07:49 – The morning paper reports an unusual case of hit-and-run. The driver stopped and called the police; it was the victim who ran. Apparently, the driver was proceeding south on US 52 near Akron Drive at about 1:00 Sunday morning when someone stepped out in front of his car. He was unable to stop in time or avoid the pedestrian, and his car struck the pedestrian, knocking him down. The driver didn’t have a cell phone, so he ran up to Akron Drive to find a phone, leaving the pedestrian lying by the side of the road. When the cops arrived, the pedestrian was gone. They found only one shoe, a bit of blood, and damage to the front of the driver’s car. A K9 unit tracked the victim as far as Patterson Avenue and then lost the trail. The police are checking hospitals and asking anyone with information to call them. It sounds to me as though the victim was probably carrying drugs or something else that made him anxious to avoid the police at all costs.
For the time being, Barbara’s dad is doing no better and no worse. Barbara had lunch with her mom yesterday, and said her mom wants Dutch moved to Hospice because she’s convinced he’d be happier there. Barbara explained to her that Dutch’s condition isn’t bad enough yet for Hospice to accept him, but that they will move him there when he’s ready to go there. Frankly, I’m surprised that Dutch has been able to hold on this long. I didn’t expect him to live through April, let alone May. He’s fragile but tough.
Work continues on new batches of science kits. I made up a bunch of chemical solutions for the kits yesterday, two or four liters at a time. I have thousands of labeled bottles ready to be filled, which I’ll get started on today.