09:29 – Darwin Day, and Colin turns a year old today. Some would say he’s now officially a dog, but he’s still very much a 12-month puppy. He is showing some signs of calming down a bit, but he’s still doing stuff like eating bedspreads. In fact, he’s gone through two in the last month. One was shredded completely beyond salvage, but the other is now in my Trooper as a tarp for times when we haul straw, mulch, and other messy stuff in the back.
Barbara and I got quite a bit done yesterday on the biology kits. We’re shooting to have the first 60 kits ready by 22 March, one month before the book is published. That leaves us a bit of slack in case something unforeseen crops up. I haven’t costed out the kits yet, but just eyeballing it I think we’ll be able to keep the price in the same general range as the chemistry kits or perhaps a bit higher.