08:48 – A date that will live in infamy. Too bad we still haven’t destroyed the regimes responsible.
12:36 – It’s time to get started on a new batch of chemistry kits. As of now, we’re down to half a dozen in stock, and we’ve been selling considerably more than that in an average week. Sometimes, we sell that many in one day. So far today, we’ve sold two chemistry kits, but the day isn’t over. Fortunately, we have everything in stock we need to make up another batch of 30, although we need to assemble the individual components into subassemblies first.
Biology kits are on hold until the replacement toner cartridges arrive. Fortunately, we have more than a dozen of those in stock, which on average is a week’s supply. So far this year, we’ve avoided backordering kits, although we did have to ship next-day instead of same-day in a couple of instances. Fortunately, forensic science kits are still in good supply.
The regimes actually responsible? But, but…that would mean offending our very good friends in Saudia Arabia and probably Pakistan. We never would have had a reason to go into Iraq, nor to do more than a hit-and-run in Afghanistan.
It’s been mentioned elsewhere, but it bears repeating:
From Pearl Harbor until the unconditional surrender of the
Japanese: 2 years, 9 months.
From the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center until the destruction of
the regimes which funded the attack: -crickets chirping-
While Saudis were certainly responsible, I highly doubt the “regime” of Saudi Arabia was involved. They may be backward fundamentalists, but the Saudi government knows who butters their bread. Iran, on the other hand…
Canada just shuttered their embassy in Tehran and bugged out. Now’s your chance!
I don’t trust the Saudis any more than I trust the Iranians. In fact I trust them less. The Saudi brand of Islam is just nuts, pure jihad and misogyny. The Iranians have a small dose of common sense.
Islam is incompatible with civilization.
From Pearl Harbor until the unconditional surrender of the
Japanese: 3 years, 9 months.
Er… it’s all global warming’s fault. The heat makes 2s swell up until
they’re as big as 3s used to be.
” Too bad we still haven’t destroyed the regimes responsible.”
That would be the Saudi princes who have been financing and encouraging the madrassahs, and assorted other centers of hadji vermin. Which would ordinarily and rationally require spec ops/police actions, assassinations, pinpoint targeting, etc. We didn’t do that; we rolled with Second-Generation warfare, like we were Patton and Rommel in North Africa. So stupid as to beggar belief.
We also need to, IMHO, get out of the business of World Empire completely and start by pulling all our forces out of the Sandbox and closing the thousand or so overseas military bases and other installations. Bring all the troops home and start protecting and securing THIS country and ITS people. Another band of unemployed hadji PhD engineers and doctors attacks us again? We root them out and destroy them utterly. An actual regime somewhere hits us and can be legally identified as such, wipe them utterly from the planet at once.
And while we’re at it, we ought to root out our own chickenhawks, war criminals and politicians who got us into all these messes and string them up forthwith. Alongside the Wall Street profiteers, con artists, banksters and similar parasites, and the media carny barkers who cheer it all on and lie to us constantly. If a hangman is needed, I’m your man; I know the ropes. And can do the basic arithmetic to calculate the drops. No algebra or calculus required.
So are we still sending Egypt a billion $ a month in cash ? Looks like it is time to stop that practice when they hauled down the USA flag from our embassy in Cairo.
I suggest we spend a billion dollars one more time on Egypt. Even if the numbers are off, it’s ok. We have them just sitting around taking up space. And I’ll bet Saudi Arabia would like us to spend a billion on them. And so would quite a few other places…
Let me see if I get this straight. You want to bomb the shit out of others, and then string up the people who already have?
I’m confuzzled.
No, I said that in future, if attacked by a specific regime and identified as such, wipe them out. Hang the bastards who’ve been doing it so far in all the WRONG places. And profiting handsomely thereby. We did not need to be in Iraq or Afghanistan, clearly. Nor Vietnam for that matter. And in any case, I would not foresee us doing any more of that strategic bombing nonsense; that is so 1944. Spec ops, baby. Surgical strikes. Defend the borders, coasts, air space, sea lanes, etc. with Sea Wolf and Trident subs. Satellites. Cyberspace. Keep the National Guard people in their own states, period, no more overseas deployments.
And hang all the yellow bastard governors who sat on their hands for that over the past half-century.
Annex the desirable parts of Canada.
And let’s invade Mexico, steal their oil, and kick the Mexicans out. Let them illegally cross the border into Guatemala, just for the laughs.
The oil bit is what pisses me off the most about our whole Mideastern misadventure. If we’re going to be accused of invading peace-loving lands, slaughtering innocents, and stealing their oil, then we ought to at least steal the damned oil.
I recall that our lords temporal made noises like that back in the beginning of this madness, that we were gonna get cheap oil and gas from our actions. And then we saw prices rise. Gee, what a surprise. Again.
You know they’re lying when you see their lips moving.
I’ve also been hearing about new oil fields in the waters off Namibia but I fear the Red Chinese are getting there first, natch. They don’t kill the locals; they hand out money and build stuff for them.
You know they’re lying when you see their lips moving.
Let me correct this for you. They’re lying. There is no need to qualify their quality with physical motions.
A while ago, the owner of a site I regularly comment on asked what the narrative should be to get people thinking about the real problem with infestation of terrorist fleas we’ve been suffering. I suggested “Who’s paying the terrorists” as a good bumper sticker.
But that’s a question The Powers That Be seem afraid to answer, or even allow to be asked.
OFD wrote:
“Annex the desirable parts of Canada.”
Canada has desirable parts?
Oh yeah, Victoria BC has Butchart Gardens. That would be worth taking. The rest could be sold to Russia…
Another four citizens lost in Libya. When will we learn. Bring home all embassies in Muslim countries. Muslims hate the US. Period.
Right on, MrAtoz. Screw those countries. We never shoulda got over there. And so long as we’re outta there, I feel fairly certain they’ll leave us the hell alone, though it would also help considerably if we quit sending billions in cash and weapons to Israel and taking orders from their Likud Party on what our foreign policy should be, though to be fair, The Incumbent has apparently stood up to them pretty well so far.
Like I have said before; for terror attacks like 9/11 and similar, what is required is spec ops/police actions. For a major attack by an identifiable regime, which would be suicidal, wipe them off the map. Let’s dump Second-Generation warfare and move on up, like the old tee-vee sitcom used to sing, to Fourth-Generation, like the rest of the world. Let Patton, Rommel and Guderian requiescant in pace.
And this latest deal in Libya can be laid directly on HILLARY! and her troika of witches and the usual neocon cabal that pushed for the so-called Arab Spring. Our ambassador’s and his staff’s blood be upon her and her warmongering cohorts.
If they will not respect the USA then we need to teach them to fear the USA.
Oh wait, I forgot. “We are the world…” is the motto of the Obama administration. They are learning that we were propping up the Arab dictators for a reason. The price seems higher than I thought it would be. I am hoping that the price does not go higher as the Marines are on the C130s right now…
Just wait until we are buying oil from the Caliphate. They might insist on gold and virgins instead of Yankee dollars.
Israel will do just fine with or without the USA. Cairo and Damascus will be smoking holes in the ground but sometimes lessons are tough to swallow.
MrAtoz wrote:
Another four citizens lost in Libya. When will we learn. Bring home all embassies in Muslim countries. Muslims hate the US. Period.”
Just get out of there. Stop supporting insurgents against their governments. Stop supporting governments against their insurgents. Stop giving either side moolah, no matter how bad/good they or their opponents are. Stop interfering. Move embassies to battle ships safely off the coast.
Why can’t the media get at least one thing right? Protesters stage an orderly demonstration outside the US Embassy. There were no protesters in Egypt, there were rioters!
Israel is likely to strike Iran in October, just before our elections. This will cause worldwide mayhem.
Israel’s list may be growing. The new government in Egypt is going through the military officers and deciding who is loyal to the Muslim brotherhood. Those officers not loyal to the Muslim brotherhood are being disposed of.
When Mr. Obama gets the 3 am phone that the four F-16s are on their way to Cairo with 4 special packages each, what is he going to do ? President Nixon had all F-15s from Germany and Italy fly to Tel Aviv when Golda Mier called. The pilots landed at Tel Aviv and went to a US destroyer in the port. Golda Mier then called back the four F-86s with special packages. What will Mr. Obama do?
We may well find out.
4×4 = 16 nukes? Are there that many worthwhile Targets in Egypt?
Yes, one target in Eqypt, a big one with 25,000,000 people. I think that I got the number of specials wrong per F-16. I think that each F-16 carries two, not four, special packages. The other specials can be delivered with Jericho ICBMs.
Well, if it were me…
I’d think fighters, and pilots for that matter, would be a lot easier to replace than what they’d be delivering. I’d limit it to one package per F-16, and I’d mix those planes in with as many others as possible that weren’t carrying packages. I’d use my non-nuclear weapons to blast myself a path through their air defenses and otherwise saturate their air defenses as much as possible before I sent in any of my special flights.
Or maybe not.
BTW, I do not advocate the nuking of Cairo, Damascus and Tehran. I just think that desperate people do desperate things. I am fairly sure that had the USA not resupplied Israel during the Yom Kippur War, that even more horrible things would have happened: