07:33 – I see that other drugs sold by NECC are now suspected of harming patients to whom they were administered.
Yesterday, I was making up a liter of 0.5% aqueous eosin Y stain. I tapped out about 5 grams of the stain into a tared beaker sitting on the scale. I actually ended up with 5.23 grams in the beaker. Close enough. I added 800 mL or so of hot water to the beaker, stirred to dissolve the powder, transferred the solution to a rinsed-out one liter soda bottle, and brought the volume up to one liter. Because fungus tends to grow in a plain eosin Y solution, I added a small spatula spoon of thymol crystals as a preservative, capped the bottle, swirled to dissolve the thymol, and set the bottle aside.
As I was doing all that, it occurred to me that that stain solution, not intended for human consumption and made up without using aseptic procedures and with no attempt to maintain sterility, was probably actually safer for human consumption than the products made by NECC. At least I added a preservative to prevent fungus growth. How pathetic is that?
If the news reports are to be believed, NECC produced products that they marketed as suitable for injection into humans, and they did so without following even basic aseptic precautions. If that’s in fact true, the owners and managers of that business should be facing serious prison time. So far, 15 people have died as a direct result of being injected with those products, and some 15,000 others are at risk. That may not qualify legally as first-degree murder, but it must certainly qualify as reckless homicide.
12:01 – I just spotted Heather, Amy’s step-mom, while I was out walking Colin. I told Heather that Barbara and I really didn’t want any magazines, but we wanted to support Amy. I asked if we could just donate cash to the school fundraiser, and Heather said sure. So I handed her a $20 bill.
I actually almost handed Amy some cash when she rang our doorbell selling magazines. Fortunately, I remembered what happened with Jasmine. On her birthday, maybe her 15th or 16th, I tried to give Jas $20 to buy herself some iTunes tracks or something. She thanked me, but said she wasn’t allowed to accept money from men. Ruh-roh. It never even occurred to me that that might be a problem. I talked to Kim later. She said she trusted me and had no problem with me giving Jas cash for her birthday, but Mary, Jas’s grandmother, had a big problem with any man, including family members, doing so. And, sad to say, I think Mary is right. What a world we live in.
16:33 – I just made up a liter of methyl cellulose solution. Well, actually, it’s still a suspension, but it’ll soon be a solution. Methyl cellulose has an interesting property. It’s soluble in cold water, but insoluble in hot water.
You might think I could make up a solution by stirring methyl cellulose powder into cold water. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. Methyl cellulose has high surface tension, which means water has a hard time wetting it. Trying to stir the powder into cold water produces globules of methyl cellulose that have slimy wet outer surfaces and dry methyl cellulose powder inside. It makes a real mess. So the trick is to stir the methyl cellulose powder into very hot water. The hot water doesn’t dissolve the powder, but stirring disperses it into a suspension of fine powder. Cooling that liquid suspension in an ice bath or the freezer allows the methyl cellulose to go into solution without clumping. So I have a liter sitting in the freezer as I write this.
While NECC is certainly responsible for putting out a tainted product, I have to wonder if some of the responsibility winds up on the shoulders of the critics of Thiomersol?
And the media, who proliferate and encourage the ignorance.
But, no, this one is all on the shoulders of NECC. It’s not like we don’t know how to produce safe products. Others sometimes make mistakes, but if the media reports about NECC are correct, these folks engaged in reckless disregard of even basic safety measures. Repackaging sterile drugs for injection under non-sanitary let alone sterile conditions? Geez.
I think I just upset some of the lunatic fringe liberals on Jerry Coyne’s blog by making the claim that the Democrats work the cemeteries to help their people at election time…
How impressive, Miles_Teg, getting a whackjob upset. You’re now cleared
for the next level of difficulty, taking a six-year-old’s lunch money.
As for vote fraud, I’m not saying the Republicans never do it, but I am
saying that every time boxes of ballots are mysteriously found in a
closet or a car’s trunk, they go Democrat. That’s why I’ve been saying
at least since Al Franken’s “election”, If it’s close enough to steal,
it’ll be stolen.
The democrats and republicans both will take every vote they can get, including those from living-impaired people. Heck, they’d take votes from zombies and vampires. Or, as Buffy in one of her PC lapses called them, un-dead Americans.
“You’re now cleared for the next level of difficulty, taking a six-year-old’s lunch money.”
Nah, I’m already an expert at that. Why do you think there are so many starving kids near my place?
In this case, the media may be correct, but the media is largely incompetent. A major media network ran a graphic that said Felix Baumgartner traveled faster than the speed of light.
Basic science education: fail.
It was a cool stunt. That said, I’m not sure why people get so worked up about things like this. It’s the same category as travelling around the world in a balloon, paddling across the Atlantic, or hiking across Antarctica. There’s not really any new technology or knowledge; it’s mostly about the adrenaline kick (and book rights) for the people doing the stunts. Yawn…
I’m sure the Republicans by and large wouldn’t scruple to accept
questionable votes. All I’m saying is that in practice the boxes of
“found” votes always seem to go Dem. I don’t know if that means that
the Dem machine is the only one manufacturing ballots wholesale or if
the Rep machine is more competent and doesn’t get caught.
As for NECC and tainted drug (or food) products, I’m wondering where the
government was. We Americans, as individuals and corporations, have
ceded an awful lot of our rights and money to the goverment, supposedly
in exchange for oversight and protection. What exactly are we getting
for all this control and money?
The FCC has tried and failed to get jurisdiction over compounding pharmacies. IIRC, it even went to SCOTUS. The problem is that compounding pharmacies are supposed to do business only intrastate, and are regulated by the state where they’re located. Massachusetts is pretty typical in its requirements, which include restricting compounding pharmacies to making up drugs only for specific individuals and only with a prescription for that individual.
Both Massachusetts and the feds failed here big-time. Massachusetts in not supervising the activities of that pharmacy both in terms of meeting safety regulations and in terms of restricting their activities to in-state patients with a prescription. The feds failed in terms of either not noticing that NECC was functioning as an unlicensed and unsupervised drug manufacturing company, or noticing and failing to shut them down.
But ultimately the fault was with the owners and managers of NECC. And, if the news reports are accurate, what they did goes beyond civil liability and into criminal activity.
Basic science education: fail.
Actually, in my opinion, man has traveled much faster than the speed of sound without being in a vehicle. This happened during the EVA maneuvers during the Gemini space missions. Those guys left their capsule in a pressurized suit and exposed themselves to the vacuum of space.
Doing that from balloon, big deal.
I did watch the event and the guy that was doing the checklist from the ground was a complete idiot. Got three items wrong and had to be corrected by others. At one point skipping a step on the checklist saying they had already done that. Bzzztttt, wrong. You still do the item on the checklist to confirm the operation or action even you have done it at some other point. You also do not sprinkle the checklist with idle comments and chatter when communications are critical.
Should be “no big deal”.
I did watch the event and the guy that was doing the checklist from the ground was a complete idiot.
The “guy” was Joe Kittridge, who held the record for highest parachute jump and still holds the record for longest free fall. Using him as capcom was a nice gesture, but he should have been doing color commentary.
Hmm. I hadn’t caught the bit about compounding companies. (More
accurately, I didn’t understand the significance and distinction.) Yah,
several recent articles mention the appalling lapse.
Regarding FDA jurisdiction over an intrastate-only operation, I have
trouble believing that Wickard v
Filburn doesn’t rule all. (In fact, I have trouble believing that
any large number of people admit to any limitation whatsoever on the US
federal government’s jurisdiction and authority, but that’s another
topic.) I’ll have to look into this some more … in my copious free
A major media network ran a graphic that said Felix Baumgartner traveled faster than the speed of light.
That would have been so cool. He would have landed before he jumped!
True, but his ass’s mass would have increased so much that the Earth
would have been sucked into it.
The same would happen with Michelle Obama, but she needs to travel at
only .000001% of the speed of light for the relativistic mass of her ass
to approach infinity.
Using him as capcom was a nice gesture, but he should have been doing color commentary.
Thanks for the name. And you are correct. He never should have been capcom. He made four mistakes that I counted not including his useless chatter that should never have been done during the all important checklist before the jump.
The only reason I watched was because my lawn mower battery was dead and I was waiting for the battery to charge (it didn’t, the battery was bad). I came in the house to see what was on the Discovery channel. Even thought it was boring it was better than pro football.
I wonder how much the Discovery channel paid to have exclusive rights to broadcast the jump?
SteveF wrote:
“The same would happen with Michelle Obama, but she needs to travel at
only .000001% of the speed of light for the relativistic mass of her ass
to approach infinity.”
I take it from this that Hillary has replaced Michelle on your hot list…
The balloon jump, LEGO style.
Two more lost in Afghanistan. Too late for a debate question unless the moderator asks it. Yeah, right. Obama’s the war hero.
Galileo say: “What goes up must come down.”
I won’t be watching the tee-vee dee-bait but wonder if Mittens brings up the Sandbox wars (my impression is that he digs them very much and is yet another chickenshit chickenhawk REMF, like Barack Hussein and Larry Klinton) or if and how he brings up the Benghazi fiasco. I see that the Heroine of Tripoli is falling on her sword for it, supposedly, and probably positioning herself, with erstwhile hubby Larry, for a team run in ’16. Someone said to me ‘but they can make tons more money staying out on the circuit and bloviating about all and sundry’ and I said yeah, but these mofos love power at least as much as they love money and I wouldn’t put it past them at all.
Not only that, I wouldn’t put it past the certifiably brain-dead Dem sheeple and lemmings of this country to rush to the polls, drooling and foaming at the mouth in spastic adoration, to elect them, like they did for the hadji piece of criminal garbage and the First Mooch Concubine in there now.
From what I’ve read, the reason for all the “useless chatter” by Kittinger was that Baumgartner has a problem with claustrophobia, and needed the constant stream of talk to keep him calm.
“…but Mary, Jas’s grandmother, had a big problem with any man, including family members, doing so. And, sad to say, I think Mary is right. What a world we live in.”
Sad but true. If I saw a child in distress who wasn’t immediate family I’d ignore them. Just too dangerous to do otherwise. A few years ago I saw a neighbor’s daughter, about three years old, trotting down the middle of the road by herself in just her knickers. No way I was going to say or do anything.
If I see a little kid in some kind of trouble like that, I’m gonna do the right thing, and if I get thrown in jail for that, fuck it. They better know, though, that things will get sorted out when I am released or otherwise get out.
Once again, OFD speaks for me. Though I’ll expand on that by noting that this applies only to any kind of dangerous or emergency situation.
A few years ago I helped, and had been helping for a year or more, some of the kids at my wife’s church with their homework. Their parents were bright enough, but Chinese immigrants don’t necessarily know conjugations or the details of New York State history or whatever. One girl’s mother objected to my spending time “alone” with her daughter, aged maybe twelve or so, even though we at a table in a big, open room with other people around and we were “alone” only because the other kids had finished earlier. Regardless, I didn’t feel like being bitched at, so I told Tracy, Sorry, won’t help you any more because you’re mother’s a bitch. (I didn’t phrase it quite that bluntly. She did. “You mean, because my mother’s a bitch…”)
Funny you should mention that. A couple days ago while I was walking Colin I saw Shane, a neighbor boy of about eight, playing in his front yard with another boy about the same age and a little girl of maybe five. The little girl got up and walked away down the street while the boys continued to play. I caught up with her and asked her where she was going. She lived several houses down, past an intersection where every day I see people on the cross street blow past the stop sign at literally 40 MPH. She said she knew to look both ways before crossing the street, but I kept walking along with her, she on one side of the street and Colin and me on the other. When we got to the intersection, Colin and I stood there and watched while she crossed and went into her house.
I walked back and asked Shane if his mom was home. He went in the house to get Mimi and I told her what had happened. She talked to the boys and told them never to allow the little girl to go off on her own like that.
The really sad thing is that Bill and Barbara, a couple about our age, live on the corner across from the little girl’s house. About 30 years ago, one of their children was killed by a teenage driver who blew through the stop sign.
Well, obviously you and Colin did the right thing there, and luckily missed having some busybody or bureaucrat or blue-shirt thug interfering and locking you up as some kind of pervert. I guess we try to do the right thing and take our chances; along with that, nowadays I’d consider activating my cell phone or whatever to record the event and if accosted by jerks, blast it all over the net. We gotta put a stop to this insanity.
Thankfully, the paranoia hasn’t quite reached this far. I taught the beginners Judo class in our club until 2-3 years ago, for a mixed group of boys and girls ages 6-12. Judo involves a lot of body contact, and sometimes the best way to help a kid is an interactive demonstration. Sometimes the kid you are helping happens to be a girl.
This was never a problem here. I probably don’t want to know how it works in the US. Do male Judo instructors avoid ever touching female students? That would be pretty sad, and would seriously limit the effectiveness of the instruction.
In the US girls would probably have female instructors, boys also would have female instructors. All supervised by committees to make sure nothing untoward happened.
Boy, am I glad I never got into the minefield of teaching.
I touch on this (no pun intended) in the book I’m currently writing on
teaching martial arts. In short, I suggest that male instructors (in the
US, at least) think twice about taking women into their classes and
think ten times before taking girls. However, once you’ve agreed to be
their instructor you owe it to them to treat them just like their male
counterparts. Otherwise you are not teaching them martial arts, with the
implied ability to defend themselves against a real attack. You’re just
teaching an exercise or dance class.
This came up a couple of times in martial arts when I visited someone
else’s class, and almost the same happened in a (water) life saving
class. In all cases, the instructors and male students had gone easier
on the female students in sparring or in simulating a drowning victim.
In all cases, the girls were under the impression that they were hot
shit in the ring or that 100 pounds of teenage girl could haul a 200
pound man out of the ocean or lift a 140 pound teenage boy out of a
swimming pool unassisted.
Well, I know a few girls who could probably do that. Barbara’s friend Socialist Nancy (she has several friends named Nancy, so I call them Socialist Nancy, Librarian Nancy, etc.) is a serious rock climber. She once embarrassed a Marine Corps physical fitness instructor who challenged her to match him on one-handed pull-ups. Long after he dropped off the bar, she was still going, like the energizer bunny. Also, there’s Mary Chervenak, who on my challenge once dropped to the floor and did something like 70 real push-ups, with no sign of flagging. Granted, they’re strong for their size rather than strong in absolute terms, but even so.
As to teaching women martial arts for self-defense purposes, I’m all in favor, but not unarmed martial arts. Extensible baton is fine. Combat pistol is better. But I still maintain that, even at age 59, if I or a guy my size mixes it up seriously with any woman–that is, if I’m actually trying to hurt her–no matter what her level of martial arts skills she’s going to get killed, maybe literally. Learning a martial art simply deludes a woman into believing she’s a predator, when in fact she remains prey.
For women, martial arts are a fine sport and exercise, but not a practical defense against serious attack. I have taught defense to women, but I always focus on quick kill, emphasizing that she has exactly one chance to kill or completely disable the guy before he realizes she’s actually going to fight. If the fight lasts longer than two seconds, she’s dead meat.
The same goes for us geezers against younger guys. I don’t know what it is, but something must happen to muscle tissue over the years. I am reasonably fit, my older teenage son avoids physical activity like the plague. I outweigh him by a fair bit, not too much of which is fat. And yet, he is a good bit stronger than I am, not to mention faster.
Anyway, that’s generally a good rule for self-defense. Try hard to avoid a fight, but if you have to do it, do it hard and fast. The bad guy likely has a lot more experience at dirty street fighting – you’ve got one chance to surprise him.
I’ve never seen an Indiana Jones movie, but I’ve seen the clip where the ninja assassin starts going through his kata. Jones watches for a moment, pulls his pistol, and blows the ninja away.
Everyone else thought it was funny. I just thought Jones was a sensible guy. That’s always been my theory of fighting. Take every advantage possible and cheat like hell. It’s not a game. AKA, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
And, yes, I am weaker at 59 than I was at 49, 39, 29, or 19. Much weaker. I used to be able to sling a 100-pound sack of whatever up to my shoulder, carry it to where it needed to be, and *toss* it onto the pile. And do that for hours on end. Now I’d think twice before I’d even try to pick up a 100-pound sack.
But I still carry my own mass around every day, walking, up and down the stairs, and so on. That inevitably makes me stronger than a woman half my mass, unless she carries a 120-pound backpack 24 hours a day.
Generally I agree, though I don’t go as far as RBT in thinking that
virtually all women are essentially helpless against a determined male
There’s another good reason for getting in your killing or disabling
attack fast: the legal climate. This applies at least to most of the US
and, SFAICT, all of Britain. If you, an ordinary, honest citizen, kill
or cripple an attacker and the government gets involved, you’re likely
to be arrested at least and quite likely convicted. Even if they can’t
make manslaughter charges stick, they’ll pile on the charges until you
accept a plea bargain just to put an end to the bullshit. And god forbid
you had been carrying a firearm, even if you didn’t use it. It’s much
better to defeat the attacker and then GTFO. Yes, I speak from
experience, which I am not going to detail.
I don’t say all women are helpless against a determined male attacker. I say that essentially all women are defenseless against a determined male attacker if the fight lasts longer than a second or two.
I’m all in favor of teaching quick-kill techniques to women, although I doubt that 1% of them would actually use them if push comes to shove. Women simply aren’t genetically programmed to attack and kill, as men are. That’s why I keep falling back on my advice to women to get an extensible baton and learn how to use it. And if they’re going to carry something stupid like pepper spray, I suggest that instead they carry a spray can of oven cleaner.
“…they carry a spray can of oven cleaner.”
…or a can of RAID Flying Insect Killer. Better than the pepper sprays and will put the attacker in the ER if it doesn’t kill him.
Here I agree with both SteveF and Robert on women and self-defense. They need something less than lethal sometimes, but in general I say go for a quick kill and GTFO, at which I, sadly, also have some experience.
Mrs. OFD, by the way, is 5’10” and probably around 180 now, and can pick me up off the floor at 265 and carry me a short distance. But I can pick her up off the floor, or our daughter, at six feet and 215, and throw them a short distance. I would not care to try it with our son, who is my height and probably now about ten pounds heavier and also thirty years younger and a former hockey player. Him I’d have to shoot and make sure he don’t get up again. Which I’m thinking of doing anyway because lately he’s been listening to VPR on his daily work commutes and talking leftwing nonsense, which I expect from our daughter but not him. Drastic measures are called for….
Also, I should point out, neither Mrs. OFD or kidz have the requisite ‘killer instinct’ and mind-set, so this would be another problem. A typical bad guy could get over on them PDQ, unfortunately, and nobody up here listens to me for shit.
Yes, my dislike and distrust of men I don’t know stands me in good stead. Like all men, my DNA-programmed discounting of women as a serious threat makes me vulnerable to them, though. I’ve turned my back on women when I should have known better. No wonder cops hate domestics.
I’d go with the Easy-Off. I’m not sure what a squirt of RAID in the eyes would do–nothing good, I’m sure–but a squirt of Easy-Off (with lye) in the eyes will permanently blind someone in literally seconds.
Here in Texas we have the Castle Doctrine. When you utter the magic words, “I was scared”, the grand jury nobills you no matter what the heinous crime was. We had a 85 year old guy walk outside and shoot the scum robbing the house next to his. They nobilled him.
Now the Legislature is trying to extend the Castle Doctrine to your car. That would be totally cool. Several of my family members have CHLs and I am thinking about one also.
Here is the old man shooting the robber next door.
Whoa, he was 61. Yup, old man (I’m 52).
I do not automatically discount women as a threat, since, as you mention it, a domestic incident with which I was involved in the late 70s and a few other similar incidents. This one was a doozy: me and my partner (only two cops on duty in this one-hoss burg in rural Maffachufetts) respond to the usual husband-and-wife brouhaha. Both drunk, also usual. We try our best to calm them down and reason with them. This doesn’t go well.
Husband finally manages to clock wife with us standing right there, hey, it happens, and she screams at us to lock him up. (hey, we’d done all the approved stuff; got ’em outta the kitchen and away from the steak knives, made sure any weapons, which are always nearby at these things, were secured, and kept them separated, at least until we thought we’d got them under control and calm). So now we gotta arrest the moron; we cuff him and I go out the door first, followed by the moron, followed by my partner, followed by the wife who clocks my partner off the head with a flatiron and screams that we’re not taking her husband away. You see how this is going so far?
Now I am the single officer on duty in town; we do not have a jail; the wife is coming after me with the aforementioned iron at which point I clock HER with my standard-issue baton and drop her like yesterday’s newspapers on the sidewalk in front of their house as the neighbors look on disapprovingly. Husband is also fighting me, so I drop him, too. Now I have to transport husband to the nearest MA State Police barracks which has a jail; transport wife to the next town’s women’s detention facility, so-called; get my partner AND them first to the ER, several towns away, for treatment, etc. Oh, and the PD also does not have any kind of linked-up records and warrant check system so, for example, when we stopped cars, we hadda call the dispatcher (after waking him up) and have him call Boston and the staties for the info, which took 15-30 minutes.
I ended up calling the chief in to assist with this fiasco and we eventually got it all done and then I had another shift to spend after that one just doing the paperwork, by hand, no computers then, either.
So yeah, cops hate domestics; and mainly because they’re the most dangerous call you can go on; I would have always rather responded to an armed bank robbery in progress or a biker brawl at a bar, both of which I handled by myself, the latter more than once, and without SWAT or tasers or shooting anybody. No, I was not Buford Pusser, but a half-decent approximation a few times.
I also knew when to back the hell off; once at a loud party around 11 PM where there had been a noise complaint, as we so informed the party-goers, at which point a shadow passed in front of the moon, like unto an eclipse, and it was a human specimen, male, about seven feet tall and easily 500 pounds with a long beard and long hair. He advised us, me and my one partner, that we ought to get our ears checked. I agreed, and we left.
Hey, my piddly little .38 was only gonna get him excited.
Another time I was by myself, just tooling around in the cruiser in the wee hours of a sultry summer’s eve, way up in the hills back of the town. I heard music, where there shouldn’t have been any music, up in the old abandoned sand and gravel pits. I drove on up in there and came upon a scene of several hundred people and a flatbed trailer and everybody just partying their asses off and having a whale of a good time. I was a bit stunned, to say the least, and a couple of party-goers offered me a drink and a joint. I wisely declined, told them to have a good time but be careful, and went on my way. You can’t make this stuff up.
Lest anyone think I was an old softie, we also used to go on raids, involving several area towns and the State Police, of a summer weekend night occasionally, esp. at a large bar on Route 9 in Westborough, MA. Sooner or later there would be a noise complaint or a fight or whatever, and about eight towns’ worth of cops on duty and some off-duty guys would roll on over there and just pitch on in and start whaling away on people, usually pretty close to riot conditions by then, with bikers involved, gang kids from Boston and Woostuh, etc. This would go for a bit and then the Staties would arrive with German Shepherds and Game Over. Then we’d all stand around in the lot and drink confiscated beer until daylight.
Good times!
I would tend to agree with that Pasadena dispatcher that no property is worth blowing somebody away over, but on the other hand I wasn’t there and don’t know exactly how it went down. From the transcript, it sure sounds like Mr. Horn was itching to waste somebody with his shotgun. If we’re gonna have the death penalty for thieves in this country then let’s get it done and let’s start enforcing it accordingly through the courts.
If them gangbangers WERE actually accosting Mr. Horn and he feared for his life, then hey, light their asses up, I got no problem with that.
Like one of the other shooters said, it ain’t no light matter to blow someone’s shit away, esp. if you ain’t been doin’ it on a regular basis, like for Uncle on his plantations somewhere, or as a mob enforcer or hit man.
It seems every COPS episode has a domestic situation that you just described. No matter what, the cops lose.
My middle brother is the president of a small bank chain. He tells his tellers just to hand over the money if they get robbed and to call the cops 30 minutes after the scum leaves. He says if one customer gets shot or hurt then it is the bank’s fault no matter what. The cheapest customer settlement that he has seen was half a million dollars. Injury settlements, that is where the real money is.
Yeah, when folks ask/ed me what cop work was/is like, I would refer them to the COPS show; pretty much dirtbags, drunks, dopers, and assorted douchebags, night after sorry night, same characters week after sorry week. Fights, wrestling with ’em in the gutter, domestics, car wrecks, bar brawls, B&E’s (typically done by kids who’ve been tipped off by other kids when the parents aren’t home), the same old, same old.
I did that, plus gang control crap, for a few years after I quit working for Uncle and finally got fed up and sick of it and left in ’86. Almost all the guys I worked with then are now retired or dead. Sometimes I feel like I’m a hundred years old…
Your middle brother is 100% correct and a wise man. Fiat currency, especially, is not worth someone getting hurt or killed over.
New York is the polar opposite. At least one of the appellate courts has found a duty to retreat even from your own home.
New York, otherwise known as the Vampire State. What a mess. I wonder how such an incident would play in real life there.
You could find out by breaking into Hillary’s place while she’s there…
I realize that tastes differ, but “Hillary” and “Vamp” do not belong
together on the same web site, let alone in textual proximity. Sure,
feel free to go after the old bat … er, I mean, the Heroine of Libya,
if you want, but surely you can do better. Isn’t there a dead cow you
can molest? Same body shape, same smell, and a much more pleasant