Thur. Mar. 6, 2025 – do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?

By on March 6th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall

Cool again, low 50s? and then warming a bit. Yesterday was beautiful. Sunny, cool, and not raining. I’m hoping for the same today.

I didn’t get anything at all done in the morning. After taking the kid to school, I came home and crashed out at my desk. Woke up 4 hours later. Too little sleep, and too many carbs, and I was out.

In the afternoon, I did some smaller things from pretty far down the list. I had to move some stuff that had been sitting in the foyer and living room, so I decided to just install it where it belonged. Of course that wasn’t completely straightforward… and took more time than I’d hoped. Ran out of daylight and that was that.

So today I get to finish that job (replacing a camera on the roof) and then do the other stuff on the list. With the added short list of stuff I need to do to get ready for the Hamfest. I’m really not feeling it this year, but I’ve got stuff to sell, and the Hamfest is the easiest way.

I’m even taking a look at my test bench to see if I can reduce it some more. Sold several pieces last year, and haven’t even powered on most of what’s sitting there in years. I have to wonder if I’ll ever learn enough about fixing radios to get any real use out of the radio test set… Maybe the compromise is take it, and see if I can get a good price. I don’t want to give it away just to get rid of it. On the other hand, someone else could use it to fix radios and get them back into circulation. I’m less likely to do that with every passing day.

I get ‘enthusiasms’ and then don’t have the time to pursue them at the level I was hoping to. I’m better at managing that now than I was, but I’ve got the legacy of that sitting on my bench and in my workshop. Some of you guys here give me hope that I WILL get to it at some point, but maybe I need to concentrate a bit more on actual doable stuff…

Feeling a bit introspective I guess with my 20 year wedding anniversary and 59th birthday both coming up in the next couple of months.

Anyway, I’ve stacked some stuff that I think I might never really learn to use, and that (unlike medical supplies) I’m unlikely to be able to provide to someone that could help me because I have it. Re-thinking and re-evaluating as your circumstances change is part of prepping. Maybe time for me to do some of that…

And then I can stack something useful.


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Wed. Mar. 5, 2025 – more work to do to get ready…

By on March 5th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall

Cool and not so wet this morning. It rained buckets yesterday, but then the front moved in and dried everything up. Stayed just under 70F all day too. Really nice to drive around with the windows down. It was crazy gusty though. Lots of debris falling from trees, including in my yard.

I did mostly domestic bliss in the morning, since it was raining cats and dogs for part of the day. I cut my hair, did some computer work, and knocked off a few little things that had piled up until I had time to do them. I actually got stuff done. Not big stuff, but stuff. I made the appointment to pickup my rental trailer for the Hamfest too.

After that I got out of the house and did a very uneconomical pickup. Wasn’t much stuff. Wasn’t high value. Was far away. I couldn’t combine trips, and it’s an auctioneer I like so I didn’t want to blow it off or leave it for another week. Had a good chat with him, so that part was nice. And the weather was actually good for the drive. Except the wind. That sucked balls. I watched it blow a garbage truck out of his lane on the freeway. Good thing traffic was weirdly light.

Did my Tues/Thur kid taxi stuff with the extra bonus of dropping the wife’s car at the shop. “weird” crunching noises coming from the front end… I think that sounds expensive. D1 may not be getting mom’s old ride when mom upgrades. Chinese takeout for dinner.

I forgot to mention that the day before I tried a beef “shoulder roast” in the oven. I’m not sure what it’s normally cut as or sold as. It’s clearly a cheaper cut, with fairly coarse grain running all different ways, but like the sirloin, it was plenty tasty. If you pay attention slicing it, it’s not even chewy or hard to cut. It was on sale so I thought I’d give it a try. The stores are really trying to make sure people can get something close to the before times, for what money they have available. Sometimes that is a cut that isn’t normally sold that way, or sometimes it’s slicing a steak in half so you get two servings that look like a whole steak… sometimes it’s selling 70/30 hamburger instead of leaner blends (a false economy since you drain the fat away.)

My wife pointed out that I’m way behind on planting a garden. IDK about that, but I do have volunteer collards off my 3 year old plants. I cut everything back severely in the Fall, and now I have two or three healthy looking plants. I may just do a “scatter and rake” seeding and see what happens in the raised beds. Should be ok for herbs anyway.

Too much to do, to little drive to get it all done. Small victories are still victories.

Stack. Improve. Work.


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Tues. Mar. 4, 2025 – I’ve got a birthday coming up this month…

By on March 4th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cool and wet. Maybe cloudy all day. Unlike yesterday, when we had SOME clear and even a rainbow in the morning. The rain threatened all day but never arrived. We are supposed to get some precip, and I’d be ok with that, as long as we don’t get some on Friday and Saturday.

I wasn’t feeling great in the morning, I’ve had a bit of a “sour stomach” for a couple of days, and I decided to grab an hour or two napping. Felt better when I got up and got busy doing work.

A couple of pickups took up a good chunk of afternoon. It was mostly stuff for the BOL, but one thing for the house. If I get it installed, I’ll do a bit more commenting on it. After that it was stuck in traffic for about 20 extra minutes, then at least 20 minutes in line for gas at Costco, which messed up my timing to get D2 from her late after school pickup… So I spent 40 minutes reading while I waited for her. That was a better use of time than driving home, then all the way back. This unnecessary level of detail is to say that I lost a couple of hours of productive time. Jerryp would say the day was eaten by ducks.

Today will be some pickups and getting ready for the hamfest. I’ve got stuff scattered all over the place that I need to get together. I need to get the trailer reservation too. And maybe I’ll figure out a better way to get the stuff back on the trailer after the hamfest is over… maybe a come-a-long…

I’ve got to get ready but I feel like the Hamfest is coming too early this year. I’d skip it for half a reason… but I also know I picked stuff up specifically to sell and I’ll enjoy seeing all the guys I only see on that one day. Suck it up buttercup…

And stack it up too…


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Mon. Mar. 3, 2025 – another week, another chance to not get things done

Cool and damp, windy. The wind rose last night and it got chilly. Low 60s and damp with a wind equals chilled to the bone. It was nice all day, if damp, and sunny until later in the day. I’m hoping whatever blew in will blow back out.

I rose and broke my fast fairly early for me, and for a Sunday. I took my time getting started though and a bunch of stretching was involved.

I did get stuff done. I eventually got a string trimmer running with a new saw blade style cutter head, and attacked the back yard. The weeds were mid-calf and higher… but they all went down under the onslaught. It took longer than it should have. Then I poked at the mower, finally diagnosing the issue. Ordered the part I needed, and went back out to blow leaves and re-bait rat poison stations. The bait stations were gnawed but not empty. I filled them up and put a couple in the attic too.

The light was fading so I wrapped up outside.

Did some stuff in the attic, moving and putting stuff away.

D1 made Chipotle style chicken bowls for dinner with W’s help. Did a good job and I ate my fill. Kid might learn something after all. I think she is beginning to realize she’ll have to feed herself something besides homemade cookies at some point.

Ended the day sitting my my ‘water feature’ reading and having a tiny little fire. It got pretty chilly sitting there, almost like I was on the dock at the BOL.

I’ll have to get back up there. Things need to be worked on.

Until then, I’ll do more work here. I’ve been neglecting the home front for a while. If it isn’t raining today, I should be able to get some more things done. I’ve also got a pickup to do, and normal kid taxi stuff. Maybe I’ll take the time to cut my hair. Oh the excitement! Oh the drama!

One of the tasks is to re-stock the can dispenser racks in the pantry, and go through the cans I just put in storage and have ignored for a while. Several have ruptured, and I need to sort out the breakage and look at replacements.

This stuff won’t stack itself. Get to it…


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Sun. Mar. 2, 2025 – well that didn’t go as planned…

By on March 2nd, 2025 in culture, decline and fall

Cool, but warming. Mornings have been cool, 50s and 60s, but later it’s been low 70s and Saturday wasn’t an exception. Humidity was a bit high though so it was bordering on uncomfortable without a breeze. Today should be more of the same.

Spent Saturday morning in bed. Brain felt good when I got up, but my back was hurting. Some extra stretches made that better, but man, my torso hurts. Maybe from the stress test? I was leaning back, holding on to the treadmill, and none of that was normal body mechanics for me… dunno, but it keeps tweeking me.

Anyway, eventually got out of the house and did my pickups. Had D1 drive me around so she could get practice and coaching. I hope she’s getting the feeling that maybe she isn’t as good as she thinks she is and that maybe some more practice is a good thing. She’s WAY overconfident for her actual skill level. Lots of crazy drivers out and about.

I also went to my storage units and moved some stuff around. I misplaced my keys and haven’t been able to get in my units for a couple of weeks. Found them yesterday in my truck.

Spent some time on relationship maintenance with my wife later in the day. Went for a walk with the dog. Chatted a bit. Don’t forget your loved ones.

TODAY I’ll be doing some of the stuff I didn’t do yesterday, starting with getting out of bed earlier…

Really, I will……………………………………………..try anyway…

Stack something.

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Sat. Mar. 1, 2025 – whooo hoooo, it’s March! Yeah, it’s not much, but it’s something

By on March 1st, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

And another beautiful day is on deck… which is really nice. Yesterday got nice, although it was a bit cooler all day than the previous couple of days. I’m hoping for another clear sunny day, with moderate temps. Everyone in the neighborhood is out walking with either babies, dogs, or sometimes both.

I mostly did auction pickups yesterday. It was domestic bliss in the morning, and driving around in the afternoon. Most of the stuff yesterday was for the BOL, although there were a couple items that will be gifts and a couple of things for resale.

Now I need to get busy listing some stuff to turn it back into money.

That probably won’t happen today though. If it is as nice as I hope, I’ll try doing some of the outdoor stuff I’ve been putting off. I do have to hit one of my auctioneers for a pickup, but that won’t take long.

I’m sleeping in as long as I can. It stops me getting a jump on stuff, but helps me with physical and mental health. Then if I can pull it together, I’ll tick off some boxes on the list. (Some of the stuff I need to do is to get access to my hamfest inventory. I’ve got this week to get ready.) Strangely, we don’t have a ton of family activities planned, only a Girl Scout cookie booth each day. I’m sure other things will pop up.

And I’m sure that stacks will help. No matter what the issue is. So get busy.


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Fri. Feb. 28, 2025 – another month done…

By on February 28th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, personal

Cool and misty to start. Then clearing and warming. Like the last couple of days, it should be nice. It’s been great for my mood.

Did my echo cardiogram yesterday morning. Don’t know why I mis-wrote “electro” when even the appointment note in my calendar had it right. It was another new experience. Interesting to watch the pictures and video of my insides…

Did some pickups in the afternoon. Hit the grocery store for a few items. Then kid stuff needed doing. Tuesdays and Thursdays keep me busy until 9pm.

Today I don’t have any poking, prodding, irradiating, or electrifying on the schedule. I do have all my normal stuff. There will be some domestic bliss, and then some more pickups. This week had a lot of stuff for the BOL, and a few things for here. I picked up some resale stuff too, because the deal was too good to pass up. And hey, I’ve got a hamfest coming up, and I would like to have a few new things to sell.

The world does continue to turn. It is feeling like momentum for real change domestically might be flagging… while the war machine juggernaut is lurching to its feet internationally. I don’t see any reason to stop prepping. There are plenty of natural disasters, and man made disasters beyond war and civil unrest. As the weather gets nicer, the protests will likely get bigger. They learned lessons, built cadre, put funding and comms networks into place. They’ll want to exercise that this year.

Don’t be slack, continue to stack! ‘cuz that can ain’t kicking itself done the road.


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Thur. Feb. 27, 2025 – more grid up get it while you can visits…

Cool and clear. Temps around 70F. Blue skies. That was yesterday and I’m hoping for the same today. It’s been a really nice couple of days after the wet gloominess.

Yesterday was mostly spent at the doctor’s in the morning. I fell asleep for a couple hours in the afternoon when I got home and ate. Then it was kid stuff and family stuff for the rest of the day. A normal day for most people, but kind of abnormal for me.

Today I’ve got another visit in the morning, echo cardiogram, all just routine at this point and mainly driven by age and family history. Nice to have access to this sort of thing. I’ll miss civilization when it crumbles completely but maybe something better will come after. That’s the usual pattern.

There are still Romans living in Rome. And maybe it won’t be that dire. We might be able to pull back from the brink. Wouldn’t take much to pitch us over though. A single bullet might be enough. Everything I see is still telling me we’re living in one of those times when everything changes…

So I’ll be stacking, and working. It’s all little ol’ me can do.


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Wed. Feb. 26, 2025 – filling my day with fun activities…

By on February 26th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, medical, personal

Cool and clearing later. Yesterday was lovely, once the fog burned off. Sunny and blue sky with moderate temps, around 70F most of the day. If today is the same, I’ll be a happy boy.

Did my pickups. Spent time bidding on some stuff for D2’s school, but ultimately quit bidding. What price to put on philanthropy? Less than $1000. Less than $300 this time too. There was some gear in one of the surplus auctions that they could have used, but they don’t have a mechanism to buy it outside channels. The amount we’re willing to just donate fluctuates, but yesterday, for this particular stuff, we hit our limit before the other bidder did. Oh well, I’m sure to have another chance. Everything comes through the auctions, although the timing for this one was perfect.

Today I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning. I’m of an age where my primary care doc thinks I should have a stress test (cardiac thing, not anxiety thing). I’m having the nuclear version, and a mask and breathing hose is not supposed to be part of it, although walking on a treadmill is. The main issue for me is the amount of water I’m supposed to drink both before and during. It’s a LOT. I hope there is built in time to pee. And I might have already screwed up the “no caffeine rule.” It’s too late to do anything about it, but hope the 24 hours is a bit overkill, and that half a can of Dr Pepper yesterday afternoon won’t mess it up too badly.

Modern science is a miracle, and since we’re grid up, might as well take advantage and know for sure if there are problems.

The test and recover is supposed to take 3-4 hours of time, and IDK what I’ll feel like after, other than like peeing… So I might not get much done today.

I guess checking up on my health is a prep. I might find out I need to stack some new stuff… if there is stuff you need, be sure you are stacking it.


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Tues. Feb. 25, 2025 – 02252025 – got my chance.

By on February 25th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, personal

Cool and clear? Finally, we got clear blue sky and moderate temperatures yesterday afternoon. The day had a great start with grey and fog, so I didn’t expect the blue sky evening. Hoping for the same today.

Did some of my stuff yesterday, then picked up the kids. Took D1 and the dog for a walk because it was so nice.

Had a chat during the walk with D1 about her friend. The friend is trying hard to break the cycle of generational poverty and being a hood rat. But she also has no real idea about what the stuff she wants to do will cost, or the time it will take. She wants to homeschool while also being a traveling nurse, for example, while living on a horse farm in Virginia… The poor kid knows there are better lives out there but has no idea what’s really involved. Goals are good. Fantasies are not. D is getting a lesson in real life, because she really wants to help the friend, but her (much more realistic) appraisal is not welcome.

You can’t save the whole world. That’s a tough lesson to learn.


Today I have another pickup only down south this time, instead of northeast. I was able to split the days up so I didn’t have to do both in the same day. I also might be able to combine a trip this way. This pickup is mostly stuff for the house.

My pace of acquisition is slowing, for sure, and the stuff I’m buying is more niche or further down the “nice to have” path. Two steel NATO style gas cans are a good buy, and I feel like I can always use another gas can, but do I really NEED another two cans? Well, the steel cans do keep the gas better than the plastic cans that breathe. And the plastic cans will split on the seams eventually. So if I can get them cheap, I will buy gas cans. Same goes for alternative heating, cooling, or cooking methods.

Duplicates, defense in depth alternatives, and unicorns are what I seem to be looking for these days, when it’s not something needed for day to day operations in the house or BOL. I probably need to spend some time editing and culling spoiled or supplanted items too. There is always more to do.

Stacking is the easiest, and sometimes that’s all I can manage. Do something.


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