09:56 – With our Netflix streaming not working, we’ve spent the last couple of weeks watching DVDs from Netflix and Seasons 4 and 5 of Heartland. We have five episodes of the latter remaining, and then we’ll be up to date. Season 6 is currently in production.
Apparently, there was some doubt about whether Season 6 would be made. I’m not sure why. The program is both excellent and highly-rated. And it stars Amber Marshall, which is sufficient to make anything worth watching. I’d watch Amber if she were reading the Code of Federal Regulations.
A huge Quack of Triumph just resounded through the house. (Lions roar in triumph; Linuxes quack.) Barbara and I finished the cable run from my office to the Roku box in the den, fishing the cable through a hole up into my office that was already crammed with other cables. There’s something like a mile (1.6 kilometers) of Cat 3, 4, 5, and 5e UTP cable runs in our house, so adding a 50-foot Cat 5e run shouldn’t have been a big deal. And it wouldn’t have been, if the holes weren’t already crammed full.
At any rate, the Roku box immediately connected and we now have Netflix streaming video again. I haven’t stapled the cable to the joists yet. We’ll fish cable back and forth until we have the right amount of slack at each end, and then secure it with staples.