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Week of 4 April 2005

Latest Update: Monday, 4 April 2005 08:13 -0500
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Monday, 4 April 2005
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08:13 - One week to go and lots left to be done.

I emailed my editor the other day and asked him if the 10 April deadline is absolute or if we might be able to sneak in a few final hacks after that day. He said that production was really going to be pushing to get this book out quickly, but that we might be able to sneak some more hacks in before end-of-copyedit. I asked when that would be, and he said usually one week after the deadline.

So we discussed it some more, and decided that we might be able to get five more hacks done by the 17th. But then he added, "unless they do something radical, like skipping copyedit." Oops. I pointed out that I thought he'd mentioned some time ago that they were already planning to skip copyedit, and he mailed me back to say he thought I was right. That means the end of copyedit is on the deadine date, or 10 April. Oh, well. It looks like we'll be going with the 64 hacks we have complete and the one additional one we're working on now, and even at that the book will probably run over its allocated page budget. As usual.

So there won't be any copyedit phase. Instead, the manuscript goes directly to the proofreaders, who'll find and fix obvious typos and so on. But otherwise, the text will be exactly as we've written it. Hmmm. This is the third book we'll have done without a copyedit. We skipped it for Building the Perfect PC and for the Buyer's Guide as well. Working without a net is getting to be a regular thing, but at least the books get to the stores faster.

So we're shooting to be completely finished with the book by this Friday.


Tuesday, 5 April 2005
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00:00 -


Wednesday, 6 April 2005
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00:00 -


Thursday, 7 April 2005
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00:00 -


Friday, 8 April 2005
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00:00 -


Saturday, 9 April 2005
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Sunday, 10 April 2005
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00:00 -


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