08:04 – With a week left until Christmas, today is likely to be a relatively heavy day for kit orders. We’ve already shipped two chemistry kits this morning to fill overnight orders, and I expect we’ll have several more orders today.
I spent some time yesterday prototyping an LK01 Life Science Kit, to make sure it’d fit in the box we intend to use for shipping. It does, with a bit of room to spare. The kit contents aren’t finalized yet and won’t be until I finish writing the manual, but any changes shouldn’t affect it fitting in the box.
08:45 – The doorbell rang just as I was getting ready to take Colin out. It was Danny Hughes, our mailman, ringing to pick up the two science kits I had ready. This time of year, the mail and package volume is so high that they make two rounds of their routes per day instead of one. Otherwise, all the mail wouldn’t fit on the truck. On the first round, they deliver packages and pick up any outgoing mail and packages from addresses that get a delivery. Second round is normal delivery and pickup.
As I handed Danny the boxes, I mentioned that I was telling people to allow an extra day for delivery, but I was still afraid I was going to disappoint a kid whose kit hadn’t arrived by Christmas. Danny said the whole USPS goes all out to get packages delivered in time for Christmas. Next Monday, they’ll be working a lot of overtime, making multiple runs, and trying their best to get anything that even looks like it might be a Christmas gift delivered. They’ll even have people out delivering last-minute packages on Christmas morning.
13:16 – Ruh-roh. As of now, we’re down to the number of chemistry kits you can count on one finger. Fortunately, we’re in better shape on biology kits. We have twice as many of those in stock. I’m almost afraid to check my email, in case there’re orders waiting. I guess I’d better go assemble more kits.
So…given that information, and given your substantial experience thus far with package shipping and receiving, which of the three or four major carriers would you recommend?
OFD got all his shopping done weeks ago online and all has long since been delivered accordingly. He is a sterling paragon of efficiency, probity and rectitude.
I just put my name in the TO address, the receipients name in the RETURN address and then toss it in the mail with no stamps. Gets delivered for free everytime.
Just kidding, but I originally came up with that idea in 5th grade and my mother told me they would figure it out and catch me. lol
For the first time I did all my Christmas shopping online. All gifts have been ordered and delivered. In the past I’d procrastinate until almost the end (read Dec 24th
fighting long lines at the check counters, pushy and rude shoppers in the aisles and hard to find gift ideas I had. The rest of the family still sticks to the old fashioned methods though but the kids are catching on and the wife will always be an in-store shopper!
Online also. Almost all through Amazon, but not all.
It really depends on what you’re shipping. For what we do, USPS is ideal, but other businesses may well find UPS or FedEx to be better for their needs.
Everything on Amazon with Prime. You really can’t go wrong. Every once in awhile Target or Wally World with store pickup works pretty well, especially large items.
UPS online. Print the label, package it and drop at UPS store. USPS works about the same but I’m not sure they’ll let you just drop it on the counter and go.
UPS is delivering with a golf cart in my neighborhood. I have no idea how they got the golf cart there and where they store it.
[snip] UPS is delivering with a golf cart in my neighborhood. I have no idea how they got the golf cart there and where they store it. [snip]
I’ve noticed the same thing in some of the more closed off neighborhoods around here. The cart has UPS markings, and is pulling a decent sized trailer.
I bought one gift at a brick and mortar store, and that was only because I saw the sale price at their online store, and it was under the free shipping amount.
Is there some reason to give gifts this time of year? Tomorrow is my son’s 25th birthday and Thursday is our 32nd wedding anniversary, so we’re buying gifts. I can’t see any other reason, though.
In my case, I’m procuring presents because the minor children would be upset at not receiving any. Cultural pressure, you know.
Festivus for the rest of us.
Bloody heathen pagan heretic bastards.
Note to self: Convert all at swordpoint after the revolution.
OFD, if you convert us at sword point, we will most definitely be bloody heathens…
Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men.
Brad wrote: “OFD, if you convert us at sword point, we will most definitely be bloody heathens…”
And so would he! Not a lot of lily considerin’ goin’ on, there. More like the OT Smite is Right approach.
Pax vobiscum, as Don said. He, of course, is including women in his “men.” I find that perfectly OK but many parties nowadays would have a hissy fit.
“Convert or Die” has been a constantly recurring theme in the world’s history. It has only been for the last 100 years or so that it is no longer a focal point of wars. Unless one counts the Asian wars of communism as a religion. We are so civilized nowadays!
Women always convert when the lead male of the household converts. Being baptized in the middle of winter campaign in a frozen pond is always good for the character and soul. Of course, converting to Islam or Judaism always sucks for the guys who are not already circumcised. I do believe it was Samson who circumcised a village of men then killed them all on the third day after while they were “recovering”. Maybe that was David.
BTW OFD, do you have a sword yet? My daughters best friend has a couple. They are amazingly heavy after the 10th swing. And hers are girlie swords. I would hate to even try to lift a broadsword. And with all weapons of this sort, one really needs to maintain good handholds:
OFD says at 19 December 2012 at 11:07
Pax vobiscum, as Don said. He, of course, is including women in his “men.” I find that perfectly OK but many parties nowadays would have a hissy fit.
I’m afraid that’s an unjustified assumption.
“Good will to all men and many women” – that would be okay, but I’m divorced, I’ve known other men who have also been worked over in divorces, and I’ve met female divorce lawyers.
“Forgive and forget”, they say. Well, sorry, no-one’s perfect, and that even includes me.
I’m dossing down at the home of a woman who was done over in a divorce settlement, with female lawyers on both sides. My ex-brother in law blew about $500k of the marriage’s assets on booze and gambling before my sister could get his snout out of the trough, so I’m not always sympathetic to the male side.
Lynn, that was Genesis 34. When Shechem raped Dinah the daughter of Jacob and Leah her brothers plotted revenge. I’ll let you read the story. Also, in 1 Samuel 18: 25, King Saul demanded a rather unusual dowry…