09:05 – Barbara is taking a well-deserved personal day. She left at oh-dark-thirty to meet her friend Bonnie and drive up to a flea market in Hillsville, Virginia. The deck guys are supposed to finish up today. It’ll be nice to have some peace and quiet around here. The saws and nail guns make it hard to concentrate.
Now that we’re officially in-stock and shipping forensic science kits, Barbara suggested that I take it easy today. I may do that, although I’m already thinking about our next science kit and may start preliminary work on it. In one year, we’ve gone from having just the chemistry kit to having chemistry, biology, and forensic science kits. I’d like to have a fourth kit available by the end of this year, and a fifth by next summer. I’m not sure yet what they’ll be.
You can hear the saws and nail guns over the barking?
Actually, Colin hasn’t barked since early the first day they were working. He knows them now, and apparently accepts that they’re allowed to be here and doing what they’re doing.
I don’t suppose you could send Colin over to tell our dogs that the kids next door are supposed to play basketball in their driveway? Oops, that’s not going to work since I live in Indiana.
This is what happens when you talk on a cell phone while driving and then yell at the cops when you are pulled over:
LA’s finest.
Never yell at a cop. Or try to knee them in the groin (that apparently happens right before the second time they throw her to the ground).
If these cops know enough martial arts to throw her like that, they also know less violent holds that would control her without injuring her. Dumb, just dumb.
Amazing how there are cameras everywhere to capture everything these days. I wave a lot to cameras these days—like the ATM when I am taking money out of it.
I wave at them, too! I use my middle fingers, what do you use?
Not my middle finger at the bank.
When I worked at the bank I would get to see ATM video. Had one ATM in a small enclosure where you went in a door to use the ATM. There was a camera that was highly visible just above the ATM. There was also a camera that was hidden in the corner of the ceiling of the enclosure.
One couple went into the enclosure about 3:30A on a Sunday morning. You could see them cover the lens of the visible camera. However we were able to see their sexual adventure on the other camera. When they completed their sporting event they uncovered the visible camera lens and left the enclosure.
Pics or it didn’t happen!
Upload it or it didn’t happen…
“Great minds think alike…”
Or small minds seldom differ. I think I like yours better, actually.
Well, Mr. Grigg, had I removed or copied the video it would have been an RGE. I wanted to keep my job. But viewing by all of the ATM people and half the IT staff was apparently OK.
RGE = Resume Generating Event.
Oh, and this was in 1986, B&W, something other than VHS as it was a proprietary video taping system, and the video quality was not that good. It was also a silent film. I don’t even know if I could have copied the video and taking off sight I would not have had the equipment to view the video.
Well, useless without sound, Ray! You’re off the hook!
I’m sure Ray could provide the sound effects…