer greater emphasis on contraception because I think people should avoid hospitals, for their own good and that of others, unless they need treatment to maintain life and health. For the same reason I’m skeptical about boob jobs and other purely vanity surgery: the patients can get or give drug resistant germs or have other complications.

    I’ve already written about purely religious reasons to think that life doesn’t begin ’till birth, or perhaps sometime not long before. I would rather that conception was avoided where the woman doesn’t want to have a baby but don’t see why there is such a fuss about early term abortions. Late term abortions are different, because of what the fetus looks like at that stage. And once a baby has been born it is just as human as the rest of us and should be protected as such.

    Some pro-lifers are just crazy. One couple spoke at an anti-abortion rally, the man said that his wife was pregnant and they *knew* that the fetus was so defective that it would die in utero or soon after birth, yet his wife was continuing the pregnancy. Why?

    I despise people who have abortions, at any stage, because the fetus is the “wrong” sex or because the woman is going to a wedding and wants to be able to wear a nice frock. (An anecdote I heard in the Seventies.) And very late term abortions, after eight months or so, gross me out.

  14. SteveF says:

    Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. Don’t pay for one. Don’t perform one. Otherwise, it’s none of your business.

    The only exception I accept is if you’re a man and got a woman pregnant and she had an abortion without your permission. And that’s only as a matter of fairness: if the man is on the hook for the next 18 21 possibly 26 years without his consent, then he should have full veto power over the woman continuing the pregnancy. What’s that, feminists? It’s not fair? Well, its mirror image is not as bad as the situation in modern America.

  15. MrAtoz says:

    “Read an article in Salon about out of control SWAT teams”

    Quite the article. Everything we’ve been posting about for some time. I think I’ll get the book Mr. OFD got.

    Then there is this. If this if proven true, it pretty much confirms our government are a bunch of fucking liars. But we already knew that.

  16. Lynn McGuire says:

    For the same reason I’m skeptical about boob jobs and other purely vanity surgery:

    You do know that a high percentage of women who have had a mastectomy for breast cancer have a silicon breast implant inserted into the leftover skin for symmetry? Even though there is no nipple, the symmetry helps. I actually have met women who had both breasts removed and silicone implants installed on both sides. It is quite a mess with the skin stretching and all. Unfortunately, I have learned quite a bit about this since the wife had a mastectomy in 2005.

  17. Miles_Teg says:

    Yes, I know. That’s why I said vanity surgery. Reconstructive surgery, after burns or a mastectomy, is completely different and I don’t consider it to be vanity. Of course, a woman who wants to go from 36A to 38DD because it will aid her “self confidence” is perfectly entitled to, so long as the taxpayer doesn’t get asked to foot the bill. It just annoys me because some times it’s just in response to peer pressure.

    A family member is having/has had this procedure because she has one of the BRCA* genes and doesn’t want to die young like her mother and several aunties.

  18. Rolf Grunsky says:

    It’s not a baby until it has been born. Period.

    I’m somewhat ambivalent about the whole abortion issue but is always comes down to choice. A woman can always choose not to have one.

    As far a women who use abortion as a form of birth control — these are probable not the woman you want to be having children!

    The situation is Japan was (and still might be) that contraceptives were not available to women. The Japanese government claimed that they had not been proven safe for use by Japanese women. The Japanese government does this a lot, US rice was unsuitable for Japanese tastes and other such activities. Abortion was (is?) the only form of birth control available to Japanese women. A very elaborate custom and ritual has grown up around this. The aborted fetuses are known as “water babies”. The whole situation is very unfortunate.

  19. Miles_Teg says:

    “It’s not a baby until it has been born. Period.”

    That’s the lawyer’s answer, but if I was a physician doing abortions I’d be very disturbed to be aborting eight month old fetuses. At three or four months it’s different.

    I’ve mentioned a case in Darwin, Australia, where a woman went for an abortion, the fetus was removed alive and intact, and left to die. (Reminded me of ancient Sparta.) An hour later a nurse noticed that the baby (yes, it was a baby now that it had been “born” and the umbilical cord cut) was still alive. She notified the doctor of this, his response was “So?”.

    I thought, and still think, that that quack should have been struck off the register, at the very least.

  20. Rolf Grunsky says:

    That’s the lawyer’s answer…

    Well yes, but it was also a tenet in common law that the infant did not become a person (baby) until it drew a breath. If it did not breathe then it was stillborn. There was a time when the church would not bury a stillborn infant.

    I find the issue of third trimester abortions troubling. But the right to make choices includes the right to make bad ones. Were I a doctor performing abortions, I would require a very convincing case to perform one. Certainly not as a case of very much after the fact birth control. I also think that a doctor has the right to choose whether or not he would perform the procedure.

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